public static String getEPR(WSNode wsNode) { Iterable<WsdlService> services = wsNode.getComponent().getWSDL().services(); Iterator<WsdlService> iterator = services.iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { Iterable<WsdlPort> ports =; Iterator<WsdlPort> portIterator = ports.iterator(); if (portIterator.hasNext()) { WsdlPort port =; Iterable children = port.xml().children(); Iterator childIterator = children.iterator(); while (childIterator.hasNext()) { Object next =; if (next instanceof XmlElementWithViewsImpl) { org.xmlpull.infoset.XmlAttribute epr = ((XmlElementWithViewsImpl) next).attribute("location"); return epr.getValue(); } } } } return null; }
/** * @param node * @param thread * @param pw */ private void writeInvocation(WSNode node, boolean thread, PrintWriter pw) { String id = node.getID(); String wsdlID = getWSDLID(node); WSComponent component = node.getComponent(); QName portTypeQName = component.getPortTypeQName(); String operation = component.getOperationName(); pw.println(TAB + "# Invoke " + id + "."); pw.println( TAB + id + QNAME_SUFFIX + " = QName('" + portTypeQName.getNamespaceURI() + "', '" + portTypeQName.getLocalPart() + "')"); pw.println( TAB + wsdlID + " = " + PROPERTIES_VARIABLE + "." + GET_PROPERTY_METHOD + "('" + wsdlID + "')"); pw.println( TAB + id + INVOKER_SUFFIX + " = " + "(" + id + QNAME_SUFFIX + ", " + wsdlID + ", '" + id + "',"); pw.println( TAB + TAB + MESSAGE_BOX_URL_VARIABLE + ", " + GFAC_VARIABLE + ", " + NOTIFICATION_VARIABLE + ")"); pw.println(TAB + "def " + INVOKE_METHOD + id + "():"); pw.println(TAB + TAB + id + INVOKER_SUFFIX + "." + SETUP_METHOD + "()"); pw.println( TAB + TAB + id + INVOKER_SUFFIX + "." + SET_OPERATION_METHOD + "('" + operation + "')"); // Ports for (Port port : node.getInputPorts()) { String portName = port.getName(); String value; Node fromNode = port.getFromNode(); if (fromNode instanceof InputNode) { value = PROPERTIES_VARIABLE + "." + GET_PROPERTY_METHOD + "('" + fromNode.getID() + "')"; } else { Port fromPort = port.getFromPort(); value = "" + fromNode.getID() + INVOKER_SUFFIX + "." + GET_OUTPUT_METHOD + "('" + fromPort.getName() + "')"; // This might try to remove a node that has been removed // already, but it's OK. this.executingNodes.remove(fromNode); } pw.println(TAB + TAB + portName + VALUE_SUFFIX + " = " + value); pw.println( TAB + TAB + id + INVOKER_SUFFIX + "." + SET_INPUT_METHOD + "('" + portName + "', " + portName + VALUE_SUFFIX + ")"); } pw.println(TAB + TAB + "print 'Invoking " + id + ".'"); pw.println(TAB + TAB + id + INVOKER_SUFFIX + "." + INVOKE_METHOD + "()"); if (thread) { pw.println(TAB + "thread.start_new_thread(" + INVOKE_METHOD + id + ", ())"); } else { pw.println(TAB + INVOKE_METHOD + id + "()"); } pw.println(); this.executingNodes.add(node); }
private void initSchema(File rootDir, File srcDir, File classesDir) { List<DataPort> inputPorts = node.getInputPorts(); for (DataPort inPort : inputPorts) { Port fromPort = inPort.getFromPort(); Node fromNode = inPort.getFromNode(); if (fromNode instanceof WSNode) { WSNode fromWsNode = (WSNode) fromNode; if (null != fromPort && fromPort instanceof DataPort) { DataPort fromDataPort = (DataPort) fromPort; WsdlDefinitions wsdl = engine.getGUI().getWorkflow().getWSDLs().get(fromWsNode.getWSDLID()); Iterator<XmlNamespace> itr = wsdl.xml().namespaces().iterator(); try { XmlElement schema = wsdl.getTypes().element("schema").clone(); // do not change the following ordering of setting // namespaces. schema.setNamespace( xsul5.XmlConstants.BUILDER.newNamespace("")); while (itr.hasNext()) { XmlNamespace next =; if (!"".equals(next.getPrefix()) && null != next.getPrefix()) { schema.setAttributeValue("xmlns:" + next.getPrefix(), next.getName()); } } try { xsul5.XmlConstants.BUILDER.serializeToOutputStream( schema, new FileOutputStream( rootDir.getCanonicalPath() + File.separatorChar + "types.xsd")); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } typesPath = rootDir.getCanonicalPath() + File.separatorChar + "mytype.jar"; String[] args = new String[] { "-d", classesDir.getCanonicalPath(), "-src", srcDir.getCanonicalPath(), "-out", typesPath, rootDir.getCanonicalPath() + File.separatorChar + "types.xsd" }; SchemaCompilerUtil.compile(args); } catch (XmlBuilderException e) { this.engine.getGUI().getErrorWindow().error(e); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { this.engine.getGUI().getErrorWindow().error(e); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { throw new WorkflowRuntimeException("Unknown port for code generation" + fromPort); } } else { throw new WorkflowRuntimeException("Unknown from node for code generation" + fromNode); } } }