private void handleSampling(DriverContext context, MapWork mWork, JobConf job, HiveConf conf) throws Exception { assert mWork.getAliasToWork().keySet().size() == 1; String alias = mWork.getAliases().get(0); Operator<?> topOp = mWork.getAliasToWork().get(alias); PartitionDesc partDesc = mWork.getAliasToPartnInfo().get(alias); ArrayList<String> paths = mWork.getPaths(); ArrayList<PartitionDesc> parts = mWork.getPartitionDescs(); List<Path> inputPaths = new ArrayList<Path>(paths.size()); for (String path : paths) { inputPaths.add(new Path(path)); } Path tmpPath = context.getCtx().getExternalTmpPath(inputPaths.get(0)); Path partitionFile = new Path(tmpPath, ".partitions"); ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().setTotalOrderPartitionFile(job, partitionFile); PartitionKeySampler sampler = new PartitionKeySampler(); if (mWork.getSamplingType() == MapWork.SAMPLING_ON_PREV_MR) { console.printInfo("Use sampling data created in previous MR"); // merges sampling data from previous MR and make partition keys for total sort for (Path path : inputPaths) { FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(job); for (FileStatus status : fs.globStatus(new Path(path, ".sampling*"))) { sampler.addSampleFile(status.getPath(), job); } } } else if (mWork.getSamplingType() == MapWork.SAMPLING_ON_START) { console.printInfo("Creating sampling data.."); assert topOp instanceof TableScanOperator; TableScanOperator ts = (TableScanOperator) topOp; FetchWork fetchWork; if (!partDesc.isPartitioned()) { assert paths.size() == 1; fetchWork = new FetchWork(inputPaths.get(0), partDesc.getTableDesc()); } else { fetchWork = new FetchWork(inputPaths, parts, partDesc.getTableDesc()); } fetchWork.setSource(ts); // random sampling FetchOperator fetcher = PartitionKeySampler.createSampler(fetchWork, conf, job, ts); try { ts.initialize(conf, new ObjectInspector[] {fetcher.getOutputObjectInspector()}); OperatorUtils.setChildrenCollector(ts.getChildOperators(), sampler); while (fetcher.pushRow()) {} } finally { fetcher.clearFetchContext(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid sampling type " + mWork.getSamplingType()); } sampler.writePartitionKeys(partitionFile, conf, job); }
// Remove RS and SEL introduced by enforce bucketing/sorting config // Convert PARENT -> RS -> SEL -> FS to PARENT -> FS private boolean removeRSInsertedByEnforceBucketing(FileSinkOperator fsOp) { Set<ReduceSinkOperator> reduceSinks = OperatorUtils.findOperatorsUpstream(fsOp, ReduceSinkOperator.class); Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> rsToRemove = null; List<ReduceSinkOperator> rsOps = parseCtx.getReduceSinkOperatorsAddedByEnforceBucketingSorting(); boolean found = false; // iterate through all RS and locate the one introduce by enforce bucketing for (ReduceSinkOperator reduceSink : reduceSinks) { for (ReduceSinkOperator rsOp : rsOps) { if (reduceSink.equals(rsOp)) { rsToRemove = reduceSink; found = true; break; } } if (found) { break; } } // iF RS is found remove it and its child (EX) and connect its parent // and grand child if (found) { Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> rsParent = rsToRemove.getParentOperators().get(0); Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> rsChild = rsToRemove.getChildOperators().get(0); Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> rsGrandChild = rsChild.getChildOperators().get(0); if (rsChild instanceof SelectOperator) { // if schema size cannot be matched, then it could be because of constant folding // converting partition column expression to constant expression. The constant // expression will then get pruned by column pruner since it will not reference to // any columns. if (rsParent.getSchema().getSignature().size() != rsChild.getSchema().getSignature().size()) { return false; } rsParent.getChildOperators().clear(); rsParent.getChildOperators().add(rsGrandChild); rsGrandChild.getParentOperators().clear(); rsGrandChild.getParentOperators().add(rsParent); "Removed " + rsToRemove.getOperatorId() + " and " + rsChild.getOperatorId() + " as it was introduced by enforce bucketing/sorting."); } } return true; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void init(JobConf job, OutputCollector output, Reporter reporter) throws Exception { perfLogger.PerfLogBegin(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.SPARK_INIT_OPERATORS); super.init(job, output, reporter); rowObjectInspector = new ObjectInspector[Byte.MAX_VALUE]; ObjectInspector[] valueObjectInspector = new ObjectInspector[Byte.MAX_VALUE]; ObjectInspector keyObjectInspector; ReduceWork gWork = Utilities.getReduceWork(job); reducer = gWork.getReducer(); vectorized = gWork.getVectorMode(); reducer.setParentOperators(null); // clear out any parents as reducer is the // root isTagged = gWork.getNeedsTagging(); try { keyTableDesc = gWork.getKeyDesc(); inputKeyDeserializer = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(keyTableDesc.getDeserializerClass(), null); SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe(inputKeyDeserializer, null, keyTableDesc.getProperties(), null); keyObjectInspector = inputKeyDeserializer.getObjectInspector(); valueTableDesc = new TableDesc[gWork.getTagToValueDesc().size()]; if (vectorized) { final int maxTags = gWork.getTagToValueDesc().size(); keyStructInspector = (StructObjectInspector) keyObjectInspector; batches = new VectorizedRowBatch[maxTags]; valueStructInspectors = new StructObjectInspector[maxTags]; valueStringWriters = new List[maxTags]; keysColumnOffset = keyStructInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs().size(); buffer = new DataOutputBuffer(); } for (int tag = 0; tag < gWork.getTagToValueDesc().size(); tag++) { // We should initialize the SerDe with the TypeInfo when available. valueTableDesc[tag] = gWork.getTagToValueDesc().get(tag); inputValueDeserializer[tag] = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(valueTableDesc[tag].getDeserializerClass(), null); SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe( inputValueDeserializer[tag], null, valueTableDesc[tag].getProperties(), null); valueObjectInspector[tag] = inputValueDeserializer[tag].getObjectInspector(); ArrayList<ObjectInspector> ois = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>(); if (vectorized) { /* vectorization only works with struct object inspectors */ valueStructInspectors[tag] = (StructObjectInspector) valueObjectInspector[tag]; ObjectPair<VectorizedRowBatch, StandardStructObjectInspector> pair = VectorizedBatchUtil.constructVectorizedRowBatch( keyStructInspector, valueStructInspectors[tag], gWork.getVectorScratchColumnTypeMap()); batches[tag] = pair.getFirst(); final int totalColumns = keysColumnOffset + valueStructInspectors[tag].getAllStructFieldRefs().size(); valueStringWriters[tag] = new ArrayList<VectorExpressionWriter>(totalColumns); valueStringWriters[tag].addAll( Arrays.asList( VectorExpressionWriterFactory.genVectorStructExpressionWritables( keyStructInspector))); valueStringWriters[tag].addAll( Arrays.asList( VectorExpressionWriterFactory.genVectorStructExpressionWritables( valueStructInspectors[tag]))); rowObjectInspector[tag] = pair.getSecond(); } else { ois.add(keyObjectInspector); ois.add(valueObjectInspector[tag]); // reducer.setGroupKeyObjectInspector(keyObjectInspector); rowObjectInspector[tag] = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardStructObjectInspector( Utilities.reduceFieldNameList, ois); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ExecMapperContext execContext = new ExecMapperContext(job); localWork = gWork.getMapRedLocalWork(); execContext.setJc(jc); execContext.setLocalWork(localWork); reducer.passExecContext(execContext); reducer.setReporter(rp); OperatorUtils.setChildrenCollector( Arrays.<Operator<? extends OperatorDesc>>asList(reducer), output); // initialize reduce operator tree try {; reducer.initialize(jc, rowObjectInspector); if (localWork != null) { for (Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> dummyOp : localWork.getDummyParentOp()) { dummyOp.setExecContext(execContext); dummyOp.initialize(jc, null); } } } catch (Throwable e) { abort = true; if (e instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { // Don't create a new object if we are already out of memory throw (OutOfMemoryError) e; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Reduce operator initialization failed", e); } } perfLogger.PerfLogEnd(CLASS_NAME, PerfLogger.SPARK_INIT_OPERATORS); }
public ReduceSinkOperator getReduceSinkOp( List<Integer> partitionPositions, List<Integer> sortPositions, List<Integer> sortOrder, List<Integer> sortNullOrder, ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> allCols, ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> bucketColumns, int numBuckets, Operator<? extends OperatorDesc> parent, AcidUtils.Operation writeType) throws SemanticException { // Order of KEY columns // 1) Partition columns // 2) Bucket number column // 3) Sort columns Set<Integer> keyColsPosInVal = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> keyCols = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Integer> newSortOrder = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Integer> newSortNullOrder = Lists.newArrayList(); int numPartAndBuck = partitionPositions.size(); keyColsPosInVal.addAll(partitionPositions); if (!bucketColumns.isEmpty() || writeType == Operation.DELETE || writeType == Operation.UPDATE) { keyColsPosInVal.add(-1); numPartAndBuck += 1; } keyColsPosInVal.addAll(sortPositions); // by default partition and bucket columns are sorted in ascending order Integer order = 1; if (sortOrder != null && !sortOrder.isEmpty()) { if (sortOrder.get(0).intValue() == 0) { order = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < numPartAndBuck; i++) { newSortOrder.add(order); } newSortOrder.addAll(sortOrder); String orderStr = ""; for (Integer i : newSortOrder) { if (i.intValue() == 1) { orderStr += "+"; } else { orderStr += "-"; } } // if partition and bucket columns are sorted in ascending order, by default // nulls come first; otherwise nulls come last Integer nullOrder = order == 1 ? 0 : 1; if (sortNullOrder != null && !sortNullOrder.isEmpty()) { if (sortNullOrder.get(0).intValue() == 0) { nullOrder = 0; } else { nullOrder = 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < numPartAndBuck; i++) { newSortNullOrder.add(nullOrder); } newSortNullOrder.addAll(sortNullOrder); String nullOrderStr = ""; for (Integer i : newSortNullOrder) { if (i.intValue() == 0) { nullOrderStr += "a"; } else { nullOrderStr += "z"; } } Map<String, ExprNodeDesc> colExprMap = Maps.newHashMap(); ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> partCols = Lists.newArrayList(); // we will clone here as RS will update bucket column key with its // corresponding with bucket number and hence their OIs for (Integer idx : keyColsPosInVal) { if (idx < 0) { ExprNodeConstantDesc bucketNumCol = new ExprNodeConstantDesc(TypeInfoFactory.stringTypeInfo, BUCKET_NUMBER_COL_NAME); keyCols.add(bucketNumCol); colExprMap.put( Utilities.ReduceField.KEY + ".'" + BUCKET_NUMBER_COL_NAME + "'", bucketNumCol); } else { keyCols.add(allCols.get(idx).clone()); } } ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc> valCols = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < allCols.size(); i++) { if (!keyColsPosInVal.contains(i)) { valCols.add(allCols.get(i).clone()); } } for (Integer idx : partitionPositions) { partCols.add(allCols.get(idx).clone()); } // in the absence of SORTED BY clause, the sorted dynamic partition insert // should honor the ordering of records provided by ORDER BY in SELECT statement ReduceSinkOperator parentRSOp = OperatorUtils.findSingleOperatorUpstream(parent, ReduceSinkOperator.class); if (parentRSOp != null && parseCtx.getQueryProperties().hasOuterOrderBy()) { String parentRSOpOrder = parentRSOp.getConf().getOrder(); String parentRSOpNullOrder = parentRSOp.getConf().getNullOrder(); if (parentRSOpOrder != null && !parentRSOpOrder.isEmpty() && sortPositions.isEmpty()) { keyCols.addAll(parentRSOp.getConf().getKeyCols()); orderStr += parentRSOpOrder; nullOrderStr += parentRSOpNullOrder; } } // map _col0 to KEY._col0, etc Map<String, String> nameMapping = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<String> keyColNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ExprNodeDesc keyCol : keyCols) { String keyColName = keyCol.getExprString(); keyColNames.add(keyColName); colExprMap.put(Utilities.ReduceField.KEY + "." + keyColName, keyCol); nameMapping.put(keyColName, Utilities.ReduceField.KEY + "." + keyColName); } ArrayList<String> valColNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ExprNodeDesc valCol : valCols) { String colName = valCol.getExprString(); valColNames.add(colName); colExprMap.put(Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE + "." + colName, valCol); nameMapping.put(colName, Utilities.ReduceField.VALUE + "." + colName); } // Create Key/Value TableDesc. When the operator plan is split into MR tasks, // the reduce operator will initialize Extract operator with information // from Key and Value TableDesc List<FieldSchema> fields = PlanUtils.getFieldSchemasFromColumnList(keyCols, keyColNames, 0, ""); TableDesc keyTable = PlanUtils.getReduceKeyTableDesc(fields, orderStr, nullOrderStr); List<FieldSchema> valFields = PlanUtils.getFieldSchemasFromColumnList(valCols, valColNames, 0, ""); TableDesc valueTable = PlanUtils.getReduceValueTableDesc(valFields); List<List<Integer>> distinctColumnIndices = Lists.newArrayList(); // Number of reducers is set to default (-1) ReduceSinkDesc rsConf = new ReduceSinkDesc( keyCols, keyCols.size(), valCols, keyColNames, distinctColumnIndices, valColNames, -1, partCols, -1, keyTable, valueTable, writeType); rsConf.setBucketCols(bucketColumns); rsConf.setNumBuckets(numBuckets); ArrayList<ColumnInfo> signature = new ArrayList<>(); for (int index = 0; index < parent.getSchema().getSignature().size(); index++) { ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(parent.getSchema().getSignature().get(index)); colInfo.setInternalName(nameMapping.get(colInfo.getInternalName())); signature.add(colInfo); } ReduceSinkOperator op = (ReduceSinkOperator) OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(rsConf, new RowSchema(signature), parent); op.setColumnExprMap(colExprMap); return op; }