private LlapIoImpl(Configuration conf) throws IOException { String ioMode = HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.LLAP_IO_MEMORY_MODE); boolean useLowLevelCache = LlapIoImpl.MODE_CACHE.equalsIgnoreCase(ioMode), useAllocOnly = !useLowLevelCache && LlapIoImpl.MODE_ALLOCATOR.equalsIgnoreCase(ioMode);"Initializing LLAP IO in {} mode", ioMode); String displayName = "LlapDaemonCacheMetrics-" + MetricsUtils.getHostName(); String sessionId = conf.get("llap.daemon.metrics.sessionid"); this.cacheMetrics = LlapDaemonCacheMetrics.create(displayName, sessionId); displayName = "LlapDaemonQueueMetrics-" + MetricsUtils.getHostName(); int[] intervals = conf.getInts(String.valueOf(HiveConf.ConfVars.LLAP_QUEUE_METRICS_PERCENTILE_INTERVALS)); this.queueMetrics = LlapDaemonQueueMetrics.create(displayName, sessionId, intervals); "Started llap daemon metrics with displayName: {} sessionId: {}", displayName, sessionId); OrcMetadataCache metadataCache = null; LowLevelCacheImpl orcCache = null; BufferUsageManager bufferManager = null; if (useLowLevelCache) { // Memory manager uses cache policy to trigger evictions, so create the policy first. boolean useLrfu = HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.LLAP_USE_LRFU); LowLevelCachePolicy cachePolicy = useLrfu ? new LowLevelLrfuCachePolicy(conf) : new LowLevelFifoCachePolicy(conf); // Allocator uses memory manager to request memory, so create the manager next. LowLevelCacheMemoryManager memManager = new LowLevelCacheMemoryManager(conf, cachePolicy, cacheMetrics); // Cache uses allocator to allocate and deallocate, create allocator and then caches. EvictionAwareAllocator allocator = new BuddyAllocator(conf, memManager, cacheMetrics); this.allocator = allocator; orcCache = new LowLevelCacheImpl(cacheMetrics, cachePolicy, allocator, true); metadataCache = new OrcMetadataCache(memManager, cachePolicy); // And finally cache policy uses cache to notify it of eviction. The cycle is complete! cachePolicy.setEvictionListener(new EvictionDispatcher(orcCache, metadataCache)); cachePolicy.setParentDebugDumper(orcCache); orcCache.init(); // Start the cache threads. bufferManager = orcCache; // Cache also serves as buffer manager. } else { if (useAllocOnly) { LowLevelCacheMemoryManager memManager = new LowLevelCacheMemoryManager(conf, null, cacheMetrics); allocator = new BuddyAllocator(conf, memManager, cacheMetrics); } else { allocator = new SimpleAllocator(conf); } bufferManager = new SimpleBufferManager(allocator, cacheMetrics); } // IO thread pool. Listening is used for unhandled errors for now (TODO: remove?) int numThreads = HiveConf.getIntVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.LLAP_IO_THREADPOOL_SIZE); executor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator( Executors.newFixedThreadPool( numThreads, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("IO-Elevator-Thread-%d") .setDaemon(true) .build())); // TODO: this should depends on input format and be in a map, or something. this.cvp = new OrcColumnVectorProducer( metadataCache, orcCache, bufferManager, conf, cacheMetrics, queueMetrics);"LLAP IO initialized"); registerMXBeans(); }
public LlapDaemon( Configuration daemonConf, int numExecutors, long executorMemoryBytes, boolean ioEnabled, boolean isDirectCache, long ioMemoryBytes, String[] localDirs, int rpcPort, int shufflePort) { super("LlapDaemon"); printAsciiArt(); Preconditions.checkArgument(numExecutors > 0); Preconditions.checkArgument( rpcPort == 0 || (rpcPort > 1024 && rpcPort < 65536), "RPC Port must be between 1025 and 65535, or 0 automatic selection"); Preconditions.checkArgument( localDirs != null && localDirs.length > 0, "Work dirs must be specified"); Preconditions.checkArgument( shufflePort == 0 || (shufflePort > 1024 && shufflePort < 65536), "Shuffle Port must be betwee 1024 and 65535, or 0 for automatic selection"); this.maxJvmMemory = getTotalHeapSize(); this.llapIoEnabled = ioEnabled; this.executorMemoryPerInstance = executorMemoryBytes; this.ioMemoryPerInstance = ioMemoryBytes; this.numExecutors = numExecutors; this.localDirs = localDirs; int waitQueueSize = daemonConf.getInt( LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_TASK_SCHEDULER_WAIT_QUEUE_SIZE, LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_TASK_SCHEDULER_WAIT_QUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT); boolean enablePreemption = daemonConf.getBoolean( LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_TASK_SCHEDULER_ENABLE_PREEMPTION, LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_TASK_SCHEDULER_ENABLE_PREEMPTION_DEFAULT); "Attempting to start LlapDaemonConf with the following configuration: " + "numExecutors=" + numExecutors + ", rpcListenerPort=" + rpcPort + ", workDirs=" + Arrays.toString(localDirs) + ", shufflePort=" + shufflePort + ", executorMemory=" + executorMemoryBytes + ", llapIoEnabled=" + ioEnabled + ", llapIoCacheIsDirect=" + isDirectCache + ", llapIoCacheSize=" + ioMemoryBytes + ", jvmAvailableMemory=" + maxJvmMemory + ", waitQueueSize= " + waitQueueSize + ", enablePreemption= " + enablePreemption); long memRequired = executorMemoryBytes + (ioEnabled && isDirectCache == false ? ioMemoryBytes : 0); // TODO: this check is somewhat bogus as the maxJvmMemory != Xmx parameters (see annotation in // LlapServiceDriver) Preconditions.checkState( maxJvmMemory >= memRequired, "Invalid configuration. Xmx value too small. maxAvailable=" + maxJvmMemory + ", configured(exec + io if enabled)=" + memRequired); this.shuffleHandlerConf = new Configuration(daemonConf); this.shuffleHandlerConf.setInt(ShuffleHandler.SHUFFLE_PORT_CONFIG_KEY, shufflePort); this.shuffleHandlerConf.set( ShuffleHandler.SHUFFLE_HANDLER_LOCAL_DIRS, StringUtils.arrayToString(localDirs)); this.shuffleHandlerConf.setBoolean( ShuffleHandler.SHUFFLE_DIR_WATCHER_ENABLED, daemonConf.getBoolean( LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_SHUFFLE_DIR_WATCHER_ENABLED, LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_SHUFFLE_DIR_WATCHER_ENABLED_DEFAULT)); // Less frequently set parameter, not passing in as a param. int numHandlers = daemonConf.getInt( LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_RPC_NUM_HANDLERS, LlapConfiguration.LLAP_DAEMON_RPC_NUM_HANDLERS_DEFAULT); // Initialize the metrics system LlapMetricsSystem.initialize("LlapDaemon"); this.pauseMonitor = new JvmPauseMonitor(daemonConf); pauseMonitor.start(); String displayName = "LlapDaemonExecutorMetrics-" + MetricsUtils.getHostName(); String sessionId = MetricsUtils.getUUID(); daemonConf.set("llap.daemon.metrics.sessionid", sessionId); this.metrics = LlapDaemonExecutorMetrics.create(displayName, sessionId, numExecutors); metrics.getJvmMetrics().setPauseMonitor(pauseMonitor); this.llapDaemonInfoBean = MBeans.register("LlapDaemon", "LlapDaemonInfo", this); "Started LlapMetricsSystem with displayName: " + displayName + " sessionId: " + sessionId); this.amReporter = new AMReporter(address, new QueryFailedHandlerProxy(), daemonConf); this.server = new LlapDaemonProtocolServerImpl(numHandlers, this, address, rpcPort); this.containerRunner = new ContainerRunnerImpl( daemonConf, numExecutors, waitQueueSize, enablePreemption, localDirs, this.shufflePort, address, executorMemoryBytes, metrics, amReporter); addIfService(containerRunner); this.registry = new LlapRegistryService(true); addIfService(registry); if (HiveConf.getBoolVar(daemonConf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST)) { this.webServices = null; } else { this.webServices = new LlapWebServices(); addIfService(webServices); } // Bring up the server only after all other components have started. addIfService(server); // AMReporter after the server so that it gets the correct address. It knows how to deal with // requests before it is started. addIfService(amReporter); }