Example #1
   * Check whether the contents of src and dst are the same.
   * <p>Return false if dstpath does not exist
   * <p>If the files have different sizes, return false.
   * <p>If the files have the same sizes, the file checksums will be compared.
   * <p>When file checksum is not supported in any of file systems, two files are considered as the
   * same if they have the same size.
  private static boolean sameFile(
      FileSystem srcfs, FileStatus srcstatus, FileSystem dstfs, Path dstpath) throws IOException {
    FileStatus dststatus;
    try {
      dststatus = dstfs.getFileStatus(dstpath);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      return false;

    // same length?
    if (srcstatus.getLen() != dststatus.getLen()) {
      return false;

    // compare checksums
    try {
      final FileChecksum srccs = srcfs.getFileChecksum(srcstatus.getPath());
      final FileChecksum dstcs = dstfs.getFileChecksum(dststatus.getPath());
      // return true if checksum is not supported
      // (i.e. some of the checksums is null)
      return srccs == null || dstcs == null || srccs.equals(dstcs);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      return false;
  * Populates FileIndexDescriptor with common things like name, checksum, etc.
  * @param path
  * @return
  * @throws IOException
 protected FileIndexDescriptor buildFileIndexDescriptor(Path path) throws IOException {
   FileIndexDescriptor fid = new FileIndexDescriptor();
   FileChecksum cksum = path.getFileSystem(getConf()).getFileChecksum(path);
   com.twitter.elephanttwin.gen.FileChecksum fidCksum =
       new com.twitter.elephanttwin.gen.FileChecksum(
           cksum.getAlgorithmName(), ByteBuffer.wrap(cksum.getBytes()), cksum.getLength());
   return fid;
   * Check whether the contents of src and dst are the same.
   * <p>Return false if dstpath does not exist
   * <p>If the files have different sizes, return false.
   * <p>If the files have the same sizes, the file checksums will be compared.
   * <p>When file checksum is not supported in any of file systems, two files are considered as the
   * same if they have the same size.
  private static boolean sameFile(
      FileSystem srcfs, FileStatus srcstatus, FileSystem dstfs, Path dstpath) throws IOException {
    FileStatus dststatus;
    try {
      dststatus = dstfs.getFileStatus(dstpath);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      return false;

    // same length?
    if (srcstatus.getLen() != dststatus.getLen()) {
      return false;

    // get src checksum
    final FileChecksum srccs;
    try {
      srccs = srcfs.getFileChecksum(srcstatus.getPath());
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
       * Two possible cases:
       * (1) src existed once but was deleted between the time period that
       *     srcstatus was obtained and the try block above.
       * (2) srcfs does not support file checksum and (incorrectly) throws
       *     FNFE, e.g. some previous versions of HftpFileSystem.
       * For case (1), it is okay to return true since src was already deleted.
       * For case (2), true should be returned.
      return true;

    // compare checksums
    try {
      final FileChecksum dstcs = dstfs.getFileChecksum(dststatus.getPath());
      // return true if checksum is not supported
      // (i.e. some of the checksums is null)
      return srccs == null || dstcs == null || srccs.equals(dstcs);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
      return false;
   * Compare the checksums of the hdfs file as well as the local copied file.
   * @author [email protected]
   * @date Fri Jan 27 06:06:00 2012
  boolean compareChecksums(FileSystem fs, Path p, String sFsPath) {
    try {
      // get hdfs file info
      FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(p);

      // get HDFS checksum
      FileChecksum ck = fs.getFileChecksum(p);
      String sCk, sCkShort;
      if (ck == null) {
        sCk = sCkShort = "<null>";
      } else {
        sCk = ck.toString();
        sCkShort = sCk.replaceAll("^.*:", "");

      // System.out.println(p.toUri().getPath() + " len=" + stat.getLen()
      // + " " + stat.getOwner() + "/" + stat.getGroup()
      // + " checksum=" + sCk);

      // find the local file
      File fLocal = new File(sFsPath);
      if (!fLocal.exists()) {
        System.out.println("CHECKSUM-ERROR: file does not exist: " + sFsPath);
        return false;
      if (!fLocal.isFile()) {
        System.out.println("CHECKSUM-ERROR: path is not a file: " + sFsPath);
        return false;
      if (stat.getLen() != fLocal.length()) {
            "CHECKSUM-ERROR: length mismatch: "
                + sFsPath
                + " hdfslen="
                + stat.getLen()
                + " fslen="
                + fLocal.length());
        return false;

      // get local fs checksum
      FileChecksum ckLocal = getLocalFileChecksum(sFsPath);
      if (ckLocal == null) {
        System.out.println("ERROR Failed to get checksum for local file " + sFsPath);
        return false;

      // compare checksums as a string, after stripping the
      // algorithm name from the beginning
      String sCkLocal = ckLocal.toString();
      String sCkLocalShort = sCkLocal.replaceAll("^.*:", "");

      if (false == sCkShort.equals(sCkLocalShort)) {
            "CHECKSUM-ERROR: checksum mismatch: "
                + sFsPath
                + "\nhdfs = "
                + sCk
                + "\nlocal= "
                + sCkLocal);
        return false;

      return true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("CHECKSUM-ERROR: " + sFsPath + " exception " + e.toString());

    return false;