    public void writeTo(BufferedSink sink) throws IOException {
      Source source = null;
      if (this.file != null) {
        source = Okio.source(this.file);
      } else if (this.data != null) {
        source = Okio.source(new ByteArrayInputStream(this.data));
      } else if (this.inputStream != null) {
        source = Okio.source(this.inputStream);
      long total = 0;
      long read, toRead, remain;

      while (total < contentLength) {
        remain = contentLength - total;
        toRead = Math.min(remain, SEGMENT_SIZE);

        read = source.read(sink.buffer(), toRead);
        if (read == -1) {

        total += read;

        if (callback != null) {
          callback.onProgress(MNSRequestTask.this.context.getRequest(), total, contentLength);
      if (source != null) {
Example #2
  private Schema loadFromDirectories(List<Path> directories) throws IOException {
    final Deque<String> protos = new ArrayDeque<>(this.protos);
    if (protos.isEmpty()) {
      for (final Path directory : directories) {
            new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
              public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
                  throws IOException {
                return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

    Map<String, ProtoFile> loaded = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    while (!protos.isEmpty()) {
      String proto = protos.removeFirst();
      if (loaded.containsKey(proto)) {

      ProtoFileElement element = null;
      for (Path directory : directories) {
        Source source = source(proto, directory);
        if (source == null) {

        try {
          Location location = Location.get(directory.toString(), proto);
          String data = Okio.buffer(source).readUtf8();
          element = ProtoParser.parse(location, data);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new IOException("Failed to load " + proto + " from " + directory, e);
        } finally {
      if (element == null) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate " + proto + " in " + sources);

      ProtoFile protoFile = ProtoFile.get(element);
      loaded.put(proto, protoFile);

      // Queue dependencies to be loaded.
      for (String importPath : element.imports()) {

    return new Linker(loaded.values()).link();
Example #3
  public void readSendsWindowUpdateHttp2() throws Exception {
    peer.setVariantAndClient(HTTP_2, false);

    int windowSize = 100;
    int windowUpdateThreshold = 50;

    // Write the mocking script.
    peer.acceptFrame(); // SYN_STREAM
    peer.sendFrame().synReply(false, 3, headerEntries("a", "android"));
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      // Send frames of summing to size 50, which is windowUpdateThreshold.
      peer.sendFrame().data(false, 3, data(24), 24);
      peer.sendFrame().data(false, 3, data(25), 25);
      peer.sendFrame().data(false, 3, data(1), 1);
      peer.acceptFrame(); // connection WINDOW UPDATE
      peer.acceptFrame(); // stream WINDOW UPDATE
    peer.sendFrame().data(true, 3, data(0), 0);

    // Play it back.
    FramedConnection connection = connection(peer, HTTP_2);
    connection.okHttpSettings.set(INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, 0, windowSize);
    FramedStream stream = connection.newStream(headerEntries("b", "banana"), false, true);
    assertEquals(0, stream.unacknowledgedBytesRead);
    assertEquals(headerEntries("a", "android"), stream.getResponseHeaders());
    Source in = stream.getSource();
    Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
    assertEquals(-1, in.read(buffer, 1));
    assertEquals(150, buffer.size());

    MockSpdyPeer.InFrame synStream = peer.takeFrame();
    assertEquals(TYPE_HEADERS, synStream.type);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      List<Integer> windowUpdateStreamIds = new ArrayList<>(2);
      for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
        MockSpdyPeer.InFrame windowUpdate = peer.takeFrame();
        assertEquals(TYPE_WINDOW_UPDATE, windowUpdate.type);
        assertEquals(windowUpdateThreshold, windowUpdate.windowSizeIncrement);
      assertTrue(windowUpdateStreamIds.contains(0)); // connection
      assertTrue(windowUpdateStreamIds.contains(3)); // stream
Example #4
     * Reads an entry from an input stream. A typical entry looks like this:
     * <pre>{@code
     * http://google.com/foo
     * GET
     * 2
     * Accept-Language: fr-CA
     * Accept-Charset: UTF-8
     * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     * 3
     * Content-Type: image/png
     * Content-Length: 100
     * Cache-Control: max-age=600
     * }</pre>
     * <p>A typical HTTPS file looks like this:
     * <pre>{@code
     * https://google.com/foo
     * GET
     * 2
     * Accept-Language: fr-CA
     * Accept-Charset: UTF-8
     * HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     * 3
     * Content-Type: image/png
     * Content-Length: 100
     * Cache-Control: max-age=600
     * AES_256_WITH_MD5
     * 2
     * base64-encoded peerCertificate[0]
     * base64-encoded peerCertificate[1]
     * -1
     * }</pre>
     * The file is newline separated. The first two lines are the URL and the request method. Next
     * is the number of HTTP Vary request header lines, followed by those lines.
     * <p>Next is the response status line, followed by the number of HTTP response header lines,
     * followed by those lines.
     * <p>HTTPS responses also contain SSL session information. This begins with a blank line, and
     * then a line containing the cipher suite. Next is the length of the peer certificate chain.
     * These certificates are base64-encoded and appear each on their own line. The next line
     * contains the length of the local certificate chain. These certificates are also
     * base64-encoded and appear each on their own line. A length of -1 is used to encode a null
     * array.
    public Entry(Source in) throws IOException {
      try {
        BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(in);
        url = source.readUtf8LineStrict();
        requestMethod = source.readUtf8LineStrict();
        if (readInt(source) == 1) {
          MediaType contentType = MediaType.parse(source.readUtf8LineStrict());
          int contentLength = readInt(source);
          requestBody = RequestBody.create(contentType, source.readByteArray(contentLength));
        } else {
          requestBody = null;
        Headers.Builder varyHeadersBuilder = new Headers.Builder();
        int varyRequestHeaderLineCount = readInt(source);
        for (int i = 0; i < varyRequestHeaderLineCount; i++) {
          OkHttpAccess.addLenient(varyHeadersBuilder, source.readUtf8LineStrict());
        varyHeaders = varyHeadersBuilder.build();

        StatusLine statusLine = StatusLine.parse(source.readUtf8LineStrict());
        protocol = statusLine.protocol;
        code = statusLine.code;
        message = statusLine.message;
        Headers.Builder responseHeadersBuilder = new Headers.Builder();
        int responseHeaderLineCount = readInt(source);
        for (int i = 0; i < responseHeaderLineCount; i++) {
          OkHttpAccess.addLenient(responseHeadersBuilder, source.readUtf8LineStrict());
        responseHeaders = responseHeadersBuilder.build();

        if (isHttps()) {
          String blank = source.readUtf8LineStrict();
          if (blank.length() > 0) {
            throw new IOException("expected \"\" but was \"" + blank + "\"");
          String cipherSuite = source.readUtf8LineStrict();
          List<Certificate> peerCertificates = readCertificateList(source);
          List<Certificate> localCertificates = readCertificateList(source);
          handshake = Handshake.get(cipherSuite, peerCertificates, localCertificates);
        } else {
          handshake = null;
      } finally {
Example #5
  * Reads until {@code in} is exhausted or the deadline has been reached. This is careful to not
  * extend the deadline if one exists already.
 public static boolean skipAll(Source source, int duration, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException {
   long now = System.nanoTime();
   long originalDuration =
       source.timeout().hasDeadline() ? source.timeout().deadlineNanoTime() - now : Long.MAX_VALUE;
   source.timeout().deadlineNanoTime(now + Math.min(originalDuration, timeUnit.toNanos(duration)));
   try {
     Buffer skipBuffer = new Buffer();
     while (source.read(skipBuffer, 2048) != -1) {
     return true; // Success! The source has been exhausted.
   } catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
     return false; // We ran out of time before exhausting the source.
   } finally {
     if (originalDuration == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
     } else {
       source.timeout().deadlineNanoTime(now + originalDuration);