/** * Encargado de borrar la informacion de un riego apartir de su identificacion * * @param idIrr: Identificacion del riego * @return Estado del proceso */ public String delete() { if (!usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "crop/delete")) { return BaseAction.NOT_AUTHORIZED; } Integer idIrr = 0; try { idIrr = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequest().getParameter("idIrr")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { idIrr = -1; } if (idIrr == -1) { state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de obtener la informacion a borrar"; return "states"; } SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Irrigation pr = irrDao.objectById(idIrr); pr.setStatus(false); // session.delete(pro); session.saveOrUpdate(pr); LogEntities log = new LogEntities(); log.setIdLogEnt(null); log.setIdEntityLogEnt(idEntSystem); log.setIdObjectLogEnt(pr.getIdIrr()); log.setTableLogEnt("irrigation"); log.setDateLogEnt(new Date()); log.setActionTypeLogEnt("D"); session.saveOrUpdate(log); // logDao.save(log); tx.commit(); state = "success"; info = "El riego ha sido borrado con exito"; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de borrar un riego"; } finally { session.close(); } return "states"; // return SUCCESS; }
public HashMap findById(Integer id) { SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); List<Object[]> events = null; Transaction tx = null; HashMap result = new HashMap(); String sql = ""; String sqlAdd = ""; sql += "select pe.id_pro_eve, l.id_farm_fie, l.name_fie, pe.id_crop_type_pro_eve, pe.expected_production_pro_eve, pe.former_crop_pro_eve, pe.draining_pro_eve, pe.status"; sql += " from production_events pe"; sql += " inner join log_entities le on le.id_object_log_ent=pe.id_pro_eve and le.table_log_ent='production_events' and le.action_type_log_ent='C'"; sql += " inner join fields l on l.id_fie=pe.id_field_pro_eve"; sql += " where l.status=1 and pe.status=1"; if (id != null) { sql += " and pe.id_pro_eve=" + id; } // args.get("countTotal"); // events.toArray(); // System.out.println("sql->"+sql); try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); events = query.list(); for (Object[] data : events) { // System.out.println(data); HashMap temp = new HashMap(); temp.put("idCrop", data[0]); temp.put("idField", data[1]); temp.put("nameField", data[2]); temp.put("typeCrop", data[3]); temp.put("performObj", data[4]); temp.put("lastCrop", data[5]); temp.put("drainPlot", data[6]); temp.put("status", data[8]); result = (temp); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return result; }
public List<ChemicalElements> findByParams(Integer idFert) { SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); List<Object[]> events = null; Transaction tx = null; List<ChemicalElements> result = new ArrayList<ChemicalElements>(); String sql = ""; String sqlAdd = ""; sql += "select p.id_che_ele, p.name_che_ele"; sql += " from chemical_elements p"; sql += " where p.status_che_ele=1"; sql += " order by p.id_che_ele ASC"; // args.get("countTotal"); // int valIni = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(args.get("pageNow"))); // int maxResults = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(args.get("maxResults"))); // if(valIni!=1){ // valIni = (valIni-1)*maxResults+1; // } // events.toArray(); // System.out.println("sql->"+sql); try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); // System.out.println("sql->"+query.list().size()); events = query.list(); for (Object[] data : events) { ChemicalElements temp = new ChemicalElements(); Integer valId = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(data[0])); Double valChe = getValuePercentage(idFert, valId); temp.setIdCheEle(valId); temp.setNameCheEle(String.valueOf(data[1])); // System.out.println("valName=>"+temp.getNameCheEle()); // temp.setStatusCheEle(true); temp.setValueCheEle(valChe); result.add(temp); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return result; }
public void delete(ChemicalElements event) { SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.delete(event); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } }
public Double getValuePercentage(Integer idFert, Integer idEle) { SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); List<Object[]> events = null; Transaction tx = null; String sql = ""; Double perEle = null; if (idFert != null && idFert > 0) { sql += "select p.id_che_ele, p.name_che_ele, eq.percentage_che_fer_com"; sql += " from chemical_elements p"; sql += " left join chemical_fertilizer_composition eq on eq.id_elements_che_fer_com=p.id_che_ele"; sql += " left join chemical_fertilizers fq on fq.id_che_fer=eq.id_chemical_fertilizer_che_fer_com"; sql += " left join chemical_fertilizations ep on ep.id_product_che_fer=fq.id_che_fer"; sql += " where p.status_che_ele=1 and ep.status=1"; sql += " and ep.id_che_fer=" + idFert; sql += " and p.id_che_ele=" + idEle; sql += " order by p.id_che_ele ASC"; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); events = query.list(); for (Object[] data : events) { perEle = Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(data[2])); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } } return perEle; }
public List<ChemicalElements> findAll() { SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); List<ChemicalElements> events = null; Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from ChemicalElements"); events = query.list(); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return events; }
public ChemicalElements objectById(Integer id) { SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); ChemicalElements event = null; Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); String hql = "FROM ChemicalElements E WHERE E.idIrr = :id_irr"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("id_irr", id); event = (ChemicalElements) query.uniqueResult(); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return event; }
/** * Encargado de guardar la informacion suministrada por el usuario para un riego * * @return Estado del proceso */ public String saveData() { if (!usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "crop/create") || !usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "crop/modify")) { return BaseAction.NOT_AUTHORIZED; } String action = ""; // System.out.println("Entre a guardar la info"); /* * Se evalua dependiendo a la accion realizada: * 1) create: Al momento de guardar un registro por primera ves * 2) modify: Al momento de modificar un registro * 3) delete: Al momento de borrar un registro */ if (actExe.equals("create")) { action = "C"; } else if (actExe.equals("modify")) { action = "M"; } SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); String dmy = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(irr.getDateIrr()); Date dateIrr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dmy); irr.setUseIrrigationIrr(true); irr.setProductionEvents(new ProductionEvents(idCrop)); irr.setDateIrr(dateIrr); // if (sowing.getChemicalsSowing().getIdCheSow()==-1) { // sowing.setChemicalsSowing(null); // } // // if (sowing.getDoseUnits().getIdDosUni()==-1) { // sowing.setDoseUnits(null); // } irr.setStatus(true); session.saveOrUpdate(irr); LogEntities log = new LogEntities(); log.setIdLogEnt(null); log.setIdEntityLogEnt(idEntSystem); log.setIdObjectLogEnt(irr.getIdIrr()); log.setTableLogEnt("irrigation"); log.setDateLogEnt(new Date()); log.setActionTypeLogEnt(action); session.saveOrUpdate(log); tx.commit(); state = "success"; if (action.equals("C")) { info = "El riego ha sido agregado con exito"; // return "list"; } else if (action.equals("M")) { info = "El riego ha sido modificado con exito"; // return "list"; } HashMap prod = cropDao.findById(idCrop); Integer tyCro = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(prod.get("typeCrop"))); SfGuardUserDao sfDao = new SfGuardUserDao(); SfGuardUser sfUser = sfDao.getUserByLogin(user.getCreatedBy(), user.getNameUserUsr(), ""); GlobalFunctions.sendInformationCrop(idCrop, tyCro, sfUser.getId()); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println("error->"+e.getMessage()); state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de agregar un riego"; } catch (ParseException e) { } finally { session.close(); } // return ERROR; return "states"; }
/** * Encargado de guardar la informacion suministrada por el usuario para una siembra * * @return Estado del proceso */ public String saveData() { if (!usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "crop/create") || !usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "crop/modify")) { return BaseAction.NOT_AUTHORIZED; } String action = ""; // System.out.println("Entre a guardar la info"); /* * Se evalua dependiendo a la accion realizada: * 1) create: Al momento de guardar un registro por primera ves * 2) modify: Al momento de modificar un registro * 3) delete: Al momento de borrar un registro */ if (actExe.equals("create")) { action = "C"; } else if (actExe.equals("modify")) { action = "M"; } SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; // info = "La siembra ha sido modificado con exito"; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); String dmy = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(sowing.getDateSow()); Date dateSow = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dmy); // event.setFields(event.getFields()); // event.setCropsTypes(new CropsTypes(2)); // event.setIdProjectProEve(event.getIdProjectProEve()); // event.setStatus(event.isStatus()); session.saveOrUpdate(event); if (sowing.getIdSow() == null) { Sowing sowTemp = sowDao.objectById(idCrop); if (sowTemp != null) { sowing.setIdSow(sowTemp.getIdSow()); } } sowing.setProductionEvents(new ProductionEvents(idCrop)); sowing.setDateSow(dateSow); if (sowing.getChemicalsSowing().getIdCheSow() == -1) { sowing.setChemicalsSowing(null); } if (sowing.getDoseUnits() != null && (sowing.getDoseUnits().getIdDosUni() == -1 || sowing.getChemicalsSowing().getIdCheSow() == 3)) { sowing.setDoseUnits(null); } // sowing.setSowingTypes(new SowingTypes(idCrop)); sowing.setStatus(true); session.saveOrUpdate(sowing); Maize maizeOld = maizeDao.objectById(this.getIdCrop()); if (maizeOld != null) session.delete(maizeOld); Beans beansOld = beansDao.objectById(this.getIdCrop()); if (beansOld != null) session.delete(beansOld); if (typeCrop == 1) { maize.setProductionEvents(new ProductionEvents(idCrop)); maize.setStatus(true); session.saveOrUpdate(maize); } else if (typeCrop == 2) { beans.setSeedsTypes(null); beans.setProductionEvents(new ProductionEvents(idCrop)); beans.setStatus(true); session.saveOrUpdate(beans); } else if (typeCrop == 3) { // Cassavas ca = new Cassavas(); // ca.setIdCas(null); // ca.setProductionEvents(pro); } LogEntities log = new LogEntities(); log.setIdLogEnt(null); log.setIdEntityLogEnt(idEntSystem); log.setIdObjectLogEnt(sowing.getIdSow()); log.setTableLogEnt("sowing"); log.setDateLogEnt(new Date()); log.setActionTypeLogEnt(action); session.saveOrUpdate(log); tx.commit(); state = "success"; if (action.equals("C")) { info = "La siembra ha sido agregada con exito"; // return "list"; } else if (action.equals("M")) { info = "La siembra ha sido modificada con exito"; // return "list"; } SfGuardUserDao sfDao = new SfGuardUserDao(); SfGuardUser sfUser = sfDao.getUserByLogin(user.getCreatedBy(), user.getNameUserUsr(), ""); GlobalFunctions.sendInformationCrop(idCrop, typeCrop, sfUser.getId()); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println("error->"+e.getMessage()); state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de agregar una siembra"; } catch (ParseException e) { } finally { session.close(); } // return ERROR; return "states"; }
/** * Encargado de guardar la informacion suministrada por el usuario para una finca * * @return Estado del proceso */ public String saveData() throws SQLException { if (!usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "farm/create") || !usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "farm/modify")) { return BaseAction.NOT_AUTHORIZED; } String action = ""; /* * Se evalua dependiendo a la accion realizada: * 1) create: Al momento de guardar un registro por primera ves * 2) modify: Al momento de modificar un registro * 3) delete: Al momento de borrar un registro */ if (actExe.equals("create")) { action = "C"; } else if (actExe.equals("modify")) { action = "M"; } ProducersDao proDao = new ProducersDao(); SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; HashMap proData = proDao.findById(idProducer); Double altPro = Double.parseDouble(altitude_property.replace(',', '.')); Double latPro = Double.parseDouble(latitude_property.replace(',', '.')); Double lonPro = Double.parseDouble(length_property.replace(',', '.')); // Double altPro = Double.parseDouble(altitude_property); // Double latPro = Double.parseDouble(latitude_property); // Double lonPro = Double.parseDouble(length_property); if (option_geo == 2) { latPro = (latitude_minutes_property / 60) + (latitude_seconds_property / 3600); latPro = (latitude_degrees_property < 0) ? ((Math.abs(latitude_degrees_property)) + latPro) * -1 : (latitude_degrees_property + latPro); lonPro = (length_minutes_property / 60) + (length_seconds_property / 3600); lonPro = (length_degrees_property < 0) ? ((Math.abs(length_degrees_property)) + lonPro) * -1 : (length_degrees_property + lonPro); } try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); SfGuardUserDao sfDao = new SfGuardUserDao(); SfGuardUser sfUser = sfDao.getUserByLogin(user.getCreatedBy(), user.getNameUserUsr(), ""); Farms far = null; int idProOld = 0; if (idFarm <= 0) { far = new Farms(); far.setIdFar(null); far.setGeorefFar(true); far.setIdProjectFar("1"); far.setStatus(true); } else { HashMap fieldInfo = farDao.findById(idFarm); idProOld = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(fieldInfo.get("id_producer"))); far = farDao.objectById(idFarm); } far.setNameFar(name_property); far.setAddressFar(direction_property); far.setLatitudeFar(latPro); far.setLongitudeFar(lonPro); far.setAltitudeFar(altPro); far.setNameCommuneFar(lane_property); far.setMunicipalities(new Municipalities(Integer.parseInt(cityFar))); Integer idUserMobile = null; if (sfUser != null) { idUserMobile = sfUser.getId().intValue(); } far.setCreatedBy(idUserMobile); session.saveOrUpdate(far); depFar = String.valueOf(MunicipalitiesDao.getDepartmentId(Integer.parseInt(cityFar))); // farDao.save(far); // System.out.println("valId->"+far.getIdFar()); if (far.getIdFar() > 0 && action.equals("M")) { if (idProOld != idProducer) { FarmsProducers farTemp = farDao.checkFarmProducer(far.getIdFar(), idProOld); session.delete(farTemp); } // System.out.println("id field->"+fiePro.getFields().getIdFie()); // fiePro = new FieldsProducers(); // fiePro.setId(new FieldsProducersId(lot.getIdFie(), idProducer)); // fiePro.setFields(lot); // fiePro.setProducers(proDao.objectById(idProducer)); // fiePro.setFieldTypes(new FieldTypes(typeLot)); // session.saveOrUpdate(fiePro); } if (idProOld != idProducer) { FarmsProducers farPro = new FarmsProducers(); farPro.setId(new FarmsProducersId(far.getIdFar(), idProducer)); farPro.setFarms(far); farPro.setProducers(proDao.objectById(idProducer)); session.saveOrUpdate(farPro); } /*LogEntities log = new LogEntities(); log.setIdLogEnt(null); log.setIdEntityLogEnt(idEntSystem); //Colocar el usuario registrado en el sistema log.setIdObjectLogEnt(far.getIdFar()); log.setTableLogEnt("farms"); log.setDateLogEnt(new Date()); log.setActionTypeLogEnt(action); session.saveOrUpdate(log);*/ // logDao.save(log); /* "102": "Nombre de la finca" => nameFarm "103": "-30.98664622,-64.10017675,601" Capturar posicion => lat, lng, alt "105": "Vereda" => district "108": "IndicaciĆ³n (como llegar)" => address "241": "Seleccione el productor asociado" => Seleccion (solo dato seleccionado) => prodId "336": "Departamento" => department "338": "Municipio (Amazonas)" => municipality */ // Manejo para ingresar datos en MongoDB HashMap valInfo = new HashMap(); valInfo.put("farmId", far.getIdFar()); valInfo.put("nameFarm", far.getNameFar()); valInfo.put("prodId", idProducer); valInfo.put("nameProd", proData.get("name")); valInfo.put("district", far.getNameCommuneFar()); valInfo.put("address", far.getAddressFar()); valInfo.put("lat", latPro); valInfo.put("lng", lonPro); valInfo.put("alt", altPro); valInfo.put("department", depFar); valInfo.put("municipality", cityFar); valInfo.put("userMobileId", idUserMobile); // System.out.println("valInfo=>"+valInfo); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("InsertedId", "" + far.getIdFar()); query.put("form_id", "3"); MongoClient mongo = null; try { mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ActionField.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } DB db = mongo.getDB("ciat"); DBCollection col = db.getCollection("log_form_records"); DBCursor cursor = col.find(query); WriteResult result = null; BasicDBObject jsonField = GlobalFunctions.generateJSONFarm(valInfo); if (cursor.count() > 0) { System.out.println("actualizo mongo"); result = col.update(query, jsonField); } else { System.out.println("inserto mongo"); result = col.insert(jsonField); } if (result.getError() != null) { throw new HibernateException(""); } mongo.close(); tx.commit(); state = "success"; if (action.equals("C")) { info = "La finca ha sido agregada con exito"; // return "list"; } else if (action.equals("M")) { info = "La finca ha sido modificada con exito"; } } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de agregar una finca"; } finally { session.close(); } return "states"; // return ERROR; }
/** * Encargado de borrar la informacion de una finca apartir de su identificacion * * @param idFar: Identificacion de la finca * @return Estado del proceso */ public String delete() { if (!usrDao.getPrivilegeUser(idUsrSystem, "farm/delete")) { return BaseAction.NOT_AUTHORIZED; } Integer idFar = 0; try { idFar = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequest().getParameter("idFar")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { idFar = -1; } if (idFar == -1) { state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de obtener la informacion a borrar"; return "states"; } SessionFactory sessions = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sessions.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Farms far = farDao.objectById(idFar); far.setStatus(false); session.saveOrUpdate(far); // session.delete(far); // farDao.delete(far); LogEntities log = new LogEntities(); log.setIdLogEnt(null); log.setIdEntityLogEnt(idEntSystem); // Colocar el usuario registrado en el sistema log.setIdObjectLogEnt(far.getIdFar()); log.setTableLogEnt("farms"); log.setDateLogEnt(new Date()); log.setActionTypeLogEnt("D"); session.saveOrUpdate(log); // logDao.save(log); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("InsertedId", "" + far.getIdFar()); query.put("form_id", "3"); MongoClient mongo = null; try { mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ActionField.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } DB db = mongo.getDB("ciat"); DBCollection col = db.getCollection("log_form_records"); WriteResult result = null; System.out.println("borro mongo"); result = col.remove(query); if (result.getError() != null) { throw new HibernateException(""); } mongo.close(); FieldsDao fieDao = new FieldsDao(); fieDao.deleteFieldsMongo(far.getIdFar()); tx.commit(); state = "success"; info = "La finca ha sido borrada con exito"; } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } e.printStackTrace(); state = "failure"; info = "Fallo al momento de borrar una finca"; } finally { session.close(); } return "states"; // return SUCCESS; }