private EventProcessingResult doAggregateRawEventsInternal() { if (!this.clusterLockService.isLockOwner(AGGREGATION_LOCK_NAME)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The cluster lock " + AGGREGATION_LOCK_NAME + " must be owned by the current thread and server"); } if (!this.portalEventDimensionPopulator.isCheckedDimensions()) { // First time aggregation has happened, run populateDimensions to ensure enough dimension data // exists final boolean populatedDimensions = this.portalEventAggregationManager.populateDimensions(); if (!populatedDimensions) { this.logger.warn( "Aborting raw event aggregation, populateDimensions returned false so the state of date/time dimensions is unknown"); return null; } } // Flush any dimension creation before aggregation final EntityManager entityManager = this.getEntityManager(); entityManager.flush(); entityManager.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT); final IEventAggregatorStatus eventAggregatorStatus = eventAggregationManagementDao.getEventAggregatorStatus(ProcessingType.AGGREGATION, true); // Update status with current server name final String serverName = this.portalInfoProvider.getUniqueServerName(); final String previousServerName = eventAggregatorStatus.getServerName(); if (previousServerName != null && !serverName.equals(previousServerName)) { this.logger.debug( "Last aggregation run on {} clearing all aggregation caches", previousServerName); final Session session = getEntityManager().unwrap(Session.class); final Cache cache = session.getSessionFactory().getCache(); cache.evictEntityRegions(); } eventAggregatorStatus.setServerName(serverName); // Calculate date range for aggregation DateTime lastAggregated = eventAggregatorStatus.getLastEventDate(); if (lastAggregated == null) { lastAggregated = portalEventDao.getOldestPortalEventTimestamp(); // No portal events to aggregate, skip aggregation if (lastAggregated == null) { return new EventProcessingResult(0, null, null, true); } // First time aggregation has run, initialize the CLEAN_UNCLOSED status to save catch-up time final IEventAggregatorStatus cleanUnclosedStatus = eventAggregationManagementDao.getEventAggregatorStatus( ProcessingType.CLEAN_UNCLOSED, true); AggregationIntervalInfo oldestMinuteInterval = this.intervalHelper.getIntervalInfo(AggregationInterval.MINUTE, lastAggregated); cleanUnclosedStatus.setLastEventDate(oldestMinuteInterval.getStart().minusMinutes(1)); eventAggregationManagementDao.updateEventAggregatorStatus(cleanUnclosedStatus); } final DateTime newestEventTime =; final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); final String currentName = currentThread.getName(); final MutableInt events = new MutableInt(); final MutableObject lastEventDate = new MutableObject(newestEventTime); boolean complete; try { currentThread.setName(currentName + "-" + lastAggregated + "_" + newestEventTime); logger.debug( "Starting aggregation of events between {} (inc) and {} (exc)", lastAggregated, newestEventTime); // Do aggregation, capturing the start and end dates eventAggregatorStatus.setLastStart(; complete = portalEventDao.aggregatePortalEvents( lastAggregated, newestEventTime, this.eventAggregationBatchSize, new AggregateEventsHandler(events, lastEventDate, eventAggregatorStatus)); eventAggregatorStatus.setLastEventDate((DateTime) lastEventDate.getValue()); eventAggregatorStatus.setLastEnd(; } finally { currentThread.setName(currentName); } // Store the results of the aggregation eventAggregationManagementDao.updateEventAggregatorStatus(eventAggregatorStatus); complete = complete && (this.eventAggregationBatchSize <= 0 || events.intValue() < this.eventAggregationBatchSize); return new EventProcessingResult( events.intValue(), lastAggregated, eventAggregatorStatus.getLastEventDate(), complete); }
/** * Creates a storage form the uploaded local storage directory. * * @param localStorageData Local storage information. * @throws IOException If {@link IOException} occurs. * @throws BusinessException If there is not enough space for the unpacking the storage. * @throws SerializationException If serialization fails. */ public void createStorageFromUploadedDir(final IStorageData localStorageData) throws IOException, BusinessException, SerializationException { long storageBytesLeft = getBytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft(); if (localStorageData.getDiskSize() > storageBytesLeft) { throw new BusinessException( "Create the uploaded storage " + localStorageData + ".", StorageErrorCodeEnum.LOW_DISK_SPACE); } Path uploadPath = Paths.get(this.getStorageUploadsFolder()); if (Files.notExists(uploadPath)) { throw new IOException( "Can not perform storage unpacking. The main upload path " + uploadPath.toString() + " does not exist."); } else { final MutableObject storageUploadPath = new MutableObject(); final MutableObject uploadedStorageData = new MutableObject(); final ISerializer serializer = getSerializationManagerProvider().createSerializer(); Files.walkFileTree( uploadPath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { // skip all other files, search for the local data if (!file.toString() .endsWith( localStorageData.getId() + StorageFileType.LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE.getExtension())) { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } // when found confirm it is the one we wanted to upload InputStream inputStream = null; Input input = null; try { inputStream = Files.newInputStream(file, StandardOpenOption.READ); input = new Input(inputStream); Object deserialized = serializer.deserialize(input); if (Objects.equals(deserialized, localStorageData)) { uploadedStorageData.setValue(new StorageData(localStorageData)); storageUploadPath.setValue(file.toAbsolutePath().getParent()); return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE; } } catch (SerializationException e) { log.warn("Error de-serializing local storage file.", e); } finally { if (null != input) { input.close(); } } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); // do the rest out of the file walk Path parentDir = (Path) storageUploadPath.getValue(); StorageData storageData = (StorageData) uploadedStorageData.getValue(); if (null != storageData && null != parentDir) { Path storageDir = getStoragePath(storageData); if (existingStoragesSet.add(storageData)) { if (Files.notExists(storageDir)) { printStorageCmrVersionWarn(storageData); Files.walkFileTree(parentDir, new CopyMoveFileVisitor(parentDir, storageDir, true)); Path localInformation = getStoragePath(storageData) .resolve( storageData.getId() + StorageFileType.LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE.getExtension()); Files.deleteIfExists(localInformation); writeStorageDataToDisk(storageData); } else { throw new IOException("Directory to place uploaded storage already exists."); } } else { "Uploaded storage on path " + parentDir.toString() + " contains the storage that is already available on the CMR. Dir will be deleted."); Files.walkFileTree(parentDir, new DeleteFileVisitor()); } } } }