Example #1
   * Price some goods according to the amount present in the settlement.
   * @param type The type of goods for sale.
   * @param amount The amount of goods for sale.
   * @return A price for the goods.
  private int getNormalGoodsPriceToBuy(GoodsType type, int amount) {
    final int tradeGoodsAdd = 20; // Fake additional trade goods present
    final int capacity = getGoodsCapacity();
    int current = getGoodsCount(type);

    // Increase effective stock if its raw material is produced here.
    GoodsType rawType = type.getInputType();
    if (rawType != null) {
      int rawProduction = getMaximumProduction(rawType);
      int add =
          (rawProduction < 5)
              ? 10 * rawProduction
              : (rawProduction < 10)
                  ? 5 * rawProduction + 25
                  : (rawProduction < 20) ? 2 * rawProduction + 55 : 100;
      // Decrease bonus in proportion to current stock, up to capacity.
      add = add * Math.max(0, capacity - current) / capacity;
      current += add;
    } else if (type.isTradeGoods()) {
      // Small artificial increase of the trade goods stored.
      current += tradeGoodsAdd;

    // Only interested in the amount of goods that keeps the
    // total under the threshold.
    int retain = Math.min(getWantedGoodsAmount(type), capacity);
    int valued = (retain <= current) ? 0 : Math.min(amount, retain - current);

    // Unit price then is maximum price plus the bonus for the
    // settlement type, reduced by the proportion of goods present.
    int unitPrice =
        (GOODS_BASE_PRICE + getType().getTradeBonus()) * Math.max(0, capacity - current) / capacity;

    // But farmed goods are always less interesting.
    // and small settlements are not interested in building.
    if (type.isFarmed() || type.isRawBuildingMaterial()) unitPrice /= 2;

    // Only pay for the portion that is valued.
    return (unitPrice < 0) ? 0 : valued * unitPrice;