  protected String finishImpl(FacesContext context, String outcome) throws Exception {
    // find out what the parent type of the node being deleted
    Node node = this.browseBean.getActionSpace();
    NodeRef parent = null;
    ChildAssociationRef assoc = this.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(node.getNodeRef());
    if (assoc != null) {
      // get the parent node
      parent = assoc.getParentRef();

      // if the parent type is a forum space then we need the dialog to go
      // back to the forums view otherwise it will use the default of 'browse',
      // this happens when a forum being used to discuss a node is deleted.
      QName parentType = this.getNodeService().getType(parent);
      if (parentType.equals(ForumModel.TYPE_FORUMS)) {
        this.reDisplayForums = true;

    // delete the forum itself
    outcome = super.finishImpl(context, outcome);

    // remove the discussable aspect if appropriate
    if (assoc != null && parent != null) {
      // get the association type
      QName type = assoc.getTypeQName();
      if (type.equals(ForumModel.ASSOC_DISCUSSION)) {
        // if the association type is the 'discussion' association we
        // need to remove the discussable aspect from the parent node
        this.getNodeService().removeAspect(parent, ForumModel.ASPECT_DISCUSSABLE);

    return outcome;
 static Object generateDataByDataTypeProperty(
     QName dataType, String defaultValue, PropertyDefinition property) throws Exception {
   // TODO � introduire: gestion des contraintes
   Object randomData = null;
   if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.BOOLEAN)) {
     randomData = generateRandomBoolean();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.INT)) {
     randomData = generateRandomInteger();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.LONG)) {
     randomData = generateRandomLong();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.FLOAT)) {
     randomData = generateRandomFloat();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.DOUBLE)) {
     randomData = generateRandomDouble();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.DATE)) {
     randomData = generateRandomDate();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.DATETIME)) {
     randomData = generateRandomDateTime();
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.TEXT)) {
     randomData = generateRandomString(defaultValue, property);
   } else if (dataType.equals(DataTypeDefinition.ANY)) {
     randomData = generateRandomObject();
   } else {
     throw new Exception("Data type " + dataType.toString() + "is not take into account.");
   return randomData;
   * Convert Alfresco authority to actor id
   * @param authority
   * @return actor id
  private String mapAuthorityToName(ScriptNode authority, boolean allowGroup) {
    String name = null;
    QName type = authority.getQNameType();

    if (dictionaryService.isSubClass(type, ContentModel.TYPE_PERSON)) {
      name = (String) authority.getProperties().get(ContentModel.PROP_USERNAME);
    } else if (allowGroup
        && dictionaryService.isSubClass(type, ContentModel.TYPE_AUTHORITY_CONTAINER)) {
      name = authorityDAO.getAuthorityName(authority.getNodeRef());
    } else if (type.equals(ContentModel.TYPE_AUTHORITY)) {
      name = authorityDAO.getAuthorityName(authority.getNodeRef());
    return name;
Example #4
   *  (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
  public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts)
      throws SAXException {
    try {
      // construct qname for element
      QName elementName = decodeQName(QName.createQName(qName, importResolver));

      // setup parent context
      ParentContext parentContext = null;
      if (contextStack.empty()) {
        // create root parent context
        parentContext = new ParentContext(elementName, dictionaryService, importer);
      } else {
        // create parent context
        NodeContext parentNode = (NodeContext) contextStack.peek();
        parentContext = new ParentContext(elementName, parentNode);

      // create node context
      NodeContext node = new NodeContext(elementName, parentContext, null);

      // process node properties
      for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) {
        QName propName = decodeQName(QName.createQName(atts.getURI(i), atts.getLocalName(i)));
        String value = atts.getValue(i);

        // process "well-known" properties

        if (propName.equals(JCRPrimaryTypeProperty.PROPERTY_NAME)) {
          // primary type
          QName primaryTypeQName = QName.createQName(value, importResolver);
          TypeDefinition typeDef = dictionaryService.getType(primaryTypeQName);
          if (typeDef == null) {
            throw new InvalidTypeException(primaryTypeQName);
        } else if (propName.equals(JCRMixinTypesProperty.PROPERTY_NAME)) {
          // aspects
          String[] aspects = value.split(" ");
          for (String aspect : aspects) {
            // ignore JCR specific aspects
            QName aspectQName = QName.createQName(aspect, importResolver);
            if (!(JCRNamespace.JCR_URI.equals(aspectQName.getNamespaceURI())
                || JCRNamespace.MIX_URI.equals(aspectQName.getNamespaceURI()))) {
              AspectDefinition aspectDef = dictionaryService.getAspect(aspectQName);
              if (aspectDef == null) {
                throw new InvalidTypeException(aspectQName);
        } else if (JCRUUIDProperty.PROPERTY_NAME.equals(propName)) {

        // Note: ignore JCR specific properties

        else if (JCRNamespace.JCR_URI.equals(propName.getNamespaceURI())) {

        // process all other properties

        else {
          // determine type of property
          PropertyDefinition propDef = dictionaryService.getProperty(propName);
          if (propDef == null) {
            throw new ImporterException(
                "Property " + propName + " is not known to the repository data dictionary");
          DataTypeDefinition dataTypeDef = propDef.getDataType();

          // extract values from node xml attribute
          String[] propValues = null;
          PropertyContext propertyContext =
              new PropertyContext(elementName, node, propName, dataTypeDef.getName());
          if (dataTypeDef.getName().equals(DataTypeDefinition.CONTENT)) {
            // Note: we only support single valued content properties
            propValues = new String[] {value};
          } else {
            // attempt to split multi-value properties
            propValues = value.split(" ");

          // extract values appropriately
          for (String propValue : propValues) {
            propertyContext.appendCharacters(propValue.toCharArray(), 0, propValue.length());

          // add each value to the node
          if (propertyContext.isMultiValue()) {
          List<StringBuffer> nodeValues = propertyContext.getValues();
          for (StringBuffer nodeValue : nodeValues) {
            // first, cast value to appropriate type (using JCR converters)
            Serializable objVal =
                    session.getTypeConverter().convert(dataTypeDef, nodeValue.toString());
            String strValue = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, objVal);
            node.addProperty(propName, strValue);

      // import node
      NodeRef nodeRef = node.getImporter().importNode(node);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SAXException("Failed to process element " + qName, e);