public void newRouteIsCalculated(boolean newRoute) { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { if (!newRoute) { // suppress "route recalculated" prompt for GPX-routing, it makes no sense // suppress "route recalculated" prompt for 60sec (this workaround now outdated after more // intelligent route recalculation and directional voice prompt suppression) // if (router.getCurrentGPXRoute() == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - // lastTimeRouteRecalcAnnounced > 60000)) { if (router.getCurrentGPXRoute() == null) { play.routeRecalculated(router.getLeftDistance()).play(); currentStatus = STATUS_UNKNOWN; // lastTimeRouteRecalcAnnounced = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } else { play.newRouteCalculated(router.getLeftDistance()).play(); currentStatus = STATUS_UNKNOWN; } } else if (player == null) { pendingCommand = new VoiceCommandPending( !newRoute ? VoiceCommandPending.ROUTE_RECALCULATED : VoiceCommandPending.ROUTE_CALCULATED, this); currentStatus = STATUS_UNKNOWN; } nextRouteDirection = null; }
private boolean playMakeUTwp() { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.makeUTwp().play(); return true; } return false; }
private boolean playGoAheadToIntermediate() { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.goAhead(router.getLeftDistanceNextIntermediate()).andArriveAtIntermediatePoint().play(); return true; } return false; }
private boolean playGoAheadToDestination() { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.goAhead(router.getLeftDistance()).andArriveAtDestination().play(); return true; } return false; }
public void play(CommandBuilder newCommand) { int left = voiceRouter.router.getLeftDistance(); if (left > 0) { if (type == ROUTE_CALCULATED) { newCommand.newRouteCalculated(left).play(); } else if (type == ROUTE_RECALCULATED) { newCommand.routeRecalculated(left).play(); } } }
private void playPrepareTurn(RouteDirectionInfo next, int dist) { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { String tParam = getTurnType(next.getTurnType()); if (tParam != null) { play.prepareTurn(tParam, dist).play(); } else if (next.getTurnType().isRoundAbout()) { play.prepareRoundAbout(dist).play(); } else if (next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TU) || next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TRU)) { play.prepareMakeUT(dist).play(); } } }
private void playMakeTurnIn( RouteDirectionInfo next, int dist, RouteDirectionInfo pronounceNextNext) { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { String tParam = getTurnType(next.getTurnType()); boolean isPlay = true; if (tParam != null) { play.turn(tParam, dist); } else if (next.getTurnType().isRoundAbout()) { play.roundAbout(dist, next.getTurnType().getTurnAngle(), next.getTurnType().getExitOut()); } else if (next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TU) || next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TRU)) { play.makeUT(dist); } else { isPlay = false; } // small preparation to next after next if (pronounceNextNext != null) { TurnType t = pronounceNextNext.getTurnType(); isPlay = true; if (next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.C) && !TurnType.C.equals(t.getValue())) { play.goAhead(dist); } if (TurnType.TL.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.TSHL.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.TSLL.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.TU.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.KL.equals(t.getValue())) { play.then().bearLeft(); } else if (TurnType.TR.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.TSHR.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.TSLR.equals(t.getValue()) || TurnType.KR.equals(t.getValue())) { play.then().bearRight(); } } if (isPlay) {; } } }
public void arrivedIntermediatePoint() { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.arrivedAtIntermediatePoint().play(); } }
public void arrivedDestinationPoint() { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.arrivedAtDestination().play(); } }
public void gpsLocationLost() { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.gpsLocationLost().play(); } }
private void playMakeTurn(RouteDirectionInfo next, RouteDirectionInfo nextNext) { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { String tParam = getTurnType(next.getTurnType()); boolean isplay = true; if (tParam != null) { play.turn(tParam); } else if (next.getTurnType().isRoundAbout()) { play.roundAbout(next.getTurnType().getTurnAngle(), next.getTurnType().getExitOut()); } else if (next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TU) || next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TRU)) { play.makeUT(); // do not say it // } else if(next.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.C)){ // play.goAhead(); } else { isplay = false; } // add turn after next if (nextNext != null) { String t2Param = getTurnType(nextNext.getTurnType()); if (t2Param != null) { if (isplay) { play.then(); } play.turn(t2Param, next.distance); } else if (nextNext.getTurnType().isRoundAbout()) { if (isplay) { play.then(); } play.roundAbout( next.distance, nextNext.getTurnType().getTurnAngle(), nextNext.getTurnType().getExitOut()); } else if (nextNext.getTurnType().getValue().equals(TurnType.TU)) { if (isplay) { play.then(); } play.makeUT(next.distance); } isplay = true; } if (isplay) {; } } }
private void playGoAhead(int dist) { CommandBuilder play = getNewCommandPlayerToPlay(); if (play != null) { play.goAhead(dist).play(); } }