public SVDBFile getFile() { if (fFile == null) { if (getElement() instanceof ISVDBChildItem) { ISVDBChildItem it = (ISVDBChildItem) getElement(); while (it != null) { if (it.getType() == SVDBItemType.File) { fFile = (SVDBFile) it; break; } it = it.getParent(); } } } return fFile; }
public void addChildItem(ISVDBChildItem item) { if (fAddIdx++ == 0) { fIfStmt = (SVDBStmt) item; } else if (fAddIdx++ == 1) { fElseStmt = (SVDBStmt) item; } if (item != null) { item.setParent(this); } }
public synchronized List<ISVDBItemBase> findItems( ISVDBChildItem context, String name, boolean stop_on_first_match, SVDBItemType... types) { int scope_level = 0; List<ISVDBItemBase> ret = new ArrayList<ISVDBItemBase>(); fLog.debug( "--> find: context=" + ((context != null) ? SVDBItem.getName(context) : "null") + " type=" + ((context != null) ? context.getType() : "null") + " name=" + name); fRet = ret; // Search up the scope while (context != null && context.getType() != SVDBItemType.File && context instanceof ISVDBChildParent) { fLog.debug("Scope " + SVDBItem.getName(context) + " " + context.getType()); if (context.getType() == SVDBItemType.ClassDecl) { SVDBClassDecl cls = (SVDBClassDecl) context; if (cls.getParameters() != null) { for (SVDBModIfcClassParam p : cls.getParameters()) { if (fMatcher.match(p, name)) { add(p, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); } } } } else if (context.getType() == SVDBItemType.Function || context.getType() == SVDBItemType.Task) { String tf_name = ((ISVDBNamedItem) context).getName(); int idx; if (tf_name != null && (idx = tf_name.indexOf("::")) != -1) { // This is an external method. Go find the class that this is part of String clsname = tf_name.substring(0, idx); SVDBFindByName finder = new SVDBFindByName(fIndexIt); List<SVDBDeclCacheItem> cls_l = finder.find(clsname, false, SVDBItemType.ClassDecl); ISVDBItemBase cls_i; if (cls_l.size() > 0 && (cls_i = cls_l.get(0).getSVDBItem()) != null) { SVDBFindByNameInClassHierarchy cls_h_finder = new SVDBFindByNameInClassHierarchy(fIndexIt, fMatcher); List<ISVDBItemBase> it_l = cls_h_finder.find((SVDBClassDecl) cls_i, name); for (ISVDBItemBase it_t : it_l) { add(it_t, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); } } } } // First, search the local variables for (ISVDBItemBase it : ((ISVDBChildParent) context).getChildren()) { fLog.debug("Scope " + SVDBItem.getName(context) + " child " + SVDBItem.getName(it)); if (it instanceof SVDBVarDeclStmt) { for (ISVDBItemBase it_t : ((SVDBVarDeclStmt) it).getChildren()) { fLog.debug(" Variable " + SVDBItem.getName(it_t) + " (match " + name + ")"); if (it_t instanceof ISVDBNamedItem && fMatcher.match((ISVDBNamedItem) it_t, name)) { boolean match = (types.length == 0 || it_t.getType().isElemOf(types)); if (match) { fLog.debug(" Matches Variable " + SVDBItem.getName(it_t)); add(it_t, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); if (stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } } } else if (it instanceof SVDBModIfcInst) { for (ISVDBItemBase it_t : ((SVDBModIfcInst) it).getChildren()) { if (it_t instanceof ISVDBNamedItem && fMatcher.match((ISVDBNamedItem) it_t, name)) { boolean match = (types.length == 0); for (SVDBItemType t : types) { if (it_t.getType() == t) { match = true; break; } } if (match) { add(it_t, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); if (stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } } } else if (it.getType() == SVDBItemType.TypedefStmt && ((SVDBTypedefStmt) it).getTypeInfo().getType() == SVDBItemType.TypeInfoEnum) { // Check the enumerators for matches SVDBTypeInfoEnum e = (SVDBTypeInfoEnum) ((SVDBTypedefStmt) it).getTypeInfo(); for (SVDBTypeInfoEnumerator en : e.getEnumerators()) { if (fMatcher.match(en, name)) { add(en, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); if (stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } } else { if (it instanceof ISVDBNamedItem && fMatcher.match((ISVDBNamedItem) it, name)) { boolean match = (types.length == 0); for (SVDBItemType t : types) { if (it.getType() == t) { match = true; break; } } if (match) { add(it, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); if (stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } } } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } // Next, search the parameters, if we're in a function/task scope if (context.getType().isElemOf(SVDBItemType.Function, SVDBItemType.Task)) { for (SVDBParamPortDecl p : ((SVDBTask) context).getParams()) { for (ISVDBChildItem pi : p.getChildren()) { fLog.debug("check param \"" + SVDBItem.getName(pi) + "\""); if (fMatcher.match((ISVDBNamedItem) pi, name)) { add(pi, Scope.ScopeLocalVars, scope_level); if (stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } // Next, if we check the class parameters if we're in a class scope, // or the module ports/parameters if we're in an interface/module scope fLog.debug("context type: " + context.getType()); if (context.getType() == SVDBItemType.ClassDecl) { // SVDBClassDecl cls = (SVDBClassDecl)context; } else if (context.getType() == SVDBItemType.ModuleDecl || context.getType() == SVDBItemType.InterfaceDecl) { List<SVDBParamPortDecl> p_list = ((SVDBModIfcDecl) context).getPorts(); // Check ports for (SVDBParamPortDecl p : p_list) { for (ISVDBChildItem c : p.getChildren()) { SVDBVarDeclItem pi = (SVDBVarDeclItem) c; fLog.debug(" Check port " + pi.getName() + " == " + name); if (fMatcher.match((ISVDBNamedItem) pi, name)) { add(pi, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } // Check parameters List<SVDBModIfcClassParam> param_l = ((SVDBModIfcDecl) context).getParameters(); if (param_l != null && (ret.size() == 0 || !stop_on_first_match)) { for (SVDBModIfcClassParam p : param_l) { if (fMatcher.match(p, name)) { add(p, Scope.ScopeModIfcClsVars, scope_level); } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } } } } if (ret.size() > 0 && stop_on_first_match) { break; } while ((context = context.getParent()) != null && !(context instanceof ISVDBChildParent)) { fLog.debug("SKIP: " + context.getType() + " " + SVDBItem.getName(context)); } fLog.debug("parent: " + ((context != null) ? context.getType() : "NULL")); scope_level++; } fLog.debug( "<-- find: context=" + ((context != null) ? SVDBItem.getName(context) : "null") + " name=" + name); return ret; }