private void updateTotalVA() { tv.setText( "" + (NumberUtils.toInt(batteryVoltage.getText().toString()) * NumberUtils.toInt(batteryAmpHour.getText().toString()) * NumberUtils.toInt(batteryCount.getText().toString()))); }
public void createImage(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); response.setContentType("image/jpg"); /** 取得高度和宽度 */ String width = request.getParameter("width"); String height = request.getParameter("height"); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(width) && StringUtils.isNumeric(height)) { w = NumberUtils.toInt(width); h = NumberUtils.toInt(height); } /** */ BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g = image.getGraphics(); createBackground(g); /** */ String s = createCharacter(g); request.getSession().setAttribute(VALIDATE_CODE, s); g.dispose(); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(image, "JPEG", out); out.close(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public String doExport(final String descriptorGroup, final String fileName, final boolean async) { final AsyncContext ctx = getAsyncContext(); final String imgVault = systemService.getImageRepositoryDirectory(); // Max char of report to UI since it will get huge and simply will crash the UI, not to mention // traffic cost. final int logSize = NumberUtils.toInt( nodeService.getConfiguration().get(AttributeNamesKeys.System.IMPORT_JOB_LOG_SIZE), 100); // Timeout - just in case runnable crashes and we need to unlock through timeout. final int timeout = NumberUtils.toInt( nodeService.getConfiguration().get(AttributeNamesKeys.System.IMPORT_JOB_TIMEOUT_MS), 100); final String rootPath = resolveExportDirectory(); final String absFile = resolveExportFile(fileName); return doJob( new JobContextImpl( async, new JobStatusListenerImpl(logSize, timeout), new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put(JobContextKeys.EXPORT_DESCRIPTOR_GROUP, descriptorGroup); put(JobContextKeys.EXPORT_FILE, absFile); put(JobContextKeys.IMAGE_VAULT_PATH, imgVault); put(JobContextKeys.EXPORT_DIRECTORY_ROOT, rootPath); putAll(ctx.getAttributes()); } })); }
/** * Aggregate all income receipt for given period The result format is: * Map<accountId,'accountName|amount'> * * @param from * @param to * @return */ public Map<Integer, Object[]> aggregateIncomeReceiptItem(Date from, Date to) { String squery = "select,, sum(ir.amount) from IncomeReceiptItem as ir " + " left join ir.receipt as r " + "where r.receiptDate >= :from and r.receiptDate <= :to " + " group by"; Query query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(squery); query.setParameter("from", from); query.setParameter("to", to); List result = query.list(); Map<Integer, Object[]> mapResult = new HashMap<Integer, Object[]>(); String accountName; BigDecimal amount; Integer accountId; String tmp; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { for (Object o : result) { Object[] obj = (Object[]) o; accountId = NumberUtils.toInt(obj[0].toString()); mapResult.put(accountId, obj); } } return mapResult; }
@Override @Nonnull public HstQueryBuilder sizeParam(final String parameterName) { String value = SiteUtils.getAnyParameter(parameterName, request, component); size = NumberUtils.toInt(value, SiteUtils.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); return this; }
protected MemcachedImpl(boolean isTTStore) throws Exception { Properties configuration = new Properties(); configuration.load(MemcachedImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("/")); List<InetSocketAddress> addrList = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>(); int nb = 1; String prefix = isTTStore ? "ttcached." : "memcached."; while (configuration.containsKey(prefix + nb + ".host")) { String hostandport = configuration.getProperty(prefix + nb + ".host"); String host = StringUtils.substringBefore(hostandport, ":"); String portStr = StringUtils.substringAfter(hostandport, ":"); int port = NumberUtils.toInt(portStr, 11211); System.out.println( "memcached init [host:" + host + ",port:" + port + ",portStr:" + portStr + "]"); addrList.add(new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); nb++; } if (addrList.size() == 0) { throw new Exception("Bad configuration for memcached or tt store"); } MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder(addrList); try { builder.setConnectionPoolSize(5); this.client =; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void decreaseIndent() { if (currentEditor.getValue().getMediaType().equals(MediaType.XHTML)) { XHTMLCodeEditor xhtmlCodeEditor = (XHTMLCodeEditor) currentEditor.getValue(); XMLTagPair pair = xhtmlCodeEditor.findSurroundingTags(new XHTMLCodeEditor.BlockTagInspector()); if (pair != null) {"found xml block tag " + pair.getTagName()); String tagAtttributes = xhtmlCodeEditor.getRange(pair.getOpenTagEnd(), pair.getTagAttributesEnd()); Matcher regexMatcher = indentRegex.matcher(tagAtttributes); if (regexMatcher.find()) { String currentIndentStr =; int currentIndent = NumberUtils.toInt(currentIndentStr, 0); String currentUnit =; switch (currentUnit) { case "%": case "rem": case "em": currentIndent--; break; case "px": currentIndent = currentIndent - 10; break; } insertStyle("text-indent", currentIndent + currentUnit); } else { insertStyle("text-indent", "-1em"); } } } }
@RequestMapping("/apply") public String getApplyBrandsByPage(HttpServletRequest request) { // 处理分页信息 PageInfo pageInfo = null; if (request.getParameter("query") != null) { // 查询 pageInfo = PageUtils.registerPageInfo(request); } else if (request.getParameter("pageNo") != null) { // 分页 int pageNo = NumberUtils.toInt(request.getParameter("pageNo"), 1); pageInfo = PageUtils.getPageInfo(request); pageInfo.setPageNo(pageNo); } else { pageInfo = PageUtils.getPageInfo(request); if (pageInfo == null) { pageInfo = PageUtils.registerPageInfo(request); pageInfo.getConditions().put("status", SystemConstants.DB_STATUS_VALID); // 默认有效 pageInfo.getConditions().put("createDate", "DESC"); // 默认降序 } } request.setAttribute("pageInfo", pageInfo); // 查询 Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageInfo.getConditions().get("brandName"))) { map.put("brandName", pageInfo.getConditions().get("brandName")); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageInfo.getConditions().get("coName"))) { map.put("coName", pageInfo.getConditions().get("coName").toLowerCase()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageInfo.getConditions().get("startDt"))) { map.put( "startDt", DateUtils.parseDate(pageInfo.getConditions().get("startDt"), "yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageInfo.getConditions().get("endDt"))) { Date endDt = DateUtils.parseDate(pageInfo.getConditions().get("endDt"), "yyyy-MM-dd"); endDt = DateUtils.addDay(endDt, 1); map.put("endDt", endDt); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageInfo.getConditions().get("status"))) { map.put("status", pageInfo.getConditions().get("status")); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageInfo.getConditions().get("loginName"))) { map.put("loginName", pageInfo.getConditions().get("loginName")); } Page<SellerBrand> sellerBrands = this.sellerBrandService.queryWaitAuditApplyByPage(map, pageInfo.getPageNo()); request.setAttribute("sellerBrands", sellerBrands); return "brand/applyList"; }
public static void main(String[] args) { String hostandport = ""; String host = StringUtils.substringBefore(hostandport, ":"); Integer port = NumberUtils.toInt(StringUtils.substringAfter(hostandport, ":"), 11211); System.out.println(host); System.out.println(port); }
public static int toInt(final Object o) { if (o instanceof BigDecimal) { return NumberUtil.toInt((BigDecimal) o); } else if (o instanceof Number) { return new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(o)).intValue(); } else { return NumberUtils.toInt(String.valueOf(o)); } }
/** 客户端异常查询 */ @RequestMapping("/exception") public ModelAndView doException( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) { // 1.1 应用信息 Long appId = NumberUtils.toLong(request.getParameter("appId")); if (appId <= 0) { return new ModelAndView(""); } AppDesc appDesc = appService.getByAppId(appId); model.addAttribute("appDesc", appDesc); // 1.2 异常类型 int type = NumberUtil.toInt(request.getParameter("type")); model.addAttribute("type", type); // 1.3 客户端ip String clientIp = request.getParameter("clientIp"); model.addAttribute("clientIp", clientIp); // 1.4 日期格式转换 TimeBetween timeBetween = new TimeBetween(); try { timeBetween = fillWithClientExceptionTime(request, model); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } // 2. 分页查询异常 int totalCount = clientReportExceptionService.getAppExceptionCount( appId, timeBetween.getStartTime(), timeBetween.getEndTime(), type, clientIp); int pageNo = NumberUtils.toInt(request.getParameter("pageNo"), 1); int pageSize = NumberUtils.toInt(request.getParameter("pageSize"), 10); Page page = new Page(pageNo, pageSize, totalCount); model.addAttribute("page", page); List<AppClientExceptionStat> appClientExceptionList = clientReportExceptionService.getAppExceptionList( appId, timeBetween.getStartTime(), timeBetween.getEndTime(), type, clientIp, page); model.addAttribute("appClientExceptionList", appClientExceptionList); return new ModelAndView("client/clientException"); }
@Override public PageObject queryForMPageList(String sql, Object[] args, Map req) { int totalCount = 1; int start = NumberUtils.toInt(ObjectUtils.toString(req.get("start"), "1")); int limit = NumberUtils.toInt( ObjectUtils.toString(req.get("limit"), GlobalConstant.Global_PAGESIZE + "")); int startIndex = limit * (start - 1); String sort = ObjectUtils.toString(req.get("sort")); String dir = ObjectUtils.toString(req.get("dir")); StringBuffer buildsql = new StringBuffer(); buildsql.append("select * from ( "); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sort)) { String pa = "order by (,|\\.|\\w|\\d| )+( asc| desc)?( Nulls last)?( Nulls first)?\\s?$"; String re = " order by " + sort + " " + dir; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pa, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(sql); if (matcher.find()) { buildsql.append(matcher.replaceFirst(re)); } } else { buildsql.append(sql); } buildsql.append(" ) temp LIMIT " + String.valueOf(startIndex) + "," + String.valueOf(limit)); systemLog.debugLog( getClass(), buildsql.toString() + " : args is " + StringUtils.join(args, ",")); PageObject page = new PageObject(); try { List list = super.getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(buildsql.toString(), args); String countsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (" + sql + ") TEMP"; totalCount = super.getJdbcTemplate().queryForInt(countsql, args); page.setDatasource(list); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); int _absolutePage = (int) Math.ceil(totalCount * 1.0 / limit); page.setAbsolutePage(_absolutePage); int _currentPage = start / limit + 1; page.setCurrentPage(_currentPage); } catch (Exception e) { systemLog.errorLog(getClass(), "--", "--", "--", "--", "--", e); } return page; }
public void createShare(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { request = wrapRequest(request); Player player = playerService.getPlayer(request, response); User user = securityService.getCurrentUser(request); if (!user.isShareRole()) { error( request, response, ErrorCode.NOT_AUTHORIZED, user.getUsername() + " is not authorized to share media."); return; } XMLBuilder builder = createXMLBuilder(request, response, true); try { List<MediaFile> files = new ArrayList<MediaFile>(); for (String id : ServletRequestUtils.getRequiredStringParameters(request, "id")) { MediaFile file = mediaFileService.getMediaFile(NumberUtils.toInt(id)); files.add(file); } // TODO: Update api.jsp Share share = shareService.createShare(request, files); share.setDescription(request.getParameter("description")); long expires = ServletRequestUtils.getLongParameter(request, "expires", 0L); if (expires != 0) { share.setExpires(new Date(expires)); } shareService.updateShare(share); builder.add("shares", false); builder.add("share", createAttributesForShare(share), false); for (MediaFile mediaFile : shareService.getSharedFiles(share.getId())) { File coverArt = mediaFileService.getCoverArt(mediaFile); AttributeSet attributes = restBrowseController.createAttributesForMediaFile(player, coverArt, mediaFile); builder.add("entry", attributes, true); } builder.endAll(); response.getWriter().print(builder); } catch (ServletRequestBindingException x) { error(request, response, ErrorCode.MISSING_PARAMETER, getErrorMessage(x)); } catch (Exception x) { LOG.warn("Error in REST API.", x); error(request, response, ErrorCode.GENERIC, getErrorMessage(x)); } }
public Integer checkDynamicCode(String validCode) { if (!redisEao.isKeyExist(Constants.REDIS_KEY_PER_LOGIN_DYNAMIC_CODE_PREFIX + validCode)) { return 0; // Code在Redis中已过期 } else { Integer id = NumberUtils.toInt( redisEao.readFromString( Constants.REDIS_KEY_PER_LOGIN_DYNAMIC_CODE_PREFIX + validCode)); return id; } }
public Integer checkSMSValidationCode(String validCode) { if (!redisEao.isKeyExist(Constants.REDIS_KEY_PER_SMS_VALIDATION_PREFIX + validCode)) { return 0; // Code在Redis中已过期 } else { Integer id = NumberUtils.toInt( redisEao.readFromString(Constants.REDIS_KEY_PER_SMS_VALIDATION_PREFIX + validCode)); // 这里需要考虑是否要将这个redis key直接移除掉?还是等它自己的生存周期过期? return id; } }
public M2ReleaseVersionInfo(final String version, final String nextDevelopmentVersionMode) throws VersionParseException { super(version); // custom field (set next version mode index, acceptable are 1,2 and 3) // if latest is coming, we keep there DefaultVersionInfo behavior if (StringUtils.startsWith(nextDevelopmentVersionMode, INDEX_PREFIX)) { final String indexStr = StringUtils.substring(nextDevelopmentVersionMode, INDEX_PREFIX.length()); nextVersionModeIndex = NumberUtils.toInt(indexStr) - 1; } }
public static int[] toIntArray(final Collection<? extends Object> collection) { if (collection == null) { return new int[0]; } final int[] numeros = new int[collection.size()]; int i = 0; for (final Object o : collection) { numeros[i++] = NumberUtils.toInt(o.toString().trim()); } return numeros; }
public void fillComInterviewMixInfo(ComInterview comInterview) { if (comInterview != null && StringUtils.isBlank(comInterview.getMixInfo())) { Integer perId = comInterview.getPerUserId(); try { Map<String, String> map = updateResumeMixInfo(perId, " com_interview "); if (NumberUtils.toInt(map.get("resumeId"), 0) > 0 && map.get("userName") != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ObjectUtils.toString(map.get("userName")))) { comInterview.setResumeId(NumberUtils.toInt(map.get("resumeId"), 0)); comInterview.setUserName(map.get("userName")); comInterview.setGender(NumberUtils.toInt(map.get("gender"), 0)); comInterview.setAge(NumberUtils.toInt(map.get("age"), 0)); comInterview.setDegree(NumberUtils.toInt(map.get("degree"), 0)); comInterview.setMixInfo(map.get("mixInfo")); comInterview.setSchoolName(map.get("schoolName")); comInterview.setSpeciality(map.get("speciality")); comInterview.setSchoolName(map.get("schoolName")); comInterview.setJobyearType(NumberUtils.toInt(map.get("jobyearType"), 0)); } else { getJdbcTemplateAction() .update( "UPDATE com_blacklist SET mix_info = ? WHERE id=?", "{}", comInterview.getId()); comInterview.setMixInfo("{}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // 不处理 } } }
/** * Compares <code>version</code> to <code>value</code> version and value are strings like w.x.y.z * Returns <code>0</code> if either <code>version</code> or <code>value</code> is null. * * @param version String like w.x.y.z * @param value String like w.x.y.z * @return the value <code>0</code> if <code>version</code> is equal to the argument <code>value * </code>; a value less than <code>0</code> if <code>version</code> is numerically less than * the argument <code>value</code>; and a value greater than <code>0</code> if <code>version * </code> is numerically greater than the argument <code>value</code> * @should correctly comparing two version numbers * @should treat SNAPSHOT as earliest version */ public static int compareVersion(String version, String value) { try { if (version == null || value == null) return 0; List<String> versions = new Vector<String>(); List<String> values = new Vector<String>(); // treat "-SNAPSHOT" as the lowest possible version // e.g. 1.8.4-SNAPSHOT is really version = version.replace("-SNAPSHOT", ".0"); value = value.replace("-SNAPSHOT", ".0"); Collections.addAll(versions, version.split("\\.")); Collections.addAll(values, value.split("\\.")); // match the sizes of the lists while (versions.size() < values.size()) { versions.add("0"); } while (values.size() < versions.size()) { values.add("0"); } for (int x = 0; x < versions.size(); x++) { String verNum = versions.get(x).trim(); String valNum = values.get(x).trim(); Integer ver = NumberUtils.toInt(verNum, 0); Integer val = NumberUtils.toInt(valNum, 0); int ret = ver.compareTo(val); if (ret != 0) return ret; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error( "Error while converting a version/value to an integer: " + version + "/" + value, e); } // default return value if an error occurs or elements are equal return 0; }
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException { JASService jasService = (JASService) Context.getService(JASService.class); if (text != null && text.trim().length() > 0) { try { setValue(jasService.getItemUnitById(NumberUtils.toInt(text))); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error setting text: " + text, ex); throw new IllegalArgumentException("ItemUnit not found: " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { setValue(null); } }
private long determineExpiryInMs() { final String av = systemService.getAttributeValue(AttributeNamesKeys.System.CART_ABANDONED_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); if (av != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(av)) { long expiry = NumberUtils.toInt(av) * 1000L; if (expiry > 0) { return expiry; } } return this.abandonedTimeoutMs; }
/** * 读取产品列表 * * @param productQuery * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/product/list") public void productList(ProductQuery productQuery, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { List<Product> productList = new ArrayList<Product>(); int total = 0; if (productQuery.isProductId()) { // 如果有ID筛选 Product product = productService.getProductById(NumberUtils.toInt(productQuery.getSearch())); if (product != null) { productList.add(product); total = 1; } } else if (productQuery.getSearch().length() > 0) { // 模糊查询 Page<Product> page; page = productService.queryProductByFuzzyPage( productQuery.getSearch(), productQuery.getPageNo(), productQuery.getLimit()); productList = page.getResult(); total = page.getTotalCount(); } else { Page<Product> page; if (productQuery.getCategoryId() > 0) { page = productService.queryProductsByCategoryIdByPage( productQuery.getCategoryId(), productQuery.getPageNo(), productQuery.getLimit()); } else if (productQuery.getCustomerId() > 0) { page = productService.queryProductsByCustomerIdByPage( productQuery.getCustomerId(), productQuery.getPageNo(), productQuery.getLimit()); } else if (productQuery.getBrandId() > 0) { page = productService.queryProductsByBrandIdByPage( productQuery.getBrandId(), productQuery.getPageNo(), productQuery.getLimit()); } else if (productQuery.getStoreId() > 0) { page = productService.queryProductsByStoreIdByPage( productQuery.getStoreId(), productQuery.getPageNo(), productQuery.getLimit()); } else { page = productService.queryAllProductsByPage( productQuery.getPageNo(), productQuery.getLimit()); } productList = page.getResult(); total = page.getTotalCount(); } List<ProductModel> productGrid = createProductGrid(productList); new JsonResult(true) .addData("totalCount", total) .addData("result", productGrid) .toJson(response); }
@Override public void modify(Object element, String property, Object value) { if (!(element != null && COLUMN_QUANTITY.equals(property))) { return; } if (!(element instanceof TableItem)) { return; } if (((TableItem) element).getData() instanceof OrderEntry) { OrderEntry entry = (OrderEntry) ((TableItem) element).getData(); entry.setQuantity(NumberUtils.toInt("" + value)); this.orderEditor.tableViewer.refresh(); } }
public String getCheckInfoAndAsset() throws IOException, DocumentException { String id = request.getParameter("id"); int startIndex = NumberUtils.toInt(getRequestParameter("jtStartIndex"), 0); int pageSize = NumberUtils.toInt(getRequestParameter("jtPageSize"), 10); List<Object[]> list = ServiceProvider.getService(AssetTaskService.class) .findCheckInfoAndAssetByTaskId(id, startIndex, pageSize); List<Map<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (Object[] obj : list) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("assetNo", obj[0]); map.put("assetName", obj[1]); map.put("line", obj[2]); map.put("station", obj[3]); map.put("beginUseDate", obj[4]); map.put("checkInfo", obj[5]); map.put("checkDate", obj[6]); map.put("checkPerson", obj[7]); result.add(map); } renderJson(result, list.size()); return Action.NONE; }
/** * 显示list页面,普通权限,无法新增任务 * * @throws Exception */ public void inquery() throws Exception { request.setAttribute("today", sdfToDate.format(new Date())); String pageNo = request.getParameter("pageNo"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pageNo)) { pageNo = "0"; } Map<String, String> mapFilter = createFilterMap(); String start1 = getRequestParameter("start1"); String start2 = getRequestParameter("start2"); int startIndex = NumberUtils.toInt(getRequestParameter("jtStartIndex"), 0); int pageSize = NumberUtils.toInt(getRequestParameter("jtPageSize"), 10); Map<String, String> sort = createSortMap(); Pagination<AssetTask> page = ServiceProvider.getService(AssetTaskService.class) .findBy(mapFilter, sort, startIndex, pageSize); JsonConfig jsonConfig = basicJsonCfg.copy(); renderJson(page.getResult(), page.getTotalCount(), jsonConfig); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public boolean validateUserCount(final EnergizerB2BUnitModel energizerModel) { boolean validateFlag = false; if (null != energizerModel.getMaxUserLimit()) { final int b2bUnitLimit = NumberUtils.toInt(energizerModel.getMaxUserLimit());"B2B Unit Count is " + b2bUnitLimit); final int totalCustomers = defaultB2BUnitService.getB2BCustomers(energizerModel).size();"B2B Unit Size is " + totalCustomers); final int totalCustomer = defaultB2BUnitService.getB2BCustomers(energizerModel).size() - 1;"B2B Unit size after is " + totalCustomer); validateFlag = (totalCustomers >= b2bUnitLimit) ? true : false; } return validateFlag; }
@BeforeClass public static void startServer() throws Exception { String externalServerPort = System.getProperty("external.jetty.server.port"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(externalServerPort)) { int port = NumberUtils.toInt(externalServerPort); serverUri = URI.create("http://localhost:" + port + "/services/advertise/UniqueIDService/v1/"); return; } jetty = new SimpleJettyServer(); jetty.start(); serverUri = jetty.getServerURI(); // serverUri = new URI("/services/advertise/UniqueIDService/v1/"); }
private void createResponseBuilderInResourceMethodReturnType( final Action action, final JDefinedClass responseClass, final Entry<String, Response> statusCodeAndResponse) throws Exception { final int statusCode = NumberUtils.toInt(statusCodeAndResponse.getKey()); final Response response = statusCodeAndResponse.getValue(); if (response.getBody() == null || response.getBody().isEmpty()) { createResponseBuilderInResourceMethodReturnType(responseClass, statusCode, response, null); } else { for (final MimeType mimeType : response.getBody().values()) { createResponseBuilderInResourceMethodReturnType( responseClass, statusCode, response, mimeType); } } }
private int getLimitSizeConfig( final long categoryId, final long shopId, final String limitAttribute, final int defaultLimit) { if (categoryId > 0L && shopService.getShopContentIds(shopId).contains(categoryId)) { final String size = contentService.getContentAttributeRecursive(null, categoryId, limitAttribute, null); if (size != null) { return NumberUtils.toInt(size, defaultLimit); } } return defaultLimit; }
public String getHtComplication() { try { // 患者ID取得 int patientId = NumberUtils.toInt(ActionContext.getContext().getSession().get("PatientID").toString()); // 患者ID要从session里取得 List<PatientNowComplicationsChecked> result = readMapper.selectByPatientId(patientId); HashMap<String, String> codemap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 疾病勾选 for (PatientNowComplicationsChecked record : result) { codemap.put(record.getDiseaseidvalue(), record.getDiseaseidvalue()); } ModelMap modelMap = new ModelMap(); modelMap.setResult(codemap); // 将java对象转成json对象 HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse(); // 以下代码从JSON.java中拷过来的 response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out; out = response.getWriter(); modelMap.setResult(codemap); // 将java对象转成json对象 JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(modelMap); // 转换为json out.print(jsonObject); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return SUCCESS; }