protected void logParams() {
   Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames();
   while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
     String name = (String) en.nextElement();
     String vals[];
     String dispval;
     if (StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(name, "passw") >= 0) {
       dispval = req.getParameter(name).length() == 0 ? "" : "********";
     } else if (log.isDebug2() && (vals = req.getParameterValues(name)).length > 1) {
       dispval = StringUtil.separatedString(vals, ", ");
     } else {
       dispval = req.getParameter(name);
     log.debug(name + " = " + dispval);
 String getLocalIPAddr() {
   if (localAddr == null) {
     try {
       IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getLocalHost();
       localAddr = localHost.getHostAddress();
     } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
       // shouldn't happen
       log.error("LockssServlet: getLocalHost: " + e.toString());
       return "???";
   return localAddr;
 public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest(int maxLen)
     throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException {
   if (req.getContentType() == null || !req.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) {
     return null;
   if (req.getContentLength() > maxLen) {
     throw new FormDataTooLongException(req.getContentLength() + " bytes, " + maxLen + " allowed");
   MultiPartRequest multi = new MultiPartRequest(req);
   if (log.isDebug2()) {
     String[] parts = multi.getPartNames();
     log.debug3("Multipart request, " + parts.length + " parts");
     if (log.isDebug3()) {
       for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) {
         String name = parts[p];
         String cont = multi.getString(parts[p]);
         log.debug3(name + ": " + cont);
   multiReq = multi;
   return multi;
 private static synchronized String getJavascript() {
   if (jstext == null) {
     InputStream istr = null;
     try {
       ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
       istr = loader.getResourceAsStream(JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE);
       jstext = StringUtil.fromInputStream(istr);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       log.error("Can't load javascript", e);
     } finally {
   return jstext;
// SingleThreadModel causes servlet instances to be assigned to only a
// single thread (request) at a time.
public abstract class LockssServlet extends HttpServlet implements SingleThreadModel {
  protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("LockssServlet");

  // Constants
  static final String PARAM_LOCAL_IP = Configuration.PREFIX + "localIPAddress";

  static final String PARAM_PLATFORM_VERSION = Configuration.PREFIX + "platform.version";

  /** Inactive HTTP session (cookie) timeout */
  static final String PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.sessionTimeout";

  static final long DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 2 * Constants.DAY;

  /** Maximum size of uploaded file accepted */
  static final String PARAM_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.maxUploadFileSize";

  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = 500000;

  /** The warning string to display when the UI is disabled. */
  static final String PARAM_UI_WARNING = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.warning";

  // session keys
  static final String SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID = "obj_id";
  static final String SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP = "obj_map";
  public static final String SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET = "running_servlet";
  public static final String SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST = "request_host";

  // Name given to form element whose value is the action that should be
  // performed when the form is submitted.  (Not always the submit button.)
  public static final String ACTION_TAG = "lockssAction";

  public static final String JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE = "org/lockss/htdocs/admin.js";

  public static final String ATTR_INCLUDE_SCRIPT = "IncludeScript";
  public static final String ATTR_ALLOW_ROLES = "AllowRoles";

  /** User may configure admin access (add/delete/modify users, set admin access list) */
  public static final String ROLE_USER_ADMIN = "userAdminRole";

  /** User may configure content access (set content access list) */
  public static final String ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN = "contentAdminRole";

  /** User may change AU configuration (add/delete content) */
  public static final String ROLE_AU_ADMIN = "auAdminRole";

  public static final String ROLE_DEBUG = "debugRole";

  protected ServletContext context;

  private LockssApp theApp = null;
  private ServletManager servletMgr;
  private AccountManager acctMgr;

  // Request-local storage.  Convenient, but requires servlet instances
  // to be single threaded, and must ensure reset them to avoid carrying
  // over state between requests.
  protected HttpServletRequest req;
  protected HttpServletResponse resp;
  protected URL reqURL;
  protected HttpSession session;
  private String adminDir = null;
  protected String clientAddr; // client addr, even if no param
  protected String localAddr;
  protected MultiPartRequest multiReq;

  private Vector footnotes;
  private int footNumber;
  private int tabindex;
  ServletDescr _myServletDescr = null;
  private String myName = null;

  // number submit buttons sequentially so unit tests can find them
  protected int submitButtonNumber = 0;

  /** Run once when servlet loaded. */
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    context = config.getServletContext();
    theApp = (LockssApp) context.getAttribute(ServletManager.CONTEXT_ATTR_LOCKSS_APP);
    servletMgr = (ServletManager) context.getAttribute(ServletManager.CONTEXT_ATTR_SERVLET_MGR);
    if (theApp instanceof LockssDaemon) {
      acctMgr = getLockssDaemon().getAccountManager();

  public ServletManager getServletManager() {
    return servletMgr;

  protected ServletDescr[] getServletDescrs() {
    return servletMgr.getServletDescrs();

  /** Servlets must implement this method. */
  protected abstract void lockssHandleRequest() throws ServletException, IOException;

  /** Common request handling. */
  public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    boolean success = false;
    HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
    try {
      this.req = req;
      this.resp = resp;
      if (log.isDebug()) {

      if (!mayPageBeCached()) {
        resp.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
        resp.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache");

      reqURL = new URL(UrlUtil.getRequestURL(req));
      clientAddr = getLocalIPAddr();

      // check that current user has permission to run this servlet
      if (!isServletAllowed(myServletDescr())) {
        displayWarningInLieuOfPage("You are not authorized to use " + myServletDescr().heading);

      // check whether servlet is disabled
      String reason = ServletUtil.servletDisabledReason(myServletDescr().getServletName());
      if (reason != null) {
        displayWarningInLieuOfPage("This function is disabled. " + reason);
      if (session != null) {
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, getHeading());
        String reqHost = req.getRemoteHost();
        String forw = req.getHeader(HttpFields.__XForwardedFor);
        if (!StringUtil.isNullString(forw)) {
          reqHost += " (proxies for " + forw + ")";
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST, reqHost);
      success = (errMsg == null);
    } catch (ServletException e) {
      log.error("Servlet threw", e);
      throw e;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Servlet threw", e);
      throw e;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      log.error("Servlet threw", e);
      throw e;
    } finally {
      if (session != null) {
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, null);
        session.setAttribute(LockssFormAuthenticator.__J_AUTH_ACTIVITY, TimeBase.nowMs());
      if ("please".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getHeader("X-Lockss-Result"))) {
        log.debug3("X-Lockss-Result: " + (success ? "Ok" : "Fail"));
        resp.setHeader("X-Lockss-Result", success ? "Ok" : "Fail");

  protected void resetState() {
    multiReq = null;
    footNumber = 0;
    submitButtonNumber = 0;
    tabindex = 1;
    statusMsg = null;
    errMsg = null;
    isFramed = false;

  protected void resetLocals() {}

  protected void resetMyLocals() {
    // Don't hold on to stuff forever
    req = null;
    resp = null;
    session = null;
    reqURL = null;
    adminDir = null;
    localAddr = null;
    footnotes = null;
    _myServletDescr = null;
    myName = null;
    multiReq = null;

   * Return true if generated page may be cached (e.g., by browser). Default is false as most
   * servlets generate dynamic results
  protected boolean mayPageBeCached() {
    return false;

  /** Set the session timeout to the configured value */
  protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session) {
    Configuration config = CurrentConfig.getCurrentConfig();
        session, config.getTimeInterval(PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT));

  /** Set the session timeout */
  protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session, long time) {
    session.setMaxInactiveInterval((int) (time / Constants.SECOND));

  /** Get the current session, creating it if necessary (and set the timeout if so) */
  protected HttpSession getSession() {
    if (session == null) {
      session = req.getSession(true);
      if (session.isNew()) {
    return session;

  /** Return true iff a session has already been established */
  protected boolean hasSession() {
    return req.getSession(false) != null;

  /** Get an unused ID string for storing an object in the session */
  protected String getNewSessionObjectId() {
    HttpSession session = getSession();
    synchronized (session) {
      Integer id = (Integer) getSession().getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID);
      if (id == null) {
        id = new Integer(1);
      session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID, new Integer(id.intValue() + 1));
      return id.toString();

  /** Get the object associated with the ID in the session */
  protected Object getSessionIdObject(String id) {
    HttpSession session = getSession();
    synchronized (session) {
      BidiMap map = (BidiMap) session.getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP);
      if (map == null) {
        return null;
      return map.getKey(id);

  /** Get the String associated with the ID in the session */
  protected String getSessionIdString(String id) {
    return (String) getSessionIdObject(id);

  /** Get the ID with which the object is associated with the session, if any */
  protected String getSessionObjectId(Object obj) {
    HttpSession session = getSession();
    BidiMap map;
    synchronized (session) {
      map = (BidiMap) session.getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP);
      if (map == null) {
        map = new DualHashBidiMap();
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP, map);
    synchronized (map) {
      String id = (String) map.get(obj);
      if (id == null) {
        id = getNewSessionObjectId();
        map.put(obj, id);
      return id;

  // Return descriptor of running servlet
  protected ServletDescr myServletDescr() {
    if (_myServletDescr == null) {
      _myServletDescr = servletMgr.findServletDescr(this);
    return _myServletDescr;

  // By default, servlet heading is in descr.  Override method to
  // compute other heading
  protected String getHeading(ServletDescr d) {
    if (d == null) return "Unknown Servlet";
    return d.heading;

  protected String getHeading() {
    return getHeading(myServletDescr());

  String getLocalIPAddr() {
    if (localAddr == null) {
      try {
        IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getLocalHost();
        localAddr = localHost.getHostAddress();
      } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        // shouldn't happen
        log.error("LockssServlet: getLocalHost: " + e.toString());
        return "???";
    return localAddr;

  // Return IP addr used by LCAP.  If specified by (misleadingly named)
  // localIPAddress prop, might not really be our address (if we are
  // behind NAT).
  String getLcapIPAddr() {
    String ip = CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_LOCAL_IP);
    if (ip == null || ip.length() <= 0) {
      return getLocalIPAddr();
    return ip;

  String getRequestHost() {
    return reqURL.getHost();

  String getMachineName() {
    return PlatformUtil.getLocalHostname();

  //   String getMachineName0() {
  //     if (myName == null) {
  //       // Return the canonical name of the interface the request was aimed
  //       // at.  (localIPAddress prop isn't necessarily right here, as it
  //       // might be the address of a NAT that we're behind.)
  //       String host = reqURL.getHost();
  //       try {
  // 	IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getByName(host);
  // 	String ip = localHost.getHostAddress();
  // 	myName = getMachineName(ip);
  //       } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
  // 	// shouldn't happen
  // 	log.error("getMachineName", e);
  // 	return host;
  //       }
  //     }
  //     return myName;
  //   }

  //   String getMachineName(String ip) {
  //     try {
  //       IPAddr inet = IPAddr.getByName(ip);
  //       return inet.getHostName();
  //     } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
  //       log.warning("getMachineName", e);
  //     }
  //     return ip;
  //   }

  // return IP given name or IP
  String getMachineIP(String name) {
    try {
      IPAddr inet = IPAddr.getByName(name);
      return inet.getHostAddress();
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      return null;

  boolean isServletLinkInNav(ServletDescr d) {
    return !isThisServlet(d) || linkMeInNav();

  boolean isThisServlet(ServletDescr d) {
    return d == myServletDescr();

  /** servlets may override this to determine whether they should be a link in nav table */
  protected boolean linkMeInNav() {
    return false;

  boolean isLargeLogo() {
    return myServletDescr().isLargeLogo();

  // user predicates
  String getUsername() {
    Principal user = req.getUserPrincipal();
    return user != null ? user.toString() : null;

  protected UserAccount getUserAccount() {
    if (acctMgr != null) {
      return acctMgr.getUser(getUsername());
    return AccountManager.NOBODY_ACCOUNT;

  protected boolean isDebugUser() {
    return doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_DEBUG);

  protected boolean doesUserHaveRole(String role) {
    if ((req.isUserInRole(role) || req.isUserInRole(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)) && !hasNoRoleParsm(role)) {
      return true;
    return hasTestRole(role);

  static Map<String, String> noRoleParams = new HashMap<String, String>();

  static {
    noRoleParams.put(ROLE_USER_ADMIN, "noadmin");
    noRoleParams.put(ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN, "nocontent");
    noRoleParams.put(ROLE_AU_ADMIN, "noau");
    noRoleParams.put(ROLE_DEBUG, "nodebug");

  protected boolean hasNoRoleParsm(String roleName) {
    String noRoleParam = noRoleParams.get(roleName);
    return (noRoleParam != null && !StringUtil.isNullString(req.getParameter(noRoleParam)));

  protected boolean hasTestRole(String role) {
    // Servlet test harness puts roles in context
    List roles = (List) context.getAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_ROLES);
    return roles != null && (roles.contains(role) || roles.contains(ROLE_USER_ADMIN));

  protected boolean isServletAllowed(ServletDescr d) {
    if (d.needsUserAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)) return false;
    if (d.needsContentAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN)) return false;
    if (d.needsAuAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_AU_ADMIN)) return false;

    return d.isEnabled(getLockssDaemon());

  protected boolean isServletDisplayed(ServletDescr d) {
    if (!isServletAllowed(d)) return false;
    if (d.needsDebugRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_DEBUG)) return false;
    return true;

  protected boolean isServletInNav(ServletDescr d) {
    if (d.cls == ServletDescr.UNAVAILABLE_SERVLET_MARKER) return false;
    return d.isInNav(this) && isServletDisplayed(d);

  // Called when a servlet doesn't get the parameters it expects/needs
  protected void paramError() throws IOException {
    // FIXME: As of 2006-03-15 this method and its only caller checkParam() are not called from
    // anywhere
    PrintWriter wrtr = resp.getWriter();
    Page page = new Page();
    // add referer, params, msg to contact lockss unless from old bookmark
    // or manually entered url
    page.add("Parameter error");

  // return true iff error
  protected boolean checkParam(boolean ok, String msg) throws IOException {
    if (ok) return false;
    log.error(myServletDescr().getPath() + ": " + msg);
    return true;

  /** Construct servlet URL */
  String srvURL(ServletDescr d) {
    return srvURL((String) null, d, null);

  /** Construct servlet URL with params */
  String srvURL(ServletDescr d, String params) {
    return srvURL((String) null, d, params);

  /** Construct servlet URL with params */
  String srvURL(ServletDescr d, Properties params) {
    return srvURL(d, concatParams(params));

  /** Construct servlet absolute URL, with params as necessary. */
  String srvAbsURL(ServletDescr d, String params) {
    return srvURL(getRequestHost(), d, params);

   * Construct servlet URL, with params as necessary. Avoid generating a hostname different from
   * that used in the original request, or browsers will prompt again for login
  String srvURL(String host, ServletDescr d, String params) {
    return srvURLFromStem(srvUrlStem(host), d, params);

  String srvURL(PeerIdentity peer, ServletDescr d, String params) {
    return srvURLFromStem(peer.getUiUrlStem(reqURL.getPort()), d, params);

   * Construct servlet URL, with params as necessary. Avoid generating a hostname different from
   * that used in the original request, or browsers will prompt again for login
  String srvURLFromStem(String stem, ServletDescr d, String params) {
    if (d.isPathIsUrl()) {
      return d.getPath();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80);
    if (stem != null) {
      if (stem.charAt(stem.length() - 1) != '/') {
    } else {
      // ensure absolute path even if no scheme/host/port
    if (params != null) {
    return sb.toString();

  String srvUrlStem(String host) {
    if (host == null) {
      return null;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    return sb.toString();

  /** Return a link to a servlet */
  String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text) {
    return srvLink(d, text, (String) null);

  /** Return a link to a servlet with params */
  String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params) {
    return new Link(srvURL(d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString();

  /** Return a link to a servlet with params */
  String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, Properties params) {
    return new Link(srvURL(d, params), text).toString();

  /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */
  String srvAbsLink(ServletDescr d, String text, Properties params) {
    return srvAbsLink(d, text, concatParams(params));

  /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */
  String srvAbsLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params) {
    return new Link(srvAbsURL(d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString();

  /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */
  String srvAbsLink(String host, ServletDescr d, String text, String params) {
    return new Link(srvURL(host, d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString();

  /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */
  String srvAbsLink(PeerIdentity peer, ServletDescr d, String text, String params) {
    return new Link(srvURL(peer, d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString();

  /** Return text as a link iff isLink */
  String conditionalSrvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params, boolean isLink) {
    if (isLink) {
      return srvLink(d, text, params);
    } else {
      return text;

  /** Return text as a link iff isLink */
  String conditionalSrvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, boolean isLink) {
    return conditionalSrvLink(d, text, null, isLink);

  /** Concatenate params for URL string */
  static String concatParams(String p1, String p2) {
    if (StringUtil.isNullString(p1)) {
      return p2;
    if (StringUtil.isNullString(p2)) {
      return p1;
    return p1 + "&" + p2;

  /** Concatenate params for URL string */
  String concatParams(Properties props) {
    if (props == null) {
      return null;
    java.util.List list = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      String key = (String);
      String val = props.getProperty(key);
      if (!StringUtil.isNullString(val)) {
        list.add(key + "=" + urlEncode(val));
    return StringUtil.separatedString(list, "&");

  String modifyParams(String key, String val) {
    Properties props = getParamsAsProps();
    props.setProperty(key, val);
    return concatParams(props);

   * Return the request parameters as a Properties. Only the first value of multivalued parameters
   * is included.
  Properties getParamsAsProps() {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    for (Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String name = (String) en.nextElement();
      props.setProperty(name, req.getParameter(name));
    return props;

   * Return the request parameters as a Map<String,String>. Only the first value of multivalued
   * parameters is included.
  Map<String, String> getParamsAsMap() {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      String name = (String) en.nextElement();
      map.put(name, req.getParameter(name));
    return map;

  protected String urlEncode(String param) {
    return UrlUtil.encodeUrl(param);

  protected String getRequestKey() {
    String key = req.getPathInfo();
    if (key != null && key.startsWith("/")) {
      return key.substring(1);
    return key;

  /** Common page setup. */
  protected Page newPage() {
    // Compute heading
    String heading = getHeading();
    if (heading == null) {
      heading = "Box Administration";

    // Create page and layout header
    Page page = ServletUtil.doNewPage(getPageTitle(), isFramed());
    Iterator inNavIterator;
    if (myServletDescr().hasNoNavTable()) {
      inNavIterator = CollectionUtil.EMPTY_ITERATOR;
    } else {
      inNavIterator =
          new FilterIterator(
              new ObjectArrayIterator(getServletDescrs()),
              new Predicate() {
                public boolean evaluate(Object obj) {
                  return isServletInNav((ServletDescr) obj);
    String warnMsg = CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_UI_WARNING);
    if (warnMsg != null) {
      Composite warning = new Composite();
      warning.add("<center><font color=red size=+1>");
    return page;

  protected Page addBarePageHeading(Page page) {
    // FIXME: Move the following fragment elsewhere
    // It causes the doctype statement to appear in the middle,
    // after the <body> tag.
    page.add("<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en\">");
    page.addHeader("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">");
    page.addHeader("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\">");
    page.addHeader("<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />");
    return page;

  private boolean isFramed = false;

  protected String errMsg;

  protected String statusMsg;

  protected boolean isFramed() {
    return isFramed;

  protected void setFramed(boolean v) {
    isFramed = v;

  protected String getPageTitle() {
    String heading = getHeading();
    if (heading != null) {
      return "LOCKSS: " + heading;
    } else {
      return "LOCKSS";

  /** Return a button that invokes the javascript submit routine with the specified action */
  protected Element submitButton(String label, String action) {
    return submitButton(label, action, null, null);

  /** Return a button that invokes javascript when clicked. */
  Input jsButton(String label, String js) {
    Input btn = new Input("button", null);
    btn.attribute("value", label);
    btn.attribute("onClick", js);
    return btn;

   * Return a button that invokes the javascript submit routine with the specified action, first
   * storing the value in the specified form prop.
  protected Element submitButton(String label, String action, String prop, String value) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40);
    sb.append("lockssButton(this, '");
    if (prop != null && value != null) {
      sb.append(", '");
      sb.append("', '");
    Input btn = jsButton(label, sb.toString());
    btn.attribute("id", "lsb." + (++submitButtonNumber));
    return btn;

   * Return a (possibly labelled) checkbox.
   * @param label appears to right of checkbox if non null
   * @param value value included in result set if box checked
   * @param key form key to which result set is assigned
   * @param checked if true, box is initially checked
   * @return a checkbox Element
  Element checkBox(String label, String value, String key, boolean checked) {
    Input in = new Input(Input.Checkbox, key, value);
    if (checked) {
    if (StringUtil.isNullString(label)) {
      return in;
    } else {
      Composite c = new Composite();
      c.add(" ");
      return c;

   * Return a labelled rasio button
   * @param label label to right of circle, and form value if checked
   * @param key form key to which value is assigned
   * @param checked if true, is initially checked
   * @return a readio button Element
  protected Element radioButton(String label, String key, boolean checked) {
    return radioButton(label, label, key, checked);

   * Return a labelled rasio button
   * @param label appears to right of circle if non null
   * @param value value assigned to key if box checked
   * @param key form key to which value is assigned
   * @param checked if true, is initially checked
   * @return a readio button Element
  protected Element radioButton(String label, String value, String key, boolean checked) {
    Composite c = new Composite();
    Input in = new Input(Input.Radio, key, value);
    if (checked) {
    return c;

  /** Add html tags to grey the text if isGrey is true */
  protected String greyText(String txt, boolean isGrey) {
    if (!isGrey) {
      return txt;
    return "<font color=gray>" + txt + "</font>";

   * Set this element next in the tab order. Returns the element for easier nesting in expressions.
  protected Element setTabOrder(Element ele) {
    ele.attribute("tabindex", tabindex++);
    return ele;

   * Store a footnote, assign it a number, return html for footnote reference. If footnote in null
   * or empty, no footnote is added and an empty string is returned. Footnote numbers get turned
   * into links; <b>Do not put the result of addFootnote inside a link!</b>.
  protected String addFootnote(String s) {
    if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
      return "";
    if (footNumber == 0) {
      if (footnotes == null) {
        footnotes = new Vector(10, 10);
      } else {
    int n = footnotes.indexOf(s);
    if (n < 0) {
      n = footNumber++;
    return "<sup><font size=-1><a href=#foottag" + (n + 1) + ">" + (n + 1) + "</a></font></sup>";

   * Add javascript to page. Normally adds a link to the script file, but can be told to include the
   * script directly in the page, to accomodate unit testing of individual servlets, when other
   * fetches won't work.
  protected void addJavaScript(Composite comp) {
    String include = (String) context.getAttribute(ATTR_INCLUDE_SCRIPT);
    if (StringUtil.isNullString(include)) {
    } else {

  private void includeJavaScript0(Composite comp) {
    Script script = new Script(getJavascript());

  private void linkToJavaScript(Composite comp) {
    Script script = new Script("");
    script.attribute("src", "admin.js");

  private static String jstext = null;

  private static synchronized String getJavascript() {
    if (jstext == null) {
      InputStream istr = null;
      try {
        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        istr = loader.getResourceAsStream(JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE);
        jstext = StringUtil.fromInputStream(istr);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Can't load javascript", e);
      } finally {
    return jstext;

  /** Display a message in lieu of the normal page */
  protected void displayMsgInLieuOfPage(String msg) throws IOException {
    // TODO: Look at HTML
    Page page = newPage();
    Composite warning = new Composite();

  /** Display a warning in red, in lieu of the normal page */
  protected void displayWarningInLieuOfPage(String msg) throws IOException {
    displayMsgInLieuOfPage("<center><font color=red size=+1>" + msg + "</font></center>");

  /** Display "The cache isn't ready yet, come back later" */
  protected void displayNotStarted() throws IOException {
        "This LOCKSS box is still starting.  Please "
            + srvLink(myServletDescr(), "try again", getParamsAsProps())
            + " in a moment.");

  public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest() throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException {
    int maxUpload =
    return getMultiPartRequest(maxUpload);

  public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest(int maxLen)
      throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException {
    if (req.getContentType() == null || !req.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) {
      return null;
    if (req.getContentLength() > maxLen) {
      throw new FormDataTooLongException(req.getContentLength() + " bytes, " + maxLen + " allowed");
    MultiPartRequest multi = new MultiPartRequest(req);
    if (log.isDebug2()) {
      String[] parts = multi.getPartNames();
      log.debug3("Multipart request, " + parts.length + " parts");
      if (log.isDebug3()) {
        for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) {
          String name = parts[p];
          String cont = multi.getString(parts[p]);
          log.debug3(name + ": " + cont);
    multiReq = multi;
    return multi;

  public String getParameter(String name) {
    String val = req.getParameter(name);
    if (val == null && multiReq != null) {
      val = multiReq.getString(name);
    if (val == null) {
      return null;
    val = StringUtils.strip(val, " \t");
    //     if (StringUtil.isNullString(val)) {
    if ("".equals(val)) {
      return null;
    return val;

  protected void layoutFooter(Page page) {
        page, (footnotes == null ? null : footnotes.iterator()), getLockssApp().getVersionInfo());
    if (footnotes != null) {

  /** Return the app instance. */
  protected LockssApp getLockssApp() {
    return theApp;

   * Return the daemon instance, assumes that the servlet is running in the daemon.
   * @throws ClassCastException if the servlet is running in an app other than the daemon
  protected LockssDaemon getLockssDaemon() {
    return (LockssDaemon) theApp;

  protected void logParams() {
    Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
      String name = (String) en.nextElement();
      String vals[];
      String dispval;
      if (StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(name, "passw") >= 0) {
        dispval = req.getParameter(name).length() == 0 ? "" : "********";
      } else if (log.isDebug2() && (vals = req.getParameterValues(name)).length > 1) {
        dispval = StringUtil.separatedString(vals, ", ");
      } else {
        dispval = req.getParameter(name);
      log.debug(name + " = " + dispval);

  /** Convenience method */
  protected String encodeText(String s) {
    return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_TEXT);

  /** Convenience method */
  protected String encodeTextArea(String s) {
    return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_TEXTAREA);

  /** Convenience method */
  protected String encodeAttr(String s) {
    return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_ATTR);

   * Create message and error message block
   * @param composite TODO
  protected void layoutErrorBlock(Composite composite) {
    if (errMsg != null || statusMsg != null) {
      ServletUtil.layoutErrorBlock(composite, errMsg, statusMsg);

  /** Exception thrown if multipart form data is longer than the caller-supplied max */
  public static class FormDataTooLongException extends Exception {
    public FormDataTooLongException(String message) {
 // return true iff error
 protected boolean checkParam(boolean ok, String msg) throws IOException {
   if (ok) return false;
   log.error(myServletDescr().getPath() + ": " + msg);
   return true;
  /** Common request handling. */
  public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    boolean success = false;
    HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
    try {
      this.req = req;
      this.resp = resp;
      if (log.isDebug()) {

      if (!mayPageBeCached()) {
        resp.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
        resp.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache");

      reqURL = new URL(UrlUtil.getRequestURL(req));
      clientAddr = getLocalIPAddr();

      // check that current user has permission to run this servlet
      if (!isServletAllowed(myServletDescr())) {
        displayWarningInLieuOfPage("You are not authorized to use " + myServletDescr().heading);

      // check whether servlet is disabled
      String reason = ServletUtil.servletDisabledReason(myServletDescr().getServletName());
      if (reason != null) {
        displayWarningInLieuOfPage("This function is disabled. " + reason);
      if (session != null) {
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, getHeading());
        String reqHost = req.getRemoteHost();
        String forw = req.getHeader(HttpFields.__XForwardedFor);
        if (!StringUtil.isNullString(forw)) {
          reqHost += " (proxies for " + forw + ")";
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST, reqHost);
      success = (errMsg == null);
    } catch (ServletException e) {
      log.error("Servlet threw", e);
      throw e;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Servlet threw", e);
      throw e;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      log.error("Servlet threw", e);
      throw e;
    } finally {
      if (session != null) {
        session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, null);
        session.setAttribute(LockssFormAuthenticator.__J_AUTH_ACTIVITY, TimeBase.nowMs());
      if ("please".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getHeader("X-Lockss-Result"))) {
        log.debug3("X-Lockss-Result: " + (success ? "Ok" : "Fail"));
        resp.setHeader("X-Lockss-Result", success ? "Ok" : "Fail");