public PrimevalIsle() { super("ai/group"); for (L2Spawn npc : SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable()) if (Util.contains(MOBIDS, npc.getNpcId()) && npc.getLastSpawn() != null && npc.getLastSpawn() instanceof L2Attackable) ((L2Attackable) npc.getLastSpawn()).seeThroughSilentMove(true); registerMobs(SPRIGANTS, EventType.ON_AGGRO, EventType.ON_KILL); addAttackId(ANCIENT_EGG); addSpawnId(MOBIDS); }
public void deleteSpawn(L2Spawn spawn, boolean updateDb) { if (!_spawntable.remove(spawn)) return; if (updateDb) { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM spawnlist WHERE locx=? AND locy=? AND locz=? AND npc_templateid=? AND heading=?"); statement.setInt(1, spawn.getLocx()); statement.setInt(2, spawn.getLocy()); statement.setInt(3, spawn.getLocz()); statement.setInt(4, spawn.getNpcId()); statement.setInt(5, spawn.getHeading()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // problem with deleting spawn _log.warning("SpawnTable: Spawn " + spawn + " could not be removed from DB: " + e); } } }
private void init() { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from raidboss_spawnlist ORDER BY boss_id"); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { final L2NpcTemplate template = getValidTemplate(rset.getInt("boss_id")); if (template != null) { final L2Spawn spawnDat = new L2Spawn(template); spawnDat.setLocx(rset.getInt("loc_x")); spawnDat.setLocy(rset.getInt("loc_y")); spawnDat.setLocz(rset.getInt("loc_z")); spawnDat.setHeading(rset.getInt("heading")); spawnDat.setRespawnMinDelay(rset.getInt("spawn_time")); spawnDat.setRespawnMaxDelay(rset.getInt("random_time")); addNewSpawn( spawnDat, rset.getLong("respawn_time"), rset.getDouble("currentHP"), rset.getDouble("currentMP"), false); } else { _log.warning( "RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #" + rset.getInt("boss_id") + " from DB"); } }"RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded " + _bosses.size() + " instances.");"RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled " + _schedules.size() + " instances."); rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warning("RaidBossSpawnManager: Couldnt load raidboss_spawnlist table."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.log( Level.WARNING, "Error while initializing RaidBossSpawnManager: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
public void deleteSpawn(L2Spawn spawnDat, boolean updateDb) { if (spawnDat == null) return; final int bossId = spawnDat.getNpcId(); if (!_spawns.containsKey(bossId)) return; SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(spawnDat, false); _spawns.remove(bossId); if (_bosses.containsKey(bossId)) _bosses.remove(bossId); if (_schedules.containsKey(bossId)) { final ScheduledFuture<?> f = _schedules.remove(bossId); f.cancel(true); } if (_storedInfo.containsKey(bossId)) _storedInfo.remove(bossId); if (updateDb) { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM raidboss_spawnlist WHERE boss_id=?"); statement.setInt(1, bossId); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // problem with deleting spawn _log.log( Level.WARNING, "RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not remove raidboss #" + bossId + " from DB: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }
public void addNewSpawn(L2Spawn spawn, boolean storeInDb) { _spawntable.add(spawn); if (storeInDb) { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO spawnlist (npc_templateid,locx,locy,locz,heading,respawn_delay) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, spawn.getNpcId()); statement.setInt(2, spawn.getLocx()); statement.setInt(3, spawn.getLocy()); statement.setInt(4, spawn.getLocz()); statement.setInt(5, spawn.getHeading()); statement.setInt(6, spawn.getRespawnDelay() / 1000); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // problem with storing spawn _log.warning("SpawnTable: Could not store spawn in the DB:" + e); } } }
private void fillSpawnTable() { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM spawnlist"); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); L2Spawn spawnDat; L2NpcTemplate template1; while ( { template1 = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(rset.getInt("npc_templateid")); if (template1 != null) { if (template1.isType("L2SiegeGuard")) { // Don't spawn guards, they're spawned during castle sieges. } else if (template1.isType("L2RaidBoss")) { // Don't spawn raidbosses ; raidbosses are supposed to be loaded in another table ! _log.warning( "SpawnTable: RB (" + template1.getIdTemplate() + ") is in regular spawnlist, move it in raidboss_spawnlist."); } else if (!Config.ALLOW_CLASS_MASTERS && template1.isType("L2ClassMaster")) { // Dont' spawn class masters (if config is setuped to false). } else if (!Config.WYVERN_ALLOW_UPGRADER && template1.isType("L2WyvernManager")) { // Dont' spawn wyvern managers (if config is setuped to false). } else { spawnDat = new L2Spawn(template1); spawnDat.setLocx(rset.getInt("locx")); spawnDat.setLocy(rset.getInt("locy")); spawnDat.setLocz(rset.getInt("locz")); spawnDat.setHeading(rset.getInt("heading")); spawnDat.setRespawnDelay(rset.getInt("respawn_delay")); switch (rset.getInt("periodOfDay")) { case 0: // default spawnDat.init(); _npcSpawnCount++; break; case 1: // Day DayNightSpawnManager.getInstance().addDayCreature(spawnDat); _npcSpawnCount++; break; case 2: // Night DayNightSpawnManager.getInstance().addNightCreature(spawnDat); _npcSpawnCount++; break; } _spawntable.add(spawnDat); } } else { _log.warning( "SpawnTable: Data missing in NPC table for ID: " + rset.getInt("npc_templateid") + "."); } } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // problem with initializing spawn, go to next one _log.warning("SpawnTable: Spawn could not be initialized: " + e); } _log.config("SpawnTable: Loaded " + _spawntable.size() + " Npc Spawn Locations."); if (Config.DEBUG) _log.fine( "SpawnTable: Spawning completed, total number of NPCs in the world: " + _npcSpawnCount); }
public void addNewSpawn( L2Spawn spawnDat, long respawnTime, double currentHP, double currentMP, boolean storeInDb) { if (spawnDat == null) return; final int bossId = spawnDat.getNpcId(); if (_spawns.containsKey(bossId)) return; final long time = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); SpawnTable.getInstance().addNewSpawn(spawnDat, false); if (respawnTime == 0L || (time > respawnTime)) { L2RaidBossInstance raidboss = null; if (bossId == 25328) raidboss = DayNightSpawnManager.getInstance().handleBoss(spawnDat); else raidboss = (L2RaidBossInstance) spawnDat.doSpawn(); if (raidboss != null) { currentHP = (currentHP == 0) ? raidboss.getMaxHp() : currentHP; currentMP = (currentMP == 0) ? raidboss.getMaxMp() : currentMP; raidboss.setCurrentHp(currentHP); raidboss.setCurrentMp(currentMP); raidboss.setRaidStatus(StatusEnum.ALIVE); _bosses.put(bossId, raidboss); final StatsSet info = new StatsSet(); info.set("currentHP", currentHP); info.set("currentMP", currentMP); info.set("respawnTime", 0L); _storedInfo.put(bossId, info); } } else { long spawnTime = respawnTime - Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); _schedules.put( bossId, ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new spawnSchedule(bossId), spawnTime)); } _spawns.put(bossId, spawnDat); if (storeInDb) { try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO raidboss_spawnlist (boss_id,loc_x,loc_y,loc_z,heading,respawn_time,currentHp,currentMp) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, spawnDat.getNpcId()); statement.setInt(2, spawnDat.getLocx()); statement.setInt(3, spawnDat.getLocy()); statement.setInt(4, spawnDat.getLocz()); statement.setInt(5, spawnDat.getHeading()); statement.setLong(6, respawnTime); statement.setDouble(7, currentHP); statement.setDouble(8, currentMP); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // problem with storing spawn _log.log( Level.WARNING, "RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not store raidboss #" + bossId + " in the DB:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } }