Example #1
 public void appendJmsProperty(
     Message jmsMessage,
     Exchange exchange,
     org.apache.camel.Message in,
     String headerName,
     Object headerValue)
     throws JMSException {
   if (isStandardJMSHeader(headerName)) {
     if (headerName.equals("JMSCorrelationID")) {
           ExchangeHelper.convertToType(exchange, String.class, headerValue));
     } else if (headerName.equals("JMSReplyTo") && headerValue != null) {
       if (headerValue instanceof String) {
         // if the value is a String we must normalize it first, and must include the prefix
         // as ActiveMQ requires that when converting the String to a javax.jms.Destination type
         headerValue = normalizeDestinationName((String) headerValue, true);
       Destination replyTo =
           ExchangeHelper.convertToType(exchange, Destination.class, headerValue);
       JmsMessageHelper.setJMSReplyTo(jmsMessage, replyTo);
     } else if (headerName.equals("JMSType")) {
       jmsMessage.setJMSType(ExchangeHelper.convertToType(exchange, String.class, headerValue));
     } else if (headerName.equals("JMSPriority")) {
           ExchangeHelper.convertToType(exchange, Integer.class, headerValue));
     } else if (headerName.equals("JMSDeliveryMode")) {
       JmsMessageHelper.setJMSDeliveryMode(exchange, jmsMessage, headerValue);
     } else if (headerName.equals("JMSExpiration")) {
           ExchangeHelper.convertToType(exchange, Long.class, headerValue));
     } else {
       // The following properties are set by the MessageProducer:
       // JMSDestination
       // The following are set on the underlying JMS provider:
       // JMSMessageID, JMSTimestamp, JMSRedelivered
       // log at trace level to not spam log
       LOG.trace("Ignoring JMS header: {} with value: {}", headerName, headerValue);
   } else if (shouldOutputHeader(in, headerName, headerValue, exchange)) {
     // only primitive headers and strings is allowed as properties
     // see message properties: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/api/javax/jms/Message.html
     Object value = getValidJMSHeaderValue(headerName, headerValue);
     if (value != null) {
       // must encode to safe JMS header name before setting property on jmsMessage
       String key = jmsKeyFormatStrategy.encodeKey(headerName);
       // set the property
       JmsMessageHelper.setProperty(jmsMessage, key, value);
     } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
       // okay the value is not a primitive or string so we cannot sent it over the wire
           "Ignoring non primitive header: {} of class: {} with value: {}",
           new Object[] {headerName, headerValue.getClass().getName(), headerValue});
Example #2
  public <T> T getProperty(String name, Object defaultValue, Class<T> type) {
    Object value = getProperty(name, defaultValue);
    if (value == null) {
      // lets avoid NullPointerException when converting to boolean for null values
      if (boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        return (T) Boolean.FALSE;
      return null;

    // eager same instance type test to avoid the overhead of invoking the type converter
    // if already same type
    if (type.isInstance(value)) {
      return type.cast(value);

    return ExchangeHelper.convertToType(this, type, value);
 public void marshal(Exchange exchange, Object graph, OutputStream stream)
     throws NoTypeConversionAvailableException, MessagingException, IOException {
   if (multipartWithoutAttachment || headersInline || exchange.getIn().hasAttachments()) {
     ContentType contentType = getContentType(exchange);
     // remove the Content-Type header. This will be wrong afterwards...
     byte[] bodyContent = ExchangeHelper.convertToMandatoryType(exchange, byte[].class, graph);
     Session session = Session.getInstance(System.getProperties());
     MimeMessage mm = new MimeMessage(session);
     MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart(multipartSubType);
     BodyPart part = new MimeBodyPart();
     writeBodyPart(bodyContent, part, contentType);
     for (Map.Entry<String, Attachment> entry :
         exchange.getIn().getAttachmentObjects().entrySet()) {
       String attachmentFilename = entry.getKey();
       Attachment attachment = entry.getValue();
       part = new MimeBodyPart();
       part.setFileName(MimeUtility.encodeText(attachmentFilename, "UTF-8", null));
       String ct = attachment.getDataHandler().getContentType();
       contentType = new ContentType(ct);
       part.setHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, ct);
       if (!contentType.match("text/*") && binaryContent) {
         part.setHeader(CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "binary");
       // Set headers to the attachment
       for (String headerName : attachment.getHeaderNames()) {
         List<String> values = attachment.getHeaderAsList(headerName);
         for (String value : values) {
           part.setHeader(headerName, value);
     // copy headers if required and if the content can be converted into
     // a String
     if (headersInline && includeHeaders != null) {
       for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : exchange.getIn().getHeaders().entrySet()) {
         if (includeHeaders.matcher(entry.getKey()).matches()) {
           String headerStr =
               ExchangeHelper.convertToType(exchange, String.class, entry.getValue());
           if (headerStr != null) {
             mm.setHeader(entry.getKey(), headerStr);
     Enumeration<?> hl = mm.getAllHeaders();
     List<String> headers = new ArrayList<String>();
     if (!headersInline) {
       while (hl.hasMoreElements()) {
         Object ho = hl.nextElement();
         if (ho instanceof Header) {
           Header h = (Header) ho;
           exchange.getOut().setHeader(h.getName(), h.getValue());
     mm.writeTo(stream, headers.toArray(new String[0]));
   } else {
     // keep the original data
     InputStream is = ExchangeHelper.convertToMandatoryType(exchange, InputStream.class, graph);
     IOHelper.copyAndCloseInput(is, stream);