 public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler)
     throws Exception {
   Object usrLogin = request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.SESS_USER_KEY);
   String sevPath = request.getServletPath();
   logger.info("ServletPath: " + sevPath);
   String rootPath = "";
   if (!StringUtil.isBlankOrNull(sevPath)
       && !sevPath.equals("/" + showLogin)
       && !sevPath.equals("/" + login)) {
     int len = sevPath.split("/").length;
     for (int i = 2; i < len; i++) {
       rootPath += "../";
     if (usrLogin == null) {
       // response.sendRedirect(rootPath+showLogin);
       StringBuffer toLoginScript = new StringBuffer();
       toLoginScript.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
       toLoginScript.append("top.window.location=\"" + rootPath + showLogin + "\"");
       PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
   return true;
Example #2
 void processPage(String pageUri) {
   String search = "href=\"";
   try {
     log.info("Calling to Google: " + pageUri);
     String inputString = UrlUtils.getURL(pageUri);
     int next = 0;
     Pattern cite = Pattern.compile("<cite>(.*?)</cite>");
     Matcher matcher = cite.matcher(inputString);
     while (matcher.find()) {
       String newURI =
               + matcher
                   .replaceAll("\"", "")
                   .replaceAll("<b>|</b>", "")
                   .replaceAll("[ \\t\\n\\r]+", "")
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.error(e.toString(), e);
 // TODO check if minimum required fields are set?
 public int sendMail() {
   int sendResult = -999;
   if (mail != null) {
         "Sending Mail: \nfrom = '"
             + mail.getFrom()
             + "'\n"
             + "replyTo='"
             + mail.getTo()
             + "'\n"
             + "\n"
             + mail);
     MailSenderPluginApi mailPlugin =
         (MailSenderPluginApi) getContext().getWiki().getPluginApi("mailsender", getContext());
     sendResult = mailPlugin.sendMail(mail, getMailConfiguration());
         "Sent Mail from '"
             + mail.getFrom()
             + "' to '"
             + mail.getTo()
             + "'. Result was '"
             + sendResult
             + "'. Time: "
             + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
   } else {
         "Mail Object is null. Send result was '"
             + sendResult
             + "'. Time: "
             + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis());
   return sendResult;
  /** Generates JMS messages */
  public void generateAndSendMessages(final CacheFlushMessageJms cacheFlushMessageJms) {
    try {
      final String valueJMSMessage =

      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(valueJMSMessage)) {
            new MessageCreator() {
              public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
                TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(valueJMSMessage);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  logger.info("Sending JMS message: " + valueJMSMessage);
                return message;
      } else {
        logger.warn("Cache Flush Message Jms Message is empty");

    } catch (JmsException e) {
      logger.error("Exception during create/send message process");
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
      logger.error("Exception during build message process");
Example #5
 /** Searches for the node or nodes that match the path element for the given parent node */
 private List<NodeRef> getDirectDescendents(NodeRef pathRootNodeRef, String pathElement) {
   if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
         "Getting direct descendents: \n"
             + "   Path Root: "
             + pathRootNodeRef
             + "\n"
             + "   Path Element: "
             + pathElement);
   List<NodeRef> results = null;
   // if this contains no wildcards, then we can fasttrack it
   if (!WildCard.containsWildcards(pathElement)) {
     // a specific name is required
     NodeRef foundNodeRef = fileFolderService.searchSimple(pathRootNodeRef, pathElement);
     if (foundNodeRef == null) {
       results = Collections.emptyList();
     } else {
       results = Collections.singletonList(foundNodeRef);
   } else {
     // escape for the Lucene syntax search
     String escapedPathElement = SearchLanguageConversion.convertCifsToLucene(pathElement);
     // do the lookup
     List<org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo> childInfos =
         fileFolderService.search(pathRootNodeRef, escapedPathElement, false);
     // convert to noderefs
     results = new ArrayList<NodeRef>(childInfos.size());
     for (org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo info : childInfos) {
   // done
   return results;
Example #6
  public Cacheable getBlock(
      BlockCacheKey key, boolean caching, boolean repeat, boolean updateCacheMetrics) {
    CacheablePair contentBlock = backingMap.get(key);
    if (contentBlock == null) {
      if (!repeat && updateCacheMetrics) stats.miss(caching);
      return null;

    if (updateCacheMetrics) stats.hit(caching);
    // If lock cannot be obtained, that means we're undergoing eviction.
    try {
      synchronized (contentBlock) {
        if (contentBlock.serializedData == null) {
          // concurrently evicted
          LOG.warn("Concurrent eviction of " + key);
          return null;
        return contentBlock.deserializer.deserialize(
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      LOG.error("Deserializer threw an exception. This may indicate a bug.", t);
      return null;
Example #7
  private void postNext() throws HibernateException, SQLException {
    this.hasNext = rs.next();
    if (!hasNext) {
      log.debug("exhausted results");
    } else {
      log.debug("retrieving next results");
      if (single) {
        nextResult = types[0].nullSafeGet(rs, names[0], sess, null);
      } else {
        Object[] nextResults = new Object[types.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
          nextResults[i] = types[i].nullSafeGet(rs, names[i], sess, null);
        nextResult = nextResults;

      if (holderConstructor != null) {
        try {
          if (nextResult == null || !nextResult.getClass().isArray()) {
            nextResult = holderConstructor.newInstance(new Object[] {nextResult});
          } else {
            nextResult = holderConstructor.newInstance((Object[]) nextResult);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new QueryException(
              "Could not instantiate: " + holderConstructor.getDeclaringClass(), e);
   * Given the map taskAttemptID, returns the TaskAttemptInfo. Deconstructs the map's taskAttemptID
   * and looks up the jobStory with the parts taskType, id of task, id of task attempt.
   * @param taskTracker tasktracker
   * @param taskAttemptID task-attempt
   * @return TaskAttemptInfo for the map task-attempt
  private synchronized TaskAttemptInfo getMapTaskAttemptInfo(
      TaskTracker taskTracker, TaskAttemptID taskAttemptID) {
    assert (taskAttemptID.isMap());

    JobID jobid = (JobID) taskAttemptID.getJobID();
    assert (jobid == getJobID());

    // Get splits for the TaskAttempt
    RawSplit split = splits[taskAttemptID.getTaskID().getId()];
    int locality = getClosestLocality(taskTracker, split);

    TaskID taskId = taskAttemptID.getTaskID();
    if (!taskId.isMap()) {
      assert false : "Task " + taskId + " is not MAP :";

    TaskAttemptInfo taskAttemptInfo =
        jobStory.getMapTaskAttemptInfoAdjusted(taskId.getId(), taskAttemptID.getId(), locality);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "get an attempt: "
              + taskAttemptID.toString()
              + ", state="
              + taskAttemptInfo.getRunState()
              + ", runtime="
              + ((taskId.isMap())
                  ? taskAttemptInfo.getRuntime()
                  : ((ReduceTaskAttemptInfo) taskAttemptInfo).getReduceRuntime()));
    return taskAttemptInfo;
 private void setScriptsNames(ToolBoxDTO toolBoxDTO, String barDir)
     throws BAMToolboxDeploymentException {
   String analyticsDir = barDir + File.separator + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.SCRIPTS_DIR;
   if (new File(analyticsDir).exists()) {
     ArrayList<String> scriptNames = getFilesInDirectory(analyticsDir);
     int i = 0;
     for (String aFile : scriptNames) {
       if (aFile.equalsIgnoreCase(BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.ANALYZERS_PROPERTIES_FILE)) {
     if (scriptNames.size() == 0) {
       log.warn("No scripts available in the specified directory");
     } else {
       setCronForAnalyticScripts(toolBoxDTO, analyticsDir);
   } else {
     log.warn("No Analytics found for toolbox :" + toolBoxDTO.getName());
  static ClientDatanodeProtocolPB createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy(
      DatanodeID datanodeid,
      Configuration conf,
      int socketTimeout,
      boolean connectToDnViaHostname,
      LocatedBlock locatedBlock)
      throws IOException {
    final String dnAddr = datanodeid.getIpcAddr(connectToDnViaHostname);
    InetSocketAddress addr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(dnAddr);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Connecting to datanode " + dnAddr + " addr=" + addr);

    // Since we're creating a new UserGroupInformation here, we know that no
    // future RPC proxies will be able to re-use the same connection. And
    // usages of this proxy tend to be one-off calls.
    // This is a temporary fix: callers should really achieve this by using
    // RPC.stopProxy() on the resulting object, but this is currently not
    // working in trunk. See the discussion on HDFS-1965.
    Configuration confWithNoIpcIdle = new Configuration(conf);
        CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IPC_CLIENT_CONNECTION_MAXIDLETIME_KEY, 0);

    UserGroupInformation ticket =
    return createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy(
        addr, ticket, confWithNoIpcIdle, NetUtils.getDefaultSocketFactory(conf), socketTimeout);
Example #11
  protected Set<Class> processJarUrl(URL url, String basepath, Class clazz) throws IOException {
    Set<Class> set = new HashSet<Class>();
    String path = url.getFile().substring(5, url.getFile().indexOf("!"));
    JarFile jar = new JarFile(path);

    for (Enumeration entries = jar.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();
      if (entry.getName().startsWith(basepath) && entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) {
        try {
          String name = entry.getName();
          // Ignore anonymous
          // TODO RM what about the other anonymous classes like $2, $3 ?
          if (name.contains("$1")) {
          URL classURL = classLoader.getResource(name);
          ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(classURL.openStream());
          ClassScanner visitor = getScanner(clazz);
          reader.accept(visitor, 0);
          if (visitor.isMatch()) {
            Class c = loadClass(visitor.getClassName());
            if (c != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            Throwable t = ExceptionHelper.getRootException(e);
            logger.debug(String.format("%s: caused by: %s", e.toString(), t.toString()));
    return set;
Example #12
  public void deleteResource() throws Exception {

    log.info("delete resource: " + path + " ...");
    Operation op = new Remove(address);
    ComplexResult res = connection.executeComplex(op);
    if (!res.isSuccess())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Delete for [" + path + "] failed: " + res.getFailureDescription());
    if (path.contains("server-group")) {
      // This was a server group level deployment - TODO do we also need to remove the entry in
      // /deployments ?

                  for (PROPERTY_VALUE val : address) {
                      if (val.getKey().equals("deployment")) {
                          ComplexResult res2 = connection.executeComplex(new Operation("remove",val.getKey(),val.getValue()));
                          if (!res2.isSuccess())
                              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Removal of [" + path + "] falied : " + res2.getFailureDescription());
    log.info("   ... done");
  public synchronized NetworkStatsItemBean[] getSearchItems() {
    if (null == queryString) {
      return null;
    if (!isFreshSearch) {
      return searchItemBeans;

    try {
      ItemType searchItems[] = getSearchResults(queryString);
      if (null == searchItems) {
        return null;
      searchItemBeans = new NetworkStatsItemBean[searchItems.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < searchItems.length; i++) {
        searchItemBeans[i] = new NetworkStatsItemBean(searchItems[i]);
      isFreshSearch = false;
      Thread t = new Thread(new NetworkStatsItemDetailer(this, searchItemBeans));
      return searchItemBeans;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
        log.error("Failed to read the available search items because of " + e);
    return null;
Example #14
  private Map<String, String> getPermissions(ContentEntity n) throws SDataException {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

    if (n instanceof ContentCollection) {
      map.put("read", String.valueOf(contentHostingService.allowGetCollection(n.getId())));
      map.put("remove", String.valueOf(contentHostingService.allowRemoveCollection(n.getId())));
      map.put("write", String.valueOf(contentHostingService.allowUpdateCollection(n.getId())));

      String ref = n.getReference();

      Reference reference = entityManager.newReference(n.getReference());
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Got Reference " + reference + " for " + n.getReference());

      Collection<?> groups = reference.getAuthzGroups();
      String user = sessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId();
    } else {
      map.put("read", String.valueOf(contentHostingService.allowGetResource(n.getId())));
      map.put("remove", String.valueOf(contentHostingService.allowRemoveResource(n.getId())));
      map.put("write", String.valueOf(contentHostingService.allowUpdateResource(n.getId())));
    return map;
  /** Initialization procedure. Reads all faces-config.xml files and registers the beans found. */
  public boolean init(ServletContext servletContext, ClassLoader classLoader) {

    // list of beans found
    List<FacesConfigEntry> facesConfigEntries = new ArrayList<FacesConfigEntry>();

    // get the list of faces configuration files to process
    Set<URL> facesConfigs = getFacesConfigFiles(servletContext, classLoader);

    // process all configuration files
    for (URL url : facesConfigs) {
      processFacesConfig(url, facesConfigEntries);

    // Create bean name lookup map from all entries found
    for (FacesConfigEntry entry : facesConfigEntries) {
      beanNameMap.put(entry.getBeanClass(), entry.getName());

    // debug statement containing number of classes found
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Found " + beanNameMap.size() + " bean names in faces configuration.");

    // we will always enable this resolver
    return true;
Example #16
  public ResourceSchema getSchema(String location, Job job) throws IOException {

    if (!partitionKeysSet) {
      Set<String> keys = getPartitionColumns(location, job);

      if (!(keys == null || keys.size() == 0)) {

        // re-edit the pigSchema to contain the new partition keys.
        ResourceFieldSchema[] fields = pigSchema.getFields();

        LOG.debug("Schema: " + Arrays.toString(fields));

        ResourceFieldSchema[] newFields = Arrays.copyOf(fields, fields.length + keys.size());

        int index = fields.length;

        for (String key : keys) {
          newFields[index++] = new ResourceFieldSchema(new FieldSchema(key, DataType.CHARARRAY));


        LOG.debug("Added partition fields: " + keys + " to loader schema");
        LOG.debug("Schema is: " + Arrays.toString(newFields));

      partitionKeysSet = true;

    return pigSchema;
Example #17
  public void testInheritedMethodsImplemented() throws Exception {
    int errors = 0;
    for (Method m : FileSystem.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
      if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())
          || Modifier.isPrivate(m.getModifiers())
          || Modifier.isFinal(m.getModifiers())) {

      try {
        MustNotImplement.class.getMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
        try {
          HarFileSystem.class.getDeclaredMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
          LOG.error("HarFileSystem MUST not implement " + m);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
          // Expected
      } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {
        try {
          HarFileSystem.class.getDeclaredMethod(m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes());
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc2) {
          LOG.error("HarFileSystem MUST implement " + m);
    assertTrue((errors + " methods were not overridden correctly - see log"), errors <= 0);
Example #18
  private void setJasperResourceNames(ToolBoxDTO toolBoxDTO, String barDir)
      throws BAMToolboxDeploymentException {
    String jasperDirectory =
            + File.separator
            + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DASHBOARD_DIR
            + File.separator
            + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.JASPER_DIR;
    if (new File(jasperDirectory).exists()) {
              + File.separator
              + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DASHBOARD_DIR
              + File.separator
              + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.JASPER_DIR);
      Properties properties = new Properties();
      try {
            new FileInputStream(
                    + File.separator
                    + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DASHBOARD_DIR
                    + File.separator
                    + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.JASPER_META_FILE));

        setJasperTabAndJrxmlNames(toolBoxDTO, properties);

                + File.separator
                + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DASHBOARD_DIR
                + File.separator
                + properties.getProperty(BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DATASOURCE_CONFIGURATION));
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            "No "
                + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.JASPER_META_FILE
                + " found in dir:"
                + barDir
                + File.separator
                + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DASHBOARD_DIR,
        throw new BAMToolboxDeploymentException(
            "No "
                + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.JASPER_META_FILE
                + " found in dir:"
                + barDir
                + File.separator
                + BAMToolBoxDeployerConstants.DASHBOARD_DIR,
      } catch (IOException e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new BAMToolboxDeploymentException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } else {
      toolBoxDTO.setJasperTabs(new ArrayList<JasperTabDTO>());
   * Given the reduce taskAttemptID, returns the TaskAttemptInfo. Deconstructs the reduce
   * taskAttemptID and looks up the jobStory with the parts taskType, id of task, id of task
   * attempt.
   * @param taskTracker tasktracker
   * @param taskAttemptID task-attempt
   * @return TaskAttemptInfo for the reduce task-attempt
  private TaskAttemptInfo getReduceTaskAttemptInfo(
      TaskTracker taskTracker, TaskAttemptID taskAttemptID) {
    assert (!taskAttemptID.isMap());
    TaskID taskId = taskAttemptID.getTaskID();
    TaskType taskType;
    if (taskAttemptID.isMap()) {
      taskType = TaskType.MAP;
    } else {
      taskType = TaskType.REDUCE;

    TaskAttemptInfo taskAttemptInfo =
        jobStory.getTaskAttemptInfo(taskType, taskId.getId(), taskAttemptID.getId());
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "get an attempt: "
              + taskAttemptID.toString()
              + ", state="
              + taskAttemptInfo.getRunState()
              + ", runtime="
              + ((taskAttemptID.isMap())
                  ? taskAttemptInfo.getRuntime()
                  : ((ReduceTaskAttemptInfo) taskAttemptInfo).getReduceRuntime()));
    return taskAttemptInfo;
Example #20
   * Recover file.
   * Try and open file in append mode.
   * Doing this, we get a hold of the file that crashed writer
   * was writing to.  Once we have it, close it.  This will
   * allow subsequent reader to see up to last sync.
   * NOTE: This is the same algorithm that HBase uses for file recovery
   * @param fs
   * @throws Exception
  private void recoverFile(final FileSystem fs) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Recovering File Lease");

    // set the soft limit to be 1 second so that the
    // namenode triggers lease recovery upon append request
    cluster.setLeasePeriod(1000, FSConstants.LEASE_HARDLIMIT_PERIOD);

    // Trying recovery
    int tries = 60;
    boolean recovered = false;
    FSDataOutputStream out = null;
    while (!recovered && tries-- > 0) {
      try {
        out = fs.append(file1);
        LOG.info("Successfully opened for appends");
        recovered = true;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.info("Failed open for append, waiting on lease recovery");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          // ignore it and try again
    if (out != null) {
    if (!recovered) {
      fail("Recovery should take < 1 min");
    LOG.info("Past out lease recovery");
Example #21
  public void cacheBlock(BlockCacheKey blockName, Cacheable toBeCached) {
    ByteBuffer storedBlock;

    try {
      storedBlock = backingStore.alloc(toBeCached.getSerializedLength());
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      LOG.warn("SlabAllocator was interrupted while waiting for block to become available");

    CacheablePair newEntry = new CacheablePair(toBeCached.getDeserializer(), storedBlock);

    synchronized (this) {
      CacheablePair alreadyCached = backingMap.putIfAbsent(blockName, newEntry);

      if (alreadyCached != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("already cached " + blockName);
      if (actionWatcher != null) {
        actionWatcher.onInsertion(blockName, this);
Example #22
 protected static void assertEquals(Object theObject, Object theProperty) {
   if (!theObject.equals(theProperty)) {
     logger.error(String.valueOf(theObject) + " does not equal:" + String.valueOf(theProperty));
   } else {
   * Based on configured options, will either return a pre-existing proxy, generate a new proxy, or
   * perform an actual load.
   * @return The result of the proxy/load operation.
   * @throws HibernateException
  protected Object proxyOrLoad(
      final LoadEvent event,
      final EntityPersister persister,
      final EntityKey keyToLoad,
      final LoadEventListener.LoadType options)
      throws HibernateException {

    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
          "loading entity: "
              + MessageHelper.infoString(
                  persister, event.getEntityId(), event.getSession().getFactory()));

    if (!persister.hasProxy()) {
      // this class has no proxies (so do a shortcut)
      return load(event, persister, keyToLoad, options);
    } else {
      final PersistenceContext persistenceContext = event.getSession().getPersistenceContext();

      // look for a proxy
      Object proxy = persistenceContext.getProxy(keyToLoad);
      if (proxy != null) {
        return returnNarrowedProxy(event, persister, keyToLoad, options, persistenceContext, proxy);
      } else {
        if (options.isAllowProxyCreation()) {
          return createProxyIfNecessary(event, persister, keyToLoad, options, persistenceContext);
        } else {
          // return a newly loaded object
          return load(event, persister, keyToLoad, options);
Example #24
   * Stop the proxy. Proxy must either implement {@link Closeable} or must have associated {@link
   * RpcInvocationHandler}.
   * @param proxy the RPC proxy object to be stopped
   * @throws HadoopIllegalArgumentException if the proxy does not implement {@link Closeable}
   *     interface or does not have closeable {@link InvocationHandler}
  public static void stopProxy(Object proxy) {
    if (proxy == null) {
      throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException("Cannot close proxy since it is null");
    try {
      if (proxy instanceof Closeable) {
        ((Closeable) proxy).close();
      } else {
        InvocationHandler handler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy);
        if (handler instanceof Closeable) {
          ((Closeable) handler).close();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Closing proxy or invocation handler caused exception", e);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      LOG.error("RPC.stopProxy called on non proxy: class=" + proxy.getClass().getName(), e);

    // If you see this error on a mock object in a unit test you're
    // developing, make sure to use MockitoUtil.mockProtocol() to
    // create your mock.
    throw new HadoopIllegalArgumentException(
        "Cannot close proxy - is not Closeable or "
            + "does not provide closeable invocation handler "
            + proxy.getClass());
   * Figure out the best string describing type to use.
   * @param titleItemType the item's title
   * @param itemIntrospectItemType best guess based on structure
   * @param qmdItemType the type declared in metadata, if any
   * @return the string describing the item.
  private static String obtainTypeString(
      String titleItemType, String itemIntrospectItemType, String qmdItemType) {
    log.debug("qmdItemType: " + qmdItemType);
    log.debug("titleItemType: " + titleItemType);
    log.debug("itemIntrospectItemType: " + itemIntrospectItemType);

    // if we can't find any other approach
    String itemType = itemIntrospectItemType;

    // start with item title
    if (titleItemType != null) {
      if (isExactType(titleItemType)) {
        return titleItemType;
      titleItemType = guessType(titleItemType);
      if (titleItemType != null) itemType = titleItemType;

    // next try to figure out from qmd_itemtype metadata
    if (qmdItemType != null) {
      if (isExactType(qmdItemType)) {
        return qmdItemType;
      qmdItemType = guessType(qmdItemType);
      if (qmdItemType != null) itemType = qmdItemType;

    log.debug("returning itemType: " + itemType);
    return itemType;
Example #26
    // Register  protocol and its impl for rpc calls
    void registerProtocolAndImpl(RpcKind rpcKind, Class<?> protocolClass, Object protocolImpl) {
      String protocolName = RPC.getProtocolName(protocolClass);
      long version;

      try {
        version = RPC.getProtocolVersion(protocolClass);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOG.warn("Protocol " + protocolClass + " NOT registered as cannot get protocol version ");

              new ProtoNameVer(protocolName, version),
              new ProtoClassProtoImpl(protocolClass, protocolImpl));
          "RpcKind = "
              + rpcKind
              + " Protocol Name = "
              + protocolName
              + " version="
              + version
              + " ProtocolImpl="
              + protocolImpl.getClass().getName()
              + " protocolClass="
              + protocolClass.getName());
  * List the statuses of the files/directories in the given path if the path is a directory.
  * @param f given path
  * @return the statuses of the files/directories in the given path
  * @throws IOException
 public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws IOException {
   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
     LOG.debug("SwiftFileSystem.listStatus for: " + f);
   return store.listSubPaths(f);
 public void addKnownInput(
     String hostName,
     int port,
     InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttemptIdentifier,
     int srcPhysicalIndex) {
   String identifier = InputHost.createIdentifier(hostName, port);
   InputHost host = knownSrcHosts.get(identifier);
   if (host == null) {
     host = new InputHost(hostName, port, inputContext.getApplicationId(), srcPhysicalIndex);
     assert identifier.equals(host.getIdentifier());
     InputHost old = knownSrcHosts.putIfAbsent(identifier, host);
     if (old != null) {
       host = old;
   if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
     LOG.debug("Adding input: " + srcAttemptIdentifier + ", to host: " + host);
   try {
     boolean added = pendingHosts.offer(host);
     if (!added) {
       String errorMessage = "Unable to add host: " + host.getIdentifier() + " to pending queue";
       throw new TezUncheckedException(errorMessage);
   } finally {
   * check to see if hit the limit for max # completed apps kept
  protected synchronized void checkAppNumCompletedLimit() {
    // check apps kept in state store.
    while (completedAppsInStateStore > this.maxCompletedAppsInStateStore) {
      ApplicationId removeId = completedApps.get(completedApps.size() - completedAppsInStateStore);
      RMApp removeApp = rmContext.getRMApps().get(removeId);
          "Max number of completed apps kept in state store met:"
              + " maxCompletedAppsInStateStore = "
              + maxCompletedAppsInStateStore
              + ", removing app "
              + removeApp.getApplicationId()
              + " from state store.");

    // check apps kept in memorty.
    while (completedApps.size() > this.maxCompletedAppsInMemory) {
      ApplicationId removeId = completedApps.remove();
          "Application should be expired, max number of completed apps"
              + " kept in memory met: maxCompletedAppsInMemory = "
              + this.maxCompletedAppsInMemory
              + ", removing app "
              + removeId
              + " from memory: ");
  public void fetchFailed(
      String host, InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttemptIdentifier, boolean connectFailed) {
    // TODO NEWTEZ. Implement logic to report fetch failures after a threshold.
    // For now, reporting immediately.
        "Fetch failed for src: "
            + srcAttemptIdentifier
            + "InputIdentifier: "
            + srcAttemptIdentifier
            + ", connectFailed: "
            + connectFailed);
    if (srcAttemptIdentifier == null) {
      String message = "Received fetchFailure for an unknown src (null)";
      inputContext.fatalError(null, message);
    } else {
      InputReadErrorEvent readError =
          new InputReadErrorEvent(
              "Fetch failure while fetching from "
                  + TezRuntimeUtils.getTaskAttemptIdentifier(

      List<Event> failedEvents = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(1);