 public void parserTest() {
   final InputStream in =
   SimpleMGraph graph = new SimpleMGraph();
   parser.parse(graph, in, "application/ld+json");
   Assert.assertEquals(13, graph.size());
  public void serializerTest() {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    serializer.serialize(out, rdfData, "application/ld+json");
    byte[] data = out.toByteArray();
    log.info("Serialized Graph: \n {}", new String(data, UTF8));

    // Now we reparse the graph to validate it was serialized correctly
    SimpleMGraph reparsed = new SimpleMGraph();
    parser.parse(reparsed, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), "application/ld+json");
    Assert.assertEquals(7, reparsed.size());
    for (Triple t : rdfData) {