Example #1
  public void run() {
    for (District district : Mafiacraft.getDistrictList()) {
      double pay = ((int) district.getLandCost()) >> 4;

      for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
          LandOwner owner = district.getOwner(i, j);

          switch (owner.getOwnerType()) {
            case PLAYER:
              MPlayer player = (MPlayer) owner;

            case GOVERNMENT:
              Government gov = (Government) owner;

            case DIVISION:
              Division div = (Division) owner;
  public String doSetManager(MPlayer player, String division, String target) {
    if (!player.hasPermission("mafiacraft.citizen")) {
      return "You must be a citizen to use this command. "
          + "Apply for citizen on the website at "
          + MsgColor.URL
          + "http://voxton.net/"
          + ".";

    Government gov = player.getGovernment();
    if (gov == null) {
      return "You are not in a government!";

    MPlayer manager = Mafiacraft.getOnlinePlayer(target);
    if (manager == null) {
      return "That player is either not online or doesn't exist.";

    Division div = gov.getDivisionByName(division);
    if (div == null) {
      return "A "
          + gov.getType().getLocale("division")
          + " with the name '"
          + division
          + "' does not exist in your "
          + gov.getType().getName()
          + ".";

    player.sendMessage(MsgColor.SUCCESS + "The capo for the regime ");
    return null;
  public String doCreateDivision(MPlayer player, String name) {
    if (!player.hasPermission("mafiacraft.citizen")) {
      return "You must be a citizen to use this command. "
          + "Apply for citizen on the website at "
          + MsgColor.URL
          + "http://voxton.net/"
          + ".";

    Government gov = player.getGovernment();
    if (gov == null) {
      return "You are not in a government!";

    if (!player.getPosition().isAtLeast(Position.VICE_LEADER)) {
      return "You do not have the proper rank to do this.";

    name = name.trim();
    if (!ValidationUtils.validateName(name)) {
      return "invalid name";

    if (!gov.canHaveMoreDivisions()) {
      return "The "
          + gov.getType().getName()
          + " has too many "
          + gov.getType().getLocale("divisions")
          + ". Make sure all of your "
          + gov.getType().getLocale("divisions")
          + " have greater than 5 players each.";

    Division div = gov.createDivision().setManager(player.getName()).setName(name);


            + "You have founded a "
            + gov.getType().getLocale("division")
            + " successfully.");
    return null;
  public String doGrant(MPlayer player, String division, String amt) {
    double amount;
    try {
      amount = Double.parseDouble(amt);
    } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
      return "The amount you specified is an invalid number.";

    if (!player.getPosition().isAtLeast(Position.OFFICER)) {
      return "You must be an officer or higher to do this.";

    Government gov = player.getGovernment();
    if (gov == null) {
      return "You aren't in a government.";

    Division div = gov.getDivisionByName(division);
    if (div == null) {
      return "That division does not exist within your " + gov.getType().getName() + ".";

    if (!gov.transferWithCheck(div, amount)) {
      return "Your "
          + gov.getType().getName()
          + " doesn't have enough money to perform this transaction.";

            + amount
            + " "
            + Config.getString("currency.namepl")
            + " have been granted to the "
            + gov.getType().getLocale("division")
            + " "
            + div.getName()
            + ".");
    return null;