  * Print a help message.
  * <p>This method is defined as a JavaScript function.
 public void help() {
   p("Command                Description");
   p("=======                ===========");
   p("help()                 Display usage and help messages. ");
   p("defineClass(className) Define an extension using the Java class");
   p("                       named with the string argument. ");
   p("                       Uses ScriptableObject.defineClass(). ");
   p("load(['foo.js', ...])  Load JavaScript source files named by ");
   p("                       string arguments. ");
   p("loadClass(className)   Load a class named by a string argument.");
   p("                       The class must be a script compiled to a");
   p("                       class file. ");
   p("print([expr ...])      Evaluate and print expressions. ");
   p("quit()                 Quit the BasicRhinoShell. ");
   p("version([number])      Get or set the JavaScript version number.");
 /** Print a usage message. */
 private static void usage(String s) {
   p("Didn't understand \"" + s + "\".");
   p("Valid arguments are:");
   p("-version 100|110|120|130|140|150|160|170");