public void verifyHsTaskCountersXML(NodeList nodes, Task task) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch( "id", MRApps.toString(task.getID()), WebServicesTestUtils.getXmlString(element, "id")); // just do simple verification of fields - not data is correct // in the fields NodeList groups = element.getElementsByTagName("taskCounterGroup"); for (int j = 0; j < groups.getLength(); j++) { Element counters = (Element) groups.item(j); assertNotNull("should have counters in the web service info", counters); String name = WebServicesTestUtils.getXmlString(counters, "counterGroupName"); assertTrue("name not set", (name != null && !name.isEmpty())); NodeList counterArr = counters.getElementsByTagName("counter"); for (int z = 0; z < counterArr.getLength(); z++) { Element counter = (Element) counterArr.item(z); String counterName = WebServicesTestUtils.getXmlString(counter, "name"); assertTrue("counter name not set", (counterName != null && !counterName.isEmpty())); long value = WebServicesTestUtils.getXmlLong(counter, "value"); assertTrue("value not >= 0", value >= 0); } } } }
@Test public void testJobTaskCountersXML() throws Exception { WebResource r = resource(); Map<JobId, Job> jobsMap = appContext.getAllJobs(); for (JobId id : jobsMap.keySet()) { String jobId = MRApps.toString(id); for (Task task : jobsMap.get(id).getTasks().values()) { String tid = MRApps.toString(task.getID()); ClientResponse response = r.path("ws") .path("v1") .path("history") .path("mapreduce") .path("jobs") .path(jobId) .path("tasks") .path(tid) .path("counters") .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) .get(ClientResponse.class); assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE, response.getType()); String xml = response.getEntity(String.class); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(); is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(xml)); Document dom = db.parse(is); NodeList info = dom.getElementsByTagName("jobTaskCounters"); verifyHsTaskCountersXML(info, task); } } }
@Test public void testTaskIdCountersDefault() throws JSONException, Exception { WebResource r = resource(); Map<JobId, Job> jobsMap = appContext.getAllJobs(); for (JobId id : jobsMap.keySet()) { String jobId = MRApps.toString(id); for (Task task : jobsMap.get(id).getTasks().values()) { String tid = MRApps.toString(task.getID()); ClientResponse response = r.path("ws") .path("v1") .path("history") .path("mapreduce") .path("jobs") .path(jobId) .path("tasks") .path(tid) .path("counters") .get(ClientResponse.class); assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, response.getType()); JSONObject json = response.getEntity(JSONObject.class); assertEquals("incorrect number of elements", 1, json.length()); JSONObject info = json.getJSONObject("jobTaskCounters"); verifyHsJobTaskCounters(info, task); } } }
public void verifyTaskGeneric( Task task, String id, String state, String type, String successfulAttempt, long startTime, long finishTime, long elapsedTime, float progress) { TaskId taskid = task.getID(); String tid = MRApps.toString(taskid); TaskReport report = task.getReport(); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch("id", tid, id); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch("type", task.getType().toString(), type); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch("state", report.getTaskState().toString(), state); // not easily checked without duplicating logic, just make sure its here assertNotNull("successfulAttempt null", successfulAttempt); assertEquals("startTime wrong", report.getStartTime(), startTime); assertEquals("finishTime wrong", report.getFinishTime(), finishTime); assertEquals("elapsedTime wrong", finishTime - startTime, elapsedTime); assertEquals("progress wrong", report.getProgress() * 100, progress, 1e-3f); }
public void verifyHsTask(JSONArray arr, Job job, String type) throws JSONException { for (Task task : job.getTasks().values()) { TaskId id = task.getID(); String tid = MRApps.toString(id); Boolean found = false; if (type != null && task.getType() == MRApps.taskType(type)) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONObject info = arr.getJSONObject(i); if (tid.matches(info.getString("id"))) { found = true; verifyHsSingleTask(info, task); } } assertTrue("task with id: " + tid + " not in web service output", found); } } }
@Test public void testJobError() throws Exception { MRApp app = new MRApp(1, 0, false, this.getClass().getName(), true); Job job = app.submit(new Configuration()); app.waitForState(job, JobState.RUNNING); Assert.assertEquals("Num tasks not correct", 1, job.getTasks().size()); Iterator<Task> it = job.getTasks().values().iterator(); Task task =; app.waitForState(task, TaskState.RUNNING); // send an invalid event on task at current state app.getContext() .getEventHandler() .handle(new TaskEvent(task.getID(), TaskEventType.T_SCHEDULE)); // this must lead to job error app.waitForState(job, JobState.ERROR); }
public void verifyHsTaskXML(NodeList nodes, Job job) { assertEquals("incorrect number of elements", 2, nodes.getLength()); for (Task task : job.getTasks().values()) { TaskId id = task.getID(); String tid = MRApps.toString(id); Boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element element = (Element) nodes.item(i); if (tid.matches(WebServicesTestUtils.getXmlString(element, "id"))) { found = true; verifyHsSingleTaskXML(element, task); } } assertTrue("task with id: " + tid + " not in web service output", found); } }
public void verifyHsJobTaskCounters(JSONObject info, Task task) throws JSONException { assertEquals("incorrect number of elements", 2, info.length()); WebServicesTestUtils.checkStringMatch( "id", MRApps.toString(task.getID()), info.getString("id")); // just do simple verification of fields - not data is correct // in the fields JSONArray counterGroups = info.getJSONArray("taskCounterGroup"); for (int i = 0; i < counterGroups.length(); i++) { JSONObject counterGroup = counterGroups.getJSONObject(i); String name = counterGroup.getString("counterGroupName"); assertTrue("name not set", (name != null && !name.isEmpty())); JSONArray counters = counterGroup.getJSONArray("counter"); for (int j = 0; j < counters.length(); j++) { JSONObject counter = counters.getJSONObject(j); String counterName = counter.getString("name"); assertTrue("name not set", (counterName != null && !counterName.isEmpty())); long value = counter.getLong("value"); assertTrue("value >= 0", value >= 0); } } }
@Test public void testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts() throws Exception {"STARTING testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts"); try { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.setClass( CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.NET_TOPOLOGY_NODE_SWITCH_MAPPING_IMPL_KEY, MyResolver.class, DNSToSwitchMapping.class); RackResolver.init(conf); MRApp app = new MRAppWithHistoryWithFailedAttempt(2, 1, true, this.getClass().getName(), true); app.submit(conf); Job job = app.getContext().getAllJobs().values().iterator().next(); JobId jobId = job.getID(); app.waitForState(job, JobState.SUCCEEDED); // make sure all events are flushed app.waitForState(Service.STATE.STOPPED); String jobhistoryDir = JobHistoryUtils.getHistoryIntermediateDoneDirForUser(conf); JobHistory jobHistory = new JobHistory(); jobHistory.init(conf); JobIndexInfo jobIndexInfo = jobHistory.getJobFileInfo(jobId).getJobIndexInfo(); String jobhistoryFileName = FileNameIndexUtils.getDoneFileName(jobIndexInfo); Path historyFilePath = new Path(jobhistoryDir, jobhistoryFileName); FSDataInputStream in = null; FileContext fc = null; try { fc = FileContext.getFileContext(conf); in =; } catch (IOException ioe) {"Can not open history file: " + historyFilePath, ioe); throw (new Exception("Can not open History File")); } JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(in); JobInfo jobInfo = parser.parse(); Exception parseException = parser.getParseException(); Assert.assertNull("Caught an expected exception " + parseException, parseException); int noOffailedAttempts = 0; Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> allTasks = jobInfo.getAllTasks(); for (Task task : job.getTasks().values()) { TaskInfo taskInfo = allTasks.get(TypeConverter.fromYarn(task.getID())); for (TaskAttempt taskAttempt : task.getAttempts().values()) { TaskAttemptInfo taskAttemptInfo = taskInfo.getAllTaskAttempts().get(TypeConverter.fromYarn((taskAttempt.getID()))); // Verify rack-name for all task attempts Assert.assertEquals("rack-name is incorrect", taskAttemptInfo.getRackname(), RACK_NAME); if (taskAttemptInfo.getTaskStatus().equals("FAILED")) { noOffailedAttempts++; } } } Assert.assertEquals("No of Failed tasks doesn't match.", 2, noOffailedAttempts); } finally {"FINISHED testHistoryParsingForFailedAttempts"); } }
private void checkHistoryParsing( final int numMaps, final int numReduces, final int numSuccessfulMaps) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.set(MRJobConfig.USER_NAME, System.getProperty("")); long amStartTimeEst = System.currentTimeMillis(); conf.setClass( CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.NET_TOPOLOGY_NODE_SWITCH_MAPPING_IMPL_KEY, MyResolver.class, DNSToSwitchMapping.class); RackResolver.init(conf); MRApp app = new MRAppWithHistory(numMaps, numReduces, true, this.getClass().getName(), true); app.submit(conf); Job job = app.getContext().getAllJobs().values().iterator().next(); JobId jobId = job.getID();"JOBID is " + TypeConverter.fromYarn(jobId).toString()); app.waitForState(job, JobState.SUCCEEDED); // make sure all events are flushed app.waitForState(Service.STATE.STOPPED); String jobhistoryDir = JobHistoryUtils.getHistoryIntermediateDoneDirForUser(conf); FileContext fc = null; try { fc = FileContext.getFileContext(conf); } catch (IOException ioe) {"Can not get FileContext", ioe); throw (new Exception("Can not get File Context")); } if (numMaps == numSuccessfulMaps) { String summaryFileName = JobHistoryUtils.getIntermediateSummaryFileName(jobId); Path summaryFile = new Path(jobhistoryDir, summaryFileName); String jobSummaryString = getJobSummary(fc, summaryFile); Assert.assertNotNull(jobSummaryString); Assert.assertTrue(jobSummaryString.contains("resourcesPerMap=100")); Assert.assertTrue(jobSummaryString.contains("resourcesPerReduce=100")); Map<String, String> jobSummaryElements = new HashMap<String, String>(); StringTokenizer strToken = new StringTokenizer(jobSummaryString, ","); while (strToken.hasMoreTokens()) { String keypair = strToken.nextToken(); jobSummaryElements.put(keypair.split("=")[0], keypair.split("=")[1]); } Assert.assertEquals( "JobId does not match", jobId.toString(), jobSummaryElements.get("jobId")); Assert.assertEquals("JobName does not match", "test", jobSummaryElements.get("jobName")); Assert.assertTrue( "submitTime should not be 0", Long.parseLong(jobSummaryElements.get("submitTime")) != 0); Assert.assertTrue( "launchTime should not be 0", Long.parseLong(jobSummaryElements.get("launchTime")) != 0); Assert.assertTrue( "firstMapTaskLaunchTime should not be 0", Long.parseLong(jobSummaryElements.get("firstMapTaskLaunchTime")) != 0); Assert.assertTrue( "firstReduceTaskLaunchTime should not be 0", Long.parseLong(jobSummaryElements.get("firstReduceTaskLaunchTime")) != 0); Assert.assertTrue( "finishTime should not be 0", Long.parseLong(jobSummaryElements.get("finishTime")) != 0); Assert.assertEquals( "Mismatch in num map slots", numSuccessfulMaps, Integer.parseInt(jobSummaryElements.get("numMaps"))); Assert.assertEquals( "Mismatch in num reduce slots", numReduces, Integer.parseInt(jobSummaryElements.get("numReduces"))); Assert.assertEquals( "User does not match", System.getProperty(""), jobSummaryElements.get("user")); Assert.assertEquals("Queue does not match", "default", jobSummaryElements.get("queue")); Assert.assertEquals("Status does not match", "SUCCEEDED", jobSummaryElements.get("status")); } JobHistory jobHistory = new JobHistory(); jobHistory.init(conf); HistoryFileInfo fileInfo = jobHistory.getJobFileInfo(jobId); JobInfo jobInfo; long numFinishedMaps; synchronized (fileInfo) { Path historyFilePath = fileInfo.getHistoryFile(); FSDataInputStream in = null;"JobHistoryFile is: " + historyFilePath); try { in =; } catch (IOException ioe) {"Can not open history file: " + historyFilePath, ioe); throw (new Exception("Can not open History File")); } JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(in); final EventReader realReader = new EventReader(in); EventReader reader = Mockito.mock(EventReader.class); if (numMaps == numSuccessfulMaps) { reader = realReader; } else { final AtomicInteger numFinishedEvents = new AtomicInteger(0); // Hack! Mockito.when(reader.getNextEvent()) .thenAnswer( new Answer<HistoryEvent>() { public HistoryEvent answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws IOException { HistoryEvent event = realReader.getNextEvent(); if (event instanceof TaskFinishedEvent) { numFinishedEvents.incrementAndGet(); } if (numFinishedEvents.get() <= numSuccessfulMaps) { return event; } else { throw new IOException("test"); } } }); } jobInfo = parser.parse(reader); numFinishedMaps = computeFinishedMaps(jobInfo, numMaps, numSuccessfulMaps); if (numFinishedMaps != numMaps) { Exception parseException = parser.getParseException(); Assert.assertNotNull("Didn't get expected parse exception", parseException); } } Assert.assertEquals( "Incorrect username ", System.getProperty(""), jobInfo.getUsername()); Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect jobName ", "test", jobInfo.getJobname()); Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect queuename ", "default", jobInfo.getJobQueueName()); Assert.assertEquals("incorrect conf path", "test", jobInfo.getJobConfPath()); Assert.assertEquals("incorrect finishedMap ", numSuccessfulMaps, numFinishedMaps); Assert.assertEquals("incorrect finishedReduces ", numReduces, jobInfo.getFinishedReduces()); Assert.assertEquals("incorrect uberized ", job.isUber(), jobInfo.getUberized()); Map<TaskID, TaskInfo> allTasks = jobInfo.getAllTasks(); int totalTasks = allTasks.size(); Assert.assertEquals("total number of tasks is incorrect ", (numMaps + numReduces), totalTasks); // Verify aminfo Assert.assertEquals(1, jobInfo.getAMInfos().size()); Assert.assertEquals(MRApp.NM_HOST, jobInfo.getAMInfos().get(0).getNodeManagerHost()); AMInfo amInfo = jobInfo.getAMInfos().get(0); Assert.assertEquals(MRApp.NM_PORT, amInfo.getNodeManagerPort()); Assert.assertEquals(MRApp.NM_HTTP_PORT, amInfo.getNodeManagerHttpPort()); Assert.assertEquals(1, amInfo.getAppAttemptId().getAttemptId()); Assert.assertEquals( amInfo.getAppAttemptId(), amInfo.getContainerId().getApplicationAttemptId()); Assert.assertTrue( amInfo.getStartTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis() && amInfo.getStartTime() >= amStartTimeEst); ContainerId fakeCid = BuilderUtils.newContainerId(-1, -1, -1, -1); // Assert at taskAttempt level for (TaskInfo taskInfo : allTasks.values()) { int taskAttemptCount = taskInfo.getAllTaskAttempts().size(); Assert.assertEquals("total number of task attempts ", 1, taskAttemptCount); TaskAttemptInfo taInfo = taskInfo.getAllTaskAttempts().values().iterator().next(); Assert.assertNotNull(taInfo.getContainerId()); // Verify the wrong ctor is not being used. Remove after mrv1 is removed. Assert.assertFalse(taInfo.getContainerId().equals(fakeCid)); } // Deep compare Job and JobInfo for (Task task : job.getTasks().values()) { TaskInfo taskInfo = allTasks.get(TypeConverter.fromYarn(task.getID())); Assert.assertNotNull("TaskInfo not found", taskInfo); for (TaskAttempt taskAttempt : task.getAttempts().values()) { TaskAttemptInfo taskAttemptInfo = taskInfo.getAllTaskAttempts().get(TypeConverter.fromYarn((taskAttempt.getID()))); Assert.assertNotNull("TaskAttemptInfo not found", taskAttemptInfo); Assert.assertEquals( "Incorrect shuffle port for task attempt", taskAttempt.getShufflePort(), taskAttemptInfo.getShufflePort()); if (numMaps == numSuccessfulMaps) { Assert.assertEquals(MRApp.NM_HOST, taskAttemptInfo.getHostname()); Assert.assertEquals(MRApp.NM_PORT, taskAttemptInfo.getPort()); // Verify rack-name Assert.assertEquals("rack-name is incorrect", taskAttemptInfo.getRackname(), RACK_NAME); } } } }