public ProprietaryNodeInfoPanel(NodeInfo pNodeInfo) { nodeInfo = pNodeInfo; tabTitle = "Sensor Value"; // this will be the title of the tab // {{INIT_CONTROLS setLayout(null); // Insets ins = getInsets(); setSize(307, 168); JLabel3.setToolTipText("This text will appear with mouse hover over this component"); JLabel3.setText("Node Number:"); add(JLabel3); JLabel3.setBounds(12, 36, 108, 24); JLabel4.setToolTipText("This is the value of NodeNumber"); JLabel4.setText("text"); add(JLabel4); JLabel4.setBounds(12, 60, 108, 24); JLabel5.setToolTipText("This text will appear with mouse hover over this component"); JLabel5.setText("Sensor Reading:"); add(JLabel5); JLabel5.setBounds(12, 84, 108, 24); JLabel6.setToolTipText("This is the value of Sensor Reading"); JLabel6.setText("text"); add(JLabel6); JLabel6.setBounds(12, 108, 108, 24); // }} // {{REGISTER_LISTENERS // }} }
public DisplayPropertiesPanel(SensorAnalyzer pAnalyzer) { analyzer = pAnalyzer; tabTitle = "Light"; // this will be the title of the tab // {{INIT_CONTROLS setLayout(null); // Insets ins = getInsets(); setSize(307, 168); JLabel3.setToolTipText("This text will appear with mouse hover over this component"); JLabel3.setText("Variable Name:"); add(JLabel3); JLabel3.setBounds(12, 36, 108, 24); JLabel4.setToolTipText("This is the value of Variable Name"); JLabel4.setText("text"); add(JLabel4); JLabel4.setBounds(12, 60, 108, 24); // }} // {{REGISTER_LISTENERS // }} }