Example #1
  public void provResponseReceived(SipResponse sipResponse, Transaction transaction) {
    // dialog may have already been created if a previous 1xx has
    // already been received
    Dialog dialog = dialogManager.getDialog(sipResponse);
    boolean isFirstProvRespWithToTag = false;
    if (dialog == null) {
      SipHeaderFieldValue to =
          sipResponse.getSipHeaders().get(new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_TO));
      String toTag = to.getParam(new SipHeaderParamName(RFC3261.PARAM_TAG));
      if (toTag != null) {
        dialog = dialogManager.createDialog(sipResponse);
        isFirstProvRespWithToTag = true;
      } else {
        // TODO maybe stop retransmissions

    if (dialog != null) {
      buildOrUpdateDialogForUac(sipResponse, transaction);

    //        if (dialog == null && sipResponse.getStatusCode() != RFC3261.CODE_100_TRYING) {
    //            logger.debug("dialog not found for prov response");
    //            isFirstProvRespWithToTag = true;
    //            SipHeaderFieldValue to = sipResponse.getSipHeaders()
    //                .get(new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_TO));
    //            String toTag = to.getParam(new SipHeaderParamName(RFC3261.PARAM_TAG));
    //            if (toTag != null) {
    //                dialog = buildOrUpdateDialogForUac(sipResponse, transaction);
    //            }
    //        }
    // TODO this notification is probably useless because dialog state modification
    //     thereafter always notify dialog observers
    if (isFirstProvRespWithToTag) {
      SipListener sipListener = userAgent.getSipListener();
      if (sipListener != null) {
    List<String> guiClosedCallIds = userAgent.getUac().getGuiClosedCallIds();
    String callId = Utils.getMessageCallId(sipResponse);
    if (guiClosedCallIds.contains(callId)) {
      SipRequest sipRequest = transaction.getRequest();
          "cancel after prov response: sipRequest " + sipRequest + ", sipResponse " + sipResponse);
Example #2
  public void successResponseReceived(SipResponse sipResponse, Transaction transaction) {
    SipHeaders responseHeaders = sipResponse.getSipHeaders();
    String cseq = responseHeaders.get(new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_CSEQ)).getValue();
    String method = cseq.substring(cseq.trim().lastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
    if (!RFC3261.METHOD_INVITE.equals(method)) {

    challenged = false;


    List<String> peers = userAgent.getPeers();
    String responseTo = responseHeaders.get(new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_TO)).getValue();
    if (!peers.contains(responseTo)) {
      // timer used to purge dialogs which are not confirmed
      // after a given time
      ackTimer.schedule(new AckTimerTask(responseTo), 64 * RFC3261.TIMER_T1);

    Dialog dialog = dialogManager.getDialog(sipResponse);

    if (dialog != null) {
      // dialog already created with a 180 for example
    dialog = buildOrUpdateDialogForUac(sipResponse, transaction);

    SipListener sipListener = userAgent.getSipListener();
    if (sipListener != null) {

    // added for media
    SessionDescription sessionDescription = sdpManager.parse(sipResponse.getBody());
    try {
      mediaDestination = sdpManager.getMediaDestination(sessionDescription);
    } catch (NoCodecException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    String remoteAddress = mediaDestination.getDestination();
    int remotePort = mediaDestination.getPort();
    Codec codec = mediaDestination.getCodec();
    String localAddress = userAgent.getConfig().getLocalInetAddress().getHostAddress();

        .successResponseReceived(localAddress, remoteAddress, remotePort, codec);

    // switch to confirmed state

    // generate ack
    // p. 82 ยง3
    SipRequest ack = dialog.buildSubsequentRequest(RFC3261.METHOD_ACK);

    // update CSeq

    SipHeaders ackHeaders = ack.getSipHeaders();
    SipHeaderFieldName cseqName = new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_CSEQ);
    SipHeaderFieldValue ackCseq = ackHeaders.get(cseqName);

    SipRequest request = transaction.getRequest();
    SipHeaders requestHeaders = request.getSipHeaders();
    SipHeaderFieldValue requestCseq = requestHeaders.get(cseqName);

    ackCseq.setValue(requestCseq.toString().replace(RFC3261.METHOD_INVITE, RFC3261.METHOD_ACK));

    // add Via with only the branchid parameter

    SipHeaderFieldValue via = new SipHeaderFieldValue("");
    SipHeaderParamName branchIdName = new SipHeaderParamName(RFC3261.PARAM_BRANCH);
    via.addParam(branchIdName, Utils.generateBranchId());

    ackHeaders.add(new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_VIA), via, 0);

    // TODO authentication headers

    if (request.getBody() == null && sipResponse.getBody() != null) {
      // TODO add a real SDP answer

    // TODO check if sdp is acceptable

    SipURI destinationUri = RequestManager.getDestinationUri(ack, logger);

    // TODO if header route is present, addrspec = toproute.nameaddress.addrspec

    String transport = RFC3261.TRANSPORT_UDP;
    Hashtable<String, String> params = destinationUri.getUriParameters();
    if (params != null) {
      String reqUriTransport = params.get(RFC3261.PARAM_TRANSPORT);
      if (reqUriTransport != null) {
        transport = reqUriTransport;
    int port = destinationUri.getPort();
    if (port == SipURI.DEFAULT_PORT) {

    SipURI sipUri = userAgent.getConfig().getOutboundProxy();
    if (sipUri == null) {
      sipUri = destinationUri;
    InetAddress inetAddress;
    try {
      inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(sipUri.getHost());
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      logger.error("unknown host: " + sipUri.getHost(), e);
    try {
      MessageSender sender =
          transportManager.createClientTransport(ack, inetAddress, port, transport);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error("input/output error", e);

    List<String> guiClosedCallIds = userAgent.getUac().getGuiClosedCallIds();
    String callId = Utils.getMessageCallId(sipResponse);
    if (guiClosedCallIds.contains(callId)) {
Example #3
  private synchronized void sendSuccessfulResponse(SipRequest sipRequest, Dialog dialog) {
    SipHeaders reqHeaders = sipRequest.getSipHeaders();
    SipHeaderFieldValue contentType =
        reqHeaders.get(new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_CONTENT_TYPE));

    if (RFC3261.CONTENT_TYPE_SDP.equals(contentType)) {
      // TODO
      //            String sdpResponse;
      //            try {
      //                sdpResponse = sdpManager.handleOffer(
      //                        new String(sipRequest.getBody()));
      //            } catch (NoCodecException e) {
      //                sdpResponse = sdpManager.generateErrorResponse();
      //            }
    } else {
      // TODO manage empty bodies and non-application/sdp content type

    // TODO if mode autoanswer just send 200 without asking any question
    SipResponse sipResponse =
            sipRequest, dialog, RFC3261.CODE_200_OK, RFC3261.REASON_200_OK);

    // TODO 13.3 dialog invite-specific processing

    // TODO timer if there is an Expires header in INVITE

    // TODO 3xx

    // TODO 486 or 600

    byte[] offerBytes = sipRequest.getBody();
    SessionDescription answer;
    try {
      DatagramSocket datagramSocket = getDatagramSocket();

      if (offerBytes != null
          && contentType != null
          && RFC3261.CONTENT_TYPE_SDP.equals(contentType.getValue())) {
        // create response in 200
        try {
          SessionDescription offer = sdpManager.parse(offerBytes);
          answer = sdpManager.createSessionDescription(offer, datagramSocket.getLocalPort());
          mediaDestination = sdpManager.getMediaDestination(offer);
        } catch (NoCodecException e) {
          answer = sdpManager.createSessionDescription(null, datagramSocket.getLocalPort());
      } else {
        // create offer in 200 (never tested...)
        answer = sdpManager.createSessionDescription(null, datagramSocket.getLocalPort());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    SipHeaders respHeaders = sipResponse.getSipHeaders();
        new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_CONTENT_TYPE),
        new SipHeaderFieldValue(RFC3261.CONTENT_TYPE_SDP));

    ArrayList<String> routeSet = dialog.getRouteSet();
    if (routeSet != null) {
      SipHeaderFieldName recordRoute = new SipHeaderFieldName(RFC3261.HDR_RECORD_ROUTE);
      for (String route : routeSet) {
        respHeaders.add(recordRoute, new SipHeaderFieldValue(route));

    // TODO determine port and transport for server transaction>transport
    // from initial invite
    // FIXME determine port and transport for server transaction>transport
    ServerTransaction serverTransaction = transactionManager.getServerTransaction(sipRequest);
    if (serverTransaction == null) {
      // in re-INVITE case, no serverTransaction has been created
      serverTransaction =
                  sipResponse, userAgent.getSipPort(), RFC3261.TRANSPORT_UDP, this, sipRequest);


    // TODO manage retransmission of the response (send to the transport)
    // until ACK arrives, if no ACK is received within 64*T1, confirm dialog
    // and terminate it with a BYE

    //        logger.getInstance().debug("before dialog.receivedOrSent2xx();");
    //        logger.getInstance().debug("dialog state: " + dialog.getState());