private String reindexFiles(List<File> filesToReindex) { boolean vectorMapsToReindex = false; for (File f : filesToReindex) { if (f.getName().endsWith(IndexConstants.BINARY_MAP_INDEX_EXT)) { vectorMapsToReindex = true; break; } } // reindex vector maps all at one time ResourceManager manager = app.getResourceManager(); manager.indexVoiceFiles(this); List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>(); if (vectorMapsToReindex) { warnings = manager.indexingMaps(this); } if (cachedSRTMFiles != null) { for (SrtmIndexItem i : cachedSRTMFiles) { ((SrtmIndexItem) i).updateExistingTiles(app.getResourceManager().getIndexFileNames()); } } if (!warnings.isEmpty()) { return warnings.get(0); } return null; }
public void closeApplicationAnywayImpl(final Activity activity, boolean disableService) { if (appInitializer.isAppInitializing()) { resourceManager.close(); } activity.finish(); if (getNavigationService() == null) { fullExit(); } else if (disableService) { final Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(this, NavigationService.class); stopService(serviceIntent); new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { // wait until the service has fully stopped while (getNavigationService() != null) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } fullExit(); } }) .start(); } }
public boolean downloadFile(DownloadEntry de, List<File> filesToReindex, boolean forceWifi) throws InterruptedException { boolean res = false; if (de.isAsset) { try { if (uiActivity != null) { ResourceManager.copyAssets(uiActivity.getAssets(), de.assetName, de.targetFile); boolean changedDate = de.targetFile.setLastModified(de.dateModified); if (!changedDate) { log.error("Set last timestamp is not supported"); } res = true; } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Copy exception", e); } } else { res = downloadFileHelper.downloadFile(de, this, filesToReindex, this, forceWifi); } if (res && de.attachedEntry != null) { return downloadFile(de.attachedEntry, filesToReindex, forceWifi); } return res; }
@Override public void onLowMemory() { super.onLowMemory(); resourceManager.onLowMemory(); }
private void startApplicationBackground() { List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (!Version.isBlackberry(this)) { if (osmandSettings.NATIVE_RENDERING_FAILED.get()) { osmandSettings.SAFE_MODE.set(true); osmandSettings.NATIVE_RENDERING_FAILED.set(false); warnings.add(getString(R.string.native_library_not_supported)); } else if (!osmandSettings.SAFE_MODE.get()) { osmandSettings.NATIVE_RENDERING_FAILED.set(true); startDialog.startTask(getString(R.string.init_native_library), -1); RenderingRulesStorage storage = rendererRegistry.getCurrentSelectedRenderer(); boolean initialized = NativeOsmandLibrary.getLibrary(storage, this) != null; osmandSettings.NATIVE_RENDERING_FAILED.set(false); if (!initialized) {"Native library could not be loaded!"); } } else { warnings.add(getString(R.string.native_library_not_running)); } } warnings.addAll(manager.reloadIndexes(startDialog)); player = null; if (savingTrackHelper.hasDataToSave()) { startDialog.startTask(getString(R.string.saving_gpx_tracks), -1); warnings.addAll(savingTrackHelper.saveDataToGpx()); } // restore backuped favorites to normal file final File appDir = getAppPath(null); File save = new File(appDir, FavouritesDbHelper.FILE_TO_SAVE); File bak = new File(appDir, FavouritesDbHelper.FILE_TO_BACKUP); if (bak.exists() && (!save.exists() || bak.lastModified() > save.lastModified())) { if (save.exists()) { save.delete(); } bak.renameTo(save); } } finally { synchronized (OsmandApplication.this) { final ProgressDialog toDismiss; if (startDialog != null) { toDismiss = startDialog.getDialog(); } else { toDismiss = null; } startDialog = null; if (toDismiss != null) { new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (toDismiss != null) { // TODO handling this dialog is bad, we need a better standard way toDismiss.dismiss(); // toDismiss.getOwnerActivity().dismissDialog(PROGRESS_DIALOG); } } }); showWarnings(warnings, toDismiss.getContext()); } else { startingWarnings = warnings; } } } }
@Override public void onLowMemory() { super.onLowMemory(); manager.onLowMemory(); }