   * Load in a single property data source, or a "config.xml" descriptor file (specifying multiple
   * data sources). Properties are added to the global composite property data set.
   * <p>
   * <p>N.B. Due to underlying Jakarta (commons configuration) implementation, any previously loaded
   * properties (with duplicate keys) will override subsequently loaded properties. ie clients
   * should load in override (eg user) data before loading default (eg core) data.
   * <p>
   * <p>N.B. Also system properties are currently loaded before any calls to loadPropertyData, so
   * they take precedence over everything.
   * @param listName the path name of the property data source. If the name ends in "config.xml"
   *     then the file is treated as a Jakarta commons configuration descriptor file. If the file
   *     ends in ".xml" it is loaded as a Jakarta XML property configuration file. Otherwise it is
   *     loaded as a legacy flat-file key-value pair plain text property file. N.B. Although Jakarta
   *     supports other data sources, eg JDBC, these are not yet supported via this method.
   * @throws ConfigurationException
   * @see gda.configuration.properties.PropertiesConfig#loadPropertyData(java.lang.String)
  public void loadPropertyData(String listName) throws ConfigurationException {
    Configuration userConfig = null;

    if (listName.contains(".xml")) {
      if (listName.endsWith("config.xml")) {

        // *****
        // FIXME 'ConfigurationFactory' should be replaced with the new and improved
        // 'DefaultConfigurationBuilder'
        // *****

        // create a JCC configuration factory from a JCC config descriptor
        // file and make a JCC configuration interface/object from it
        ConfigurationFactory factory = new ConfigurationFactory();

        // README - fix to get relative paths in config.xml working.
        // See comment for this method for explanation.
        configFactoryBasePathBugWorkaround(factory, listName);

        // now try to load in config.xml - relative paths should now work
        userConfig = factory.getConfiguration();
      } else {
        // load a JCC XML-format property file
        userConfig = new XMLConfiguration(listName);
    } else {
      if (listName.contains(".properties")) {
        // load a classic java properties flat-textfile,
        // containing just name-value pairs - with extended JCC syntax
        userConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration(listName);

    if (userConfig != null) {
      configMap.put(listName, userConfig);