  public void testRebindAfterItemDeprecated() {
    String symbolicName = "rebind-yaml-catalog-item-test";
    String yaml =
                "  items:",
                "  - id: " + symbolicName,
                "    version: " + TEST_VERSION,
                "    itemType: entity",
                "    item:",
                "      type: io.camp.mock:AppServer");
    CatalogEntityItemDto item =
        CatalogItemBuilder.newEntity(symbolicName, TEST_VERSION)
    assertNotNull(item, "catalogItem");
    BasicBrooklynCatalog catalog = (BasicBrooklynCatalog) origManagementContext.getCatalog();

    RegisteredType catalogItemAfterRebind =
        newManagementContext.getTypeRegistry().get("rebind-yaml-catalog-item-test", TEST_VERSION);
    assertTrue(catalogItemAfterRebind.isDeprecated(), "Expected item to be deprecated");
  private static <T> Maybe<T> tryValidateBean(
      T object, RegisteredType type, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) {
    if (object == null) return Maybe.absentNull("object is null");

    if (type != null) {
      if (type.getKind() != RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN)
        return Maybe.absent("Validating a bean when type is " + type.getKind() + " " + type);
      if (!isSubtypeOf(object.getClass(), type))
        return Maybe.absent(object + " does not have all the java supertypes of " + type);

    if (context != null) {
      if (context.getExpectedKind() != null && context.getExpectedKind() != RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN)
        return Maybe.absent(
            "Validating a bean when constraint expected " + context.getExpectedKind());
      if (context.getExpectedJavaSuperType() != null
          && !context.getExpectedJavaSuperType().isInstance(object))
        return Maybe.absent(
                + " is not of the expected java supertype "
                + context.getExpectedJavaSuperType());

    return Maybe.of(object);
  * returns the implementation data for a spec if it is a string (e.g. plan yaml or java class
  * name); else throws
 public static String getImplementationDataStringForSpec(RegisteredType item) {
   if (item == null || item.getPlan() == null) return null;
   Object data = item.getPlan().getPlanData();
   if (!(data instanceof String))
     throw new IllegalStateException("Expected plan data for " + item + " to be a string");
   return (String) data;
  * Queries recursively the supertypes of {@link RegisteredType} to see whether it inherits from
  * the given {@link RegisteredType}
 public static boolean isSubtypeOf(RegisteredType type, RegisteredType superType) {
   if (type.equals(superType)) return true;
   for (Object st : type.getSuperTypes()) {
     if (st instanceof RegisteredType) {
       if (isSubtypeOf((RegisteredType) st, superType)) return true;
   return false;
 protected AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?, ?> createSpec(
     RegisteredType type, RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) throws Exception {
   if (REGISTERED_SPECS.containsKey(type.getSymbolicName())) return get(type.getSymbolicName());
   if (type.getPlan().getPlanData() != null
       && REGISTERED_SPECS.containsKey(type.getPlan().getPlanData()))
     return get((String) type.getPlan().getPlanData());
   return null;
  private static <T> Maybe<T> tryValidateSpec(
      T object, RegisteredType rType, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint) {
    if (object == null) return Maybe.absentNull("object is null");

    if (!(object instanceof AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec)) {
      Maybe.absent("Found " + object + " when expecting a spec");
    Class<?> targetType = ((AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?, ?>) object).getType();

    if (targetType == null) {
      Maybe.absent("Spec " + object + " does not have a target type");

    if (rType != null) {
      if (rType.getKind() != RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC)
        Maybe.absent("Validating a spec when type is " + rType.getKind() + " " + rType);
      if (!isSubtypeOf(targetType, rType))
        Maybe.absent(object + " does not have all the java supertypes of " + rType);

    if (constraint != null) {
      if (constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType() != null) {
        if (!constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType().isAssignableFrom(targetType)) {
                  + " does not target the expected java supertype "
                  + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType());
        if (constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType().isAssignableFrom(BrooklynObjectInternal.class)) {
          // don't check spec type; any spec is acceptable
        } else {
          Class<? extends AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec<?, ?>> specType =
                  (Class<? extends BrooklynObject>) constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType());
          if (specType == null) {
            // means a problem in our classification of spec types!
                    + " is returned as spec for unexpected java supertype "
                    + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType());
          if (!specType.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) {
                    + " is not a spec of the expected java supertype "
                    + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType());
    return Maybe.of(object);
 protected double scoreForNullFormat(
     Object planData, RegisteredType type, RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) {
   if (REGISTERED_SPECS.containsKey(type.getId())) return 1;
   if (REGISTERED_SPECS.containsKey(planData)) return 1;
   return 0;
 public int compare(RegisteredType o1, RegisteredType o2) {
   return ComparisonChain.start()
       .compareTrueFirst(o1.isDisabled(), o2.isDisabled())
       .compareTrueFirst(o1.isDeprecated(), o2.isDeprecated())
       .compare(o1.getSymbolicName(), o2.getSymbolicName(), NaturalOrderComparator.INSTANCE)
       .compare(o1.getVersion(), o2.getVersion(), VersionComparator.INSTANCE)
 /** Checks whether the given object appears to be an instance of the given registered type */
 private static boolean isSubtypeOf(Class<?> candidate, RegisteredType type) {
   for (Object st : type.getSuperTypes()) {
     if (st instanceof RegisteredType) {
       if (!isSubtypeOf(candidate, (RegisteredType) st)) return false;
     if (st instanceof Class) {
       if (!((Class<?>) st).isAssignableFrom(candidate)) return false;
   return true;
   * Validates that the given type matches the context (if supplied); if not satisfied. returns an
   * {@link Absent} if failed with details of the error, with {@link Absent#isNull()} true if the
   * object is null.
  public static Maybe<RegisteredType> tryValidate(
      RegisteredType item, final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext constraint) {
    // kept as a Maybe in case someone wants a wrapper around item validity;
    // unclear what the contract should be, as this can return Maybe.Present(null)
    // which is suprising, but it is more natural to callers otherwise they'll likely do a separate
    // null check on the item
    // (often handling null different to errors) so the Maybe.get() is redundant as they have an
    // object for the input anyway.

    if (item == null || constraint == null) return Maybe.ofDisallowingNull(item);
    if (constraint.getExpectedKind() != null
        && !constraint.getExpectedKind().equals(item.getKind()))
      return Maybe.absent(item + " is not the expected kind " + constraint.getExpectedKind());
    if (constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType() != null) {
      if (!isSubtypeOf(item, constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType())) {
        return Maybe.absent(
            item + " is not for the expected type " + constraint.getExpectedJavaSuperType());
    return Maybe.of(item);
   * validates that the given object (required) satisfies the constraints implied by the given type
   * and context object, using {@link Maybe} as the result set absent containing the error(s) if not
   * satisfied. returns an {@link Absent} if failed with details of the error, with {@link
   * Absent#isNull()} true if the object is null.
  public static <T> Maybe<T> tryValidate(
      final T object,
      @Nullable final RegisteredType type,
      @Nullable final RegisteredTypeLoadingContext context) {
    if (object == null) return Maybe.absentNull("object is null");

    RegisteredTypeKind kind =
        type != null ? type.getKind() : context != null ? context.getExpectedKind() : null;
    if (kind == null) {
      if (object instanceof AbstractBrooklynObjectSpec) kind = RegisteredTypeKind.SPEC;
      else kind = RegisteredTypeKind.BEAN;
    return new RegisteredTypeKindVisitor<Maybe<T>>() {
      protected Maybe<T> visitSpec() {
        return tryValidateSpec(object, type, context);

      protected Maybe<T> visitBean() {
        return tryValidateBean(object, type, context);
  * Queries recursively the supertypes of {@link RegisteredType} to see whether it inherits from
  * the given {@link Class}
 public static boolean isSubtypeOf(RegisteredType type, Class<?> superType) {
   return isAnyTypeSubtypeOf(type.getSuperTypes(), superType);