Example #1
  public void testReducerNumEstimation() throws Exception {
    // Skip the test for Tez. Tez use a different mechanism.
    // Equivalent test is in TestTezAutoParallelism
    Assume.assumeTrue("Skip this test for TEZ", Util.isMapredExecType(cluster.getExecType()));
    // use the estimation
    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(new Configuration());
    HBaseTestingUtility util = new HBaseTestingUtility(conf);
    int clientPort = util.startMiniZKCluster().getClientPort();
    util.startMiniHBaseCluster(1, 1);

    String query = "a = load '/passwd';" + "b = group a by $0;" + "store b into 'output';";
    PigServer ps = new PigServer(cluster.getExecType(), cluster.getProperties());
    PhysicalPlan pp = Util.buildPp(ps, query);
    MROperPlan mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlan(pp, pc);

    pc.getConf().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer", "100");
    pc.getConf().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.max", "10");
    pc.getConf().setProperty(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT, Integer.toString(clientPort));
    conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getProperties());
    JobControlCompiler jcc = new JobControlCompiler(pc, conf);
    JobControl jc = jcc.compile(mrPlan, "Test");
    Job job = jc.getWaitingJobs().get(0);
    long reducer =
            (long) Math.ceil(new File("test/org/apache/pig/test/data/passwd").length() / 100.0),

    Util.assertParallelValues(-1, -1, reducer, reducer, job.getJobConf());

    // use the PARALLEL key word, it will override the estimated reducer number
    query = "a = load '/passwd';" + "b = group a by $0 PARALLEL 2;" + "store b into 'output';";
    pp = Util.buildPp(ps, query);
    mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlan(pp, pc);

    pc.getConf().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer", "100");
    pc.getConf().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.max", "10");
    conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getProperties());
    jcc = new JobControlCompiler(pc, conf);
    jc = jcc.compile(mrPlan, "Test");
    job = jc.getWaitingJobs().get(0);

    Util.assertParallelValues(-1, 2, -1, 2, job.getJobConf());

    final byte[] COLUMNFAMILY = Bytes.toBytes("pig");
    util.createTable(Bytes.toBytesBinary("test_table"), COLUMNFAMILY);

    // the estimation won't take effect when it apply to non-dfs or the files doesn't exist, such as
    // hbase
    query =
        "a = load 'hbase://test_table' using org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('c:f1 c:f2');"
            + "b = group a by $0 ;"
            + "store b into 'output';";
    pp = Util.buildPp(ps, query);
    mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlan(pp, pc);

    pc.getConf().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer", "100");
    pc.getConf().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.max", "10");

    conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getProperties());
    jcc = new JobControlCompiler(pc, conf);
    jc = jcc.compile(mrPlan, "Test");
    job = jc.getWaitingJobs().get(0);

    Util.assertParallelValues(-1, -1, 1, 1, job.getJobConf());

    // In HBase 0.90.1 and above we can use util.shutdownMiniHBaseCluster()
    // here instead.
    MiniHBaseCluster hbc = util.getHBaseCluster();
    if (hbc != null) {