Example #1
  /** Resolve features from extension repository */
  private void resolveFeaturesFromRepository() throws Exception {

    HashSet<String> extensions = new HashSet<String>();

    // derive extensions to be built based on features on white list
    for (String featureId : _requiredFeatures) {
      ExtensionInfo info = _repositoryFeatures.get(featureId);

      if (info != null) {
        String extensionId = info.getExtensionId();

        // unable to build app that uses feature from an extension that
        // does not have an id
        // because it is not possible to resolve dependencies
        if (extensionId != null && !extensionId.isEmpty()) {

          // if the extension has any JAR dependencies, add it to the
          // list so that it gets added to rapc classpath
          if (info.getCompiledJARPaths() != null) {
            for (String jarPath : info.getCompiledJARPaths()) {
              File jarFile = new File(jarPath);
        } else {
          throw new PackageException(
      } else {
        // TODO temp workaround to not throw error when widgetcache
        // features cannot be found in repository
        if (!FRAMEWORK_FEATURES.contains(featureId)) {
          throw new PackageException("EXCEPTION_FEATURE_NOT_FOUND", featureId);

    // find all extensions that need to be built with dependencies taken
    // into account
    ExtensionDependencyManager edm = new ExtensionDependencyManager(_extensionLookupTable);
    extensions = edm.resolveExtensions(extensions);

    for (String extensionId : extensions) {
      ExtensionInfo info = _extensionLookupTable.get(extensionId);
      HashSet<String> javaPaths = info.getRepositoryJavaPaths();
      copyExtensionPathsToSourceDir(javaPaths, getExtensionPath(), info.getExtensionFolder());
      _resolvedPaths.addAll((HashSet<String>) _curPaths.clone());

      HashSet<String> jsPaths = info.getRepositoryJavaScriptPaths();
              + File.separator
              + getEscapedEntryClass(info.getLibrary().getEntryClass())
              + File.separator,
      _resolvedPaths.addAll((HashSet<String>) _curPaths.clone());


      // extension can be found in lookup table for sure, otherwise
      // exception would have been thrown in ExtensionDependencyManager.resolve
      Library lib = _extensionLookupTable.get(extensionId).getLibrary();