Example #1
    public Writable call(Class<?> protocol, Writable param, long receivedTime) throws IOException {
      try {
        Invocation call = (Invocation) param;
        if (verbose) log("Call: " + call);

        Method method = protocol.getMethod(call.getMethodName(), call.getParameterClasses());

        int qTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - receivedTime);
        long startNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
        Object value = method.invoke(instance, call.getParameters());
        long processingMicroTime = (System.nanoTime() - startNanoTime) / 1000;
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              "Served: "
                  + call.getMethodName()
                  + " queueTime (millisec)= "
                  + qTime
                  + " procesingTime (microsec)= "
                  + processingMicroTime);

        MetricsTimeVaryingRate m =
            (MetricsTimeVaryingRate) rpcMetrics.registry.get(call.getMethodName());
        if (m == null) {
          try {
            m = new MetricsTimeVaryingRate(call.getMethodName(), rpcMetrics.registry);
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            // the metrics has been registered; re-fetch the handle
            LOG.debug("Error register " + call.getMethodName(), iae);
            m = (MetricsTimeVaryingRate) rpcMetrics.registry.get(call.getMethodName());
        // record call time in microseconds

        if (verbose) log("Return: " + value);

        return new ObjectWritable(method.getReturnType(), value);

      } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        Throwable target = e.getTargetException();
        if (target instanceof IOException) {
          throw (IOException) target;
        } else {
          IOException ioe = new IOException(target.toString());
          throw ioe;
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (!(e instanceof IOException)) {
          LOG.error("Unexpected throwable object ", e);
        IOException ioe = new IOException(e.toString());
        throw ioe;
  public void configure(JobConf conf) {
    numberOfCenters = Integer.valueOf(conf.get("numberOfCenters"));
    centersDirectory = conf.get("centersReadDirectory");

    try {
      Configuration c = new Configuration();
      FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(c);

      for (int index = 0; index < numberOfCenters; ++index) {
        SequenceFile.Reader reader =
            new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, new Path(centersDirectory + "/centers/" + index), c);

        LongWritable key = new LongWritable();
        Point value = new Point();

        reader.next(key, value);

        Point center = (Point) value;


    } catch (IOException e) {
      // do nothing
      // I hope this doesn't happen
      System.out.println("well, damn.");
  /** Used by child copy constructors. */
  protected synchronized void copy(Writable other) {
    if (other != null) {
      try {
        DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer();
        DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer();
        in.reset(out.getData(), out.getLength());

      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("map cannot be copied: " + e.getMessage());

    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("source map cannot be null");
Example #4
   * Construct a client-side proxy that implements the named protocol, talking to a server at the
   * named address.
   * @param protocol protocol
   * @param clientVersion client's version
   * @param addr server address
   * @param ticket security ticket
   * @param conf configuration
   * @param factory socket factory
   * @param rpcTimeout max time for each rpc; 0 means no timeout
   * @return the proxy
   * @throws IOException if any error occurs
  public static <T extends VersionedProtocol> ProtocolProxy<T> getProtocolProxy(
      Class<T> protocol,
      long clientVersion,
      InetSocketAddress addr,
      UserGroupInformation ticket,
      Configuration conf,
      SocketFactory factory,
      int rpcTimeout)
      throws IOException {
    T proxy =
                new Class[] {protocol},
                new Invoker(addr, ticket, conf, factory, rpcTimeout, protocol));
    String protocolName = protocol.getName();

    try {
      ProtocolSignature serverInfo =
              protocolName, clientVersion, ProtocolSignature.getFingerprint(protocol.getMethods()));
      return new ProtocolProxy<T>(protocol, proxy, serverInfo.getMethods());
    } catch (RemoteException re) {
      IOException ioe = re.unwrapRemoteException(IOException.class);
      if (ioe.getMessage()
          .startsWith(IOException.class.getName() + ": " + NoSuchMethodException.class.getName())) {
        // Method getProtocolSignature not supported
        long serverVersion = proxy.getProtocolVersion(protocol.getName(), clientVersion);
        if (serverVersion == clientVersion) {
          return new ProtocolProxy<T>(protocol, proxy, null);
        throw new VersionMismatch(protocolName, clientVersion, serverVersion, proxy);
      throw re;
Example #5
  public void generateFileChunks(JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException {
    long startOffset = 0;

    int chunkSizeToView = 0;

    String referrer = req.getParameter("referrer");
    boolean noLink = false;
    if (referrer == null) {
      noLink = true;

    String filename = req.getParameter("filename");
    if (filename == null) {
      out.print("Invalid input (file name absent)");

    String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort");
    int namenodeInfoPort = -1;
    if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null) namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr);

    String chunkSizeToViewStr = req.getParameter("chunkSizeToView");
    if (chunkSizeToViewStr != null && Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr) > 0)
      chunkSizeToView = Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr);
    else chunkSizeToView = jspHelper.defaultChunkSizeToView;

    if (!noLink) {
      out.print("<h3>Tail of File: ");
      JspHelper.printPathWithLinks(filename, out, namenodeInfoPort);
      out.print("<a href=\"" + referrer + "\">Go Back to File View</a><hr>");
    } else {
      out.print("<h3>" + filename + "</h3>");
    out.print("<b>Chunk size to view (in bytes, up to file's DFS block size): </b>");
        "<input type=\"text\" name=\"chunkSizeToView\" value="
            + chunkSizeToView
            + " size=10 maxlength=10>");
    out.print("&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Refresh\"><hr>");
    out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"" + filename + "\">");
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"namenodeInfoPort\" value=\"" + namenodeInfoPort + "\">");
    if (!noLink) out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"referrer\" value=\"" + referrer + "\">");

    // fetch the block from the datanode that has the last block for this file
    DFSClient dfs = new DFSClient(jspHelper.nameNodeAddr, jspHelper.conf);
    List<LocatedBlock> blocks =
        dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks();
    if (blocks == null || blocks.size() == 0) {
      out.print("No datanodes contain blocks of file " + filename);
    LocatedBlock lastBlk = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1);
    long blockSize = lastBlk.getBlock().getNumBytes();
    long blockId = lastBlk.getBlock().getBlockId();
    long genStamp = lastBlk.getBlock().getGenerationStamp();
    DatanodeInfo chosenNode;
    try {
      chosenNode = jspHelper.bestNode(lastBlk);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(chosenNode.getName());
    // view the last chunkSizeToView bytes while Tailing
    if (blockSize >= chunkSizeToView) startOffset = blockSize - chunkSizeToView;
    else startOffset = 0;

    out.print("<textarea cols=\"100\" rows=\"25\" wrap=\"virtual\" style=\"width:100%\" READONLY>");
        addr, blockId, genStamp, blockSize, startOffset, chunkSizeToView, out);
      public Writable call(
          org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.Server server,
          String protocolName,
          Writable rpcRequest,
          long receivedTime)
          throws IOException {
        try {
          Invocation call = (Invocation) rpcRequest;
          if (server.verbose) log("Call: " + call);

          // Verify rpc version
          if (call.getRpcVersion() != writableRpcVersion) {
            // Client is using a different version of WritableRpc
            throw new IOException(
                "WritableRpc version mismatch, client side version="
                    + call.getRpcVersion()
                    + ", server side version="
                    + writableRpcVersion);

          long clientVersion = call.getProtocolVersion();
          final String protoName;
          ProtoClassProtoImpl protocolImpl;
          if (call.declaringClassProtocolName.equals(VersionedProtocol.class.getName())) {
            // VersionProtocol methods are often used by client to figure out
            // which version of protocol to use.
            // Versioned protocol methods should go the protocolName protocol
            // rather than the declaring class of the method since the
            // the declaring class is VersionedProtocol which is not
            // registered directly.
            // Send the call to the highest  protocol version
            VerProtocolImpl highest =
                server.getHighestSupportedProtocol(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_WRITABLE, protocolName);
            if (highest == null) {
              throw new IOException("Unknown protocol: " + protocolName);
            protocolImpl = highest.protocolTarget;
          } else {
            protoName = call.declaringClassProtocolName;

            // Find the right impl for the protocol based on client version.
            ProtoNameVer pv = new ProtoNameVer(call.declaringClassProtocolName, clientVersion);
            protocolImpl = server.getProtocolImplMap(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_WRITABLE).get(pv);
            if (protocolImpl == null) { // no match for Protocol AND Version
              VerProtocolImpl highest =
                  server.getHighestSupportedProtocol(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_WRITABLE, protoName);
              if (highest == null) {
                throw new IOException("Unknown protocol: " + protoName);
              } else { // protocol supported but not the version that client wants
                throw new RPC.VersionMismatch(protoName, clientVersion, highest.version);

          // Invoke the protocol method

          long startTime = Time.now();
          Method method =
                  call.getMethodName(), call.getParameterClasses());
          Object value = method.invoke(protocolImpl.protocolImpl, call.getParameters());
          int processingTime = (int) (Time.now() - startTime);
          int qTime = (int) (startTime - receivedTime);
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                "Served: "
                    + call.getMethodName()
                    + " queueTime= "
                    + qTime
                    + " procesingTime= "
                    + processingTime);
          server.rpcDetailedMetrics.addProcessingTime(call.getMethodName(), processingTime);
          if (server.verbose) log("Return: " + value);

          return new ObjectWritable(method.getReturnType(), value);

        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
          Throwable target = e.getTargetException();
          if (target instanceof IOException) {
            throw (IOException) target;
          } else {
            IOException ioe = new IOException(target.toString());
            throw ioe;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
          if (!(e instanceof IOException)) {
            LOG.error("Unexpected throwable object ", e);
          IOException ioe = new IOException(e.toString());
          throw ioe;
  public void generateFileDetails(JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, Configuration conf)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    int chunkSizeToView = 0;
    long startOffset = 0;
    int datanodePort;

    String blockIdStr = null;
    long currBlockId = 0;
    blockIdStr = req.getParameter("blockId");
    if (blockIdStr == null) {
      out.print("Invalid input (blockId absent)");
    currBlockId = Long.parseLong(blockIdStr);

    String datanodePortStr = req.getParameter("datanodePort");
    if (datanodePortStr == null) {
      out.print("Invalid input (datanodePort absent)");
    datanodePort = Integer.parseInt(datanodePortStr);

    String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort");
    int namenodeInfoPort = -1;
    if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null) namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr);

    String chunkSizeToViewStr = req.getParameter("chunkSizeToView");
    if (chunkSizeToViewStr != null && Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr) > 0) {
      chunkSizeToView = Integer.parseInt(chunkSizeToViewStr);
    } else {
      chunkSizeToView = JspHelper.getDefaultChunkSize(conf);

    String startOffsetStr = req.getParameter("startOffset");
    if (startOffsetStr == null || Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr) < 0) startOffset = 0;
    else startOffset = Long.parseLong(startOffsetStr);

    String filename = HtmlQuoting.unquoteHtmlChars(req.getParameter("filename"));
    if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) {
      out.print("Invalid input");

    String blockSizeStr = req.getParameter("blockSize");
    long blockSize = 0;
    if (blockSizeStr == null || blockSizeStr.length() == 0) {
      out.print("Invalid input");
    blockSize = Long.parseLong(blockSizeStr);

    String tokenString = req.getParameter(JspHelper.DELEGATION_PARAMETER_NAME);
    UserGroupInformation ugi = JspHelper.getUGI(req, conf);
    DFSClient dfs = JspHelper.getDFSClient(ugi, jspHelper.nameNodeAddr, conf);
    List<LocatedBlock> blocks =
        dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(filename, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE).getLocatedBlocks();
    // Add the various links for looking at the file contents
    // URL for downloading the full file
    String downloadUrl =
            + req.getServerName()
            + ":"
            + +req.getServerPort()
            + "/streamFile"
            + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8")
            + "?"
            + "="
            + tokenString;
    out.print("<a name=\"viewOptions\"></a>");
    out.print("<a href=\"" + downloadUrl + "\">Download this file</a><br>");

    DatanodeInfo chosenNode;
    // URL for TAIL
    LocatedBlock lastBlk = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1);
    long blockId = lastBlk.getBlock().getBlockId();
    try {
      chosenNode = jspHelper.bestNode(lastBlk);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    String fqdn = InetAddress.getByName(chosenNode.getHost()).getCanonicalHostName();
    String tailUrl =
            + fqdn
            + ":"
            + chosenNode.getInfoPort()
            + "/tail.jsp?filename="
            + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8")
            + "&namenodeInfoPort="
            + namenodeInfoPort
            + "&chunkSizeToView="
            + chunkSizeToView
            + "&referrer="
            + URLEncoder.encode(req.getRequestURL() + "?" + req.getQueryString(), "UTF-8")
            + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString);
    out.print("<a href=\"" + tailUrl + "\">Tail this file</a><br>");

    out.print("<form action=\"/browseBlock.jsp\" method=GET>");
    out.print("<b>Chunk size to view (in bytes, up to file's DFS block size): </b>");
    out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"blockId\" value=\"" + currBlockId + "\">");
    out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"blockSize\" value=\"" + blockSize + "\">");
    out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"startOffset\" value=\"" + startOffset + "\">");
    out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"" + filename + "\">");
    out.print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"datanodePort\" value=\"" + datanodePort + "\">");
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"namenodeInfoPort\" value=\"" + namenodeInfoPort + "\">");
        "<input type=\"text\" name=\"chunkSizeToView\" value="
            + chunkSizeToView
            + " size=10 maxlength=10>");
    out.print("&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Refresh\">");
    out.print("<a name=\"blockDetails\"></a>");
    out.print("<B>Total number of blocks: " + blocks.size() + "</B><br>");
    // generate a table and dump the info
    for (LocatedBlock cur : blocks) {
      blockId = cur.getBlock().getBlockId();
      blockSize = cur.getBlock().getNumBytes();
      String blk = "blk_" + Long.toString(blockId);
      out.print("<td>" + Long.toString(blockId) + ":</td>");
      DatanodeInfo[] locs = cur.getLocations();
      for (int j = 0; j < locs.length; j++) {
        String datanodeAddr = locs[j].getName();
        datanodePort =
                datanodeAddr.substring(datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1, datanodeAddr.length()));
        fqdn = InetAddress.getByName(locs[j].getHost()).getCanonicalHostName();
        String blockUrl =
                + fqdn
                + ":"
                + locs[j].getInfoPort()
                + "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId="
                + Long.toString(blockId)
                + "&blockSize="
                + blockSize
                + "&filename="
                + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "UTF-8")
                + "&datanodePort="
                + datanodePort
                + "&genstamp="
                + cur.getBlock().getGenerationStamp()
                + "&namenodeInfoPort="
                + namenodeInfoPort
                + "&chunkSizeToView="
                + chunkSizeToView;
            "<td>&nbsp</td>" + "<td><a href=\"" + blockUrl + "\">" + datanodeAddr + "</a></td>");
    String namenodeHost = jspHelper.nameNodeAddr.getHostName();
        "<br><a href=\"http://"
            + InetAddress.getByName(namenodeHost).getCanonicalHostName()
            + ":"
            + namenodeInfoPort
            + "/dfshealth.jsp\">Go back to DFS home</a>");
Example #8
    // merge the converted files here
    public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      System.out.println("I'm in Job2 reduce");

      Configuration config = new Configuration();
      FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(config);
      try {
        String out = "";
        for (Text t : values) {
          out = t.toString();
          out = out.trim();
          System.out.println("job2:redInp:-" + out);
        String[] outl = out.split(" #!# ");

        Pattern x = Pattern.compile("(.*)/(.*)\\.(.*)");
        Matcher xm = x.matcher(outl[0]);
        String prefixPath = "", fnm = "", ext = "";
        while (xm.find()) {
          prefixPath = xm.group(1);
          fnm = xm.group(2);
          ext = xm.group(3);
        String foutname = fnm.split("_")[0];
        foutname += "." + ext;
        String query = "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy";
        int cnt = 0;
        for (String st : outl) {
              new Path(st),
              new Path("/home/" + fnm.split("_")[0] + "_" + Integer.toString(cnt) + "." + ext));
          query += " " + "/home/" + fnm.split("_")[0] + "_" + Integer.toString(cnt) + "." + ext;
        query += " -o " + "/home/" + foutname;
        Process p2 =
            Runtime.getRuntime().exec(query); // query for merging the video files is executed here
        String ls_str = "";
        DataInputStream ls_in = new DataInputStream(p2.getInputStream());
        while ((ls_str = ls_in.readLine()) != null) {}
            true, true, new Path("/home/" + foutname), new Path(prefixPath + "/" + foutname));
        cnt = 0;
        String dlt1 = "";
        for (String st3 : outl) {
          dlt1 += " " + "/home/" + fnm.split("_")[0] + "_" + Integer.toString(cnt) + "." + ext;
        Runtime rt1 = Runtime.getRuntime();
        String[] cmd1 = {"/bin/bash", "-c", "rm" + dlt1}; // delete the files after use
        Process pr1 = rt1.exec(cmd1);
        context.write(new Text(""), new Text(prefixPath + "/" + foutname));
      } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: ");
Example #9
    // The input video files are split into chunks of 64MB here...
    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      String line = value.toString();
      System.out.println("job1:mapInp:-" + line);
      String[] info = line.split(" ");
      info[0] = info[0].trim();
      info[1] = info[1].trim();
      String lstfnames = "", fname = "";
      try {
        Configuration config = new Configuration();
        FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(config);
        String prefixPath = "", fnm = "";
        Pattern x = Pattern.compile("(.*)/(.*)");
        Matcher xm = x.matcher(info[0]);
        while (xm.find()) {
          prefixPath = xm.group(1);
          fnm = xm.group(2);
        String dst = "/home/" + fnm; // dst is path of the file on local system.
        hdfs.copyToLocalFile(new Path(info[0]), new Path(dst));

        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ffmpeg -i " + dst);
        String s;

        BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getErrorStream()));
        Pattern D = Pattern.compile("Duration:[ ]*([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
        long time = 0; // "time" is the duration of the input video file
        long sps = 0; // "sps" is the number of seconds(duration) of each video split
        while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
          Matcher md = D.matcher(s);
          while (md.find()) {
            time =
                Long.parseLong(md.group(1)) * 3600
                    + Long.parseLong(md.group(2)) * 60
                    + Long.parseLong(md.group(3));
        Process p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("du -s " + dst);
        BufferedReader stdInput1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p1.getInputStream()));
        String s1 = "", size = ""; // "size" is the size of input video file
        while ((s1 = stdInput1.readLine()) != null) {
          String s11[] = s1.split("\t");
          size = s11[0];
        sps = (64 * 1024) * time / (Long.parseLong(size)); // chunk size is 64MB
        String hr, min, sc;
        hr = Long.toString((sps / 3600));
        min = Long.toString((sps % 3600) / 60);
        sc = Long.toString(sps % 60);
        if (hr.length() < 2) hr = "0" + hr;
        if (min.length() < 2) min = "0" + min;
        if (sc.length() < 2) sc = "0" + sc;
        String splt = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sc;

        String query =
            "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -ss "; // building query to split the input video file
        String app = "", inpExt = "";
        Pattern xx = Pattern.compile("(.*)\\.(.*)");
        Matcher xxm = xx.matcher(dst);
        while (xxm.find()) {
          fname = xxm.group(1);
          inpExt = xxm.group(2);
        String[] tmpArr = fname.split("/");
        String hdfsFname = "";
        long stSrt = 0;
        int cnt = 0;

        while (true) {
          if (stSrt > time) break;
          if (stSrt + sps > time) {
            long t = time - stSrt;
            hr = Long.toString((t / 3600));
            min = Long.toString((t % 3600) / 60);
            sc = Long.toString(t % 60);
            if (hr.length() < 2) hr = "0" + hr;
            if (min.length() < 2) min = "0" + min;
            if (sc.length() < 2) sc = "0" + sc;
            splt = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sc;
          hr = Long.toString((stSrt / 3600));
          min = Long.toString((stSrt % 3600) / 60);
          sc = Long.toString(stSrt % 60);
          if (hr.length() < 2) hr = "0" + hr;
          if (min.length() < 2) min = "0" + min;
          if (sc.length() < 2) sc = "0" + sc;
          app =
                  + ":"
                  + min
                  + ":"
                  + sc
                  + " -endPos "
                  + splt
                  + " "
                  + dst
                  + " -o "
                  + fname
                  + "_"
                  + Integer.toString(cnt)
                  + "."
                  + inpExt;

          Process p2 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(query + app);
          String ls_str = "";
          DataInputStream ls_in = new DataInputStream(p2.getInputStream());
          while ((ls_str = ls_in.readLine()) != null) {}
          String[] tmpArr1 = fnm.split("\\.");
              new Path(fname + "_" + Integer.toString(cnt) + "." + inpExt),
              new Path(prefixPath + "/" + tmpArr1[0] + "_" + Integer.toString(cnt) + "." + inpExt));
          lstfnames +=
              prefixPath + "/" + tmpArr1[0] + "_" + Integer.toString(cnt) + "." + inpExt + " #!# ";
          stSrt += sps;
        Runtime rt1 = Runtime.getRuntime();
        String[] cmd1 = {"/bin/bash", "-c", "rm " + dst}; // delete the file after use
        Process pr1 = rt1.exec(cmd1);
        lstfnames += "*" + info[1];

            new Text(fname),
            new Text(
                lstfnames)); // "fname" contains name of the input video file with
                             // extension(eg.".avi") removed #### "lstfnames" is a string, contains
                             // all the names of video splits(concatenated)
        System.out.println("lstfnames : " + lstfnames);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: ");
Example #10
    // Video splts are converted to target format here...
    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      try {
        Configuration config = new Configuration();
        FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(config);

        String st = value.toString();
        st = st.trim();
        System.out.println("job2:mapInp:-" + st);
        String[] fmt = st.split(" #!# \\*");
        String[] lst = fmt[0].split(" #!# ");

        String out = "", dlt = "";
        int flag = 1;
        for (String st1 : lst) {

          Pattern x = Pattern.compile("(.*)/(.*)");
          Matcher xm = x.matcher(st1);
          String prefixPath = "", fnm = "", inpExt = "";
          while (xm.find()) {
            prefixPath = xm.group(1);
            fnm = xm.group(2);
          String[] tmpArr = fnm.split("\\.");
          fnm = tmpArr[0];
          inpExt = tmpArr[1];
          hdfs.copyToLocalFile(true, new Path(st1), new Path("/home/" + fnm + "." + inpExt));
          String fname = "/home/" + fnm;
          if (flag == 1) {
            flag = 0;
            out += prefixPath + "/" + fnm + "." + fmt[1];
          } else {
            out += " #!# " + prefixPath + "/" + fnm + "." + fmt[1];

          if (fmt[1].equals("mpg") || fmt[1].equals("mpeg") || fmt[1].equals("mp4")) {

            Process p =
                        "mencoder -of mpeg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video -oac copy "
                            + "/home/"
                            + fnm
                            + "."
                            + inpExt
                            + " -o "
                            + fname
                            + "."
                            + fmt[1]);

            String ls_str = "";
            DataInputStream ls_in = new DataInputStream(p.getInputStream());
            while ((ls_str = ls_in.readLine()) != null) {}

            dlt += " /home/" + fnm + "." + inpExt;
          } else if (fmt[1].equals("avi")) {

            Process p =
                        "mencoder -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o "
                            + fname
                            + "."
                            + fmt[1]
                            + " "
                            + "/home/"
                            + fnm
                            + "."
                            + inpExt);

            String ls_str = "";
            DataInputStream ls_in = new DataInputStream(p.getInputStream());
            while ((ls_str = ls_in.readLine()) != null) {}

            dlt += " /home/" + fnm + "." + inpExt;
          } else {
            // TBD
            System.out.println("Unsupported target format!!!!!");
              new Path(fname + "." + fmt[1]),
              new Path(prefixPath + "/" + fnm + "." + fmt[1]));

        Runtime rt1 = Runtime.getRuntime();
        String[] cmd1 = {"/bin/bash", "-c", "rm" + dlt}; // delete the files after use
        Process pr1 = rt1.exec(cmd1);

        System.out.println("Job2 mapOut:" + out);
        context.write(new Text(lst[0]), new Text(out));
      } catch (IOException e) {
        System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: ");