// draw path 96x96 public static void calcTurnPath(Path pathForTurn, TurnType turnType, Matrix transform) { if (turnType == null) { return; } pathForTurn.reset(); int c = 48; int w = 16; pathForTurn.moveTo(c, 94); float sarrowL = 30; // side of arrow float harrowL = (float) Math.sqrt(2) * sarrowL; // hypotenuse of arrow float spartArrowL = (float) ((sarrowL - w / Math.sqrt(2)) / 2); float hpartArrowL = (float) (harrowL - w) / 2; if (TurnType.C.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int h = 65; pathForTurn.rMoveTo(w / 2, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rLineTo(hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(-harrowL / 2, harrowL / 2); pathForTurn.rLineTo(hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TR.equals(turnType.getValue()) || TurnType.TL.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int b = TurnType.TR.equals(turnType.getValue()) ? 1 : -1; int h = 36; float quadShiftX = 22; float quadShiftY = 22; pathForTurn.rMoveTo(-b * 8, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -quadShiftY, b * quadShiftX, -quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, hpartArrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, hpartArrowL); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(-b * (quadShiftX + w), 0, -b * (quadShiftX + w), quadShiftY + w); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TSLR.equals(turnType.getValue()) || TurnType.TSLL.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int b = TurnType.TSLR.equals(turnType.getValue()) ? 1 : -1; int h = 40; int quadShiftY = 22; float quadShiftX = (float) (quadShiftY / (1 + Math.sqrt(2))); float nQuadShiftX = (sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL) - quadShiftX - w; float nQuadShifty = quadShiftY + (sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rMoveTo(-b * 4, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h /* + partArrowL */); pathForTurn.rQuadTo( 0, -quadShiftY + quadShiftX /*- partArrowL*/, b * quadShiftX, -quadShiftY /*- partArrowL*/); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -sarrowL); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * sarrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(b * nQuadShiftX, -nQuadShiftX, b * nQuadShiftX, nQuadShifty); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TSHR.equals(turnType.getValue()) || TurnType.TSHL.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int b = TurnType.TSHR.equals(turnType.getValue()) ? 1 : -1; int h = 45; float quadShiftX = 22; float quadShiftY = -(float) (quadShiftX / (1 + Math.sqrt(2))); float nQuadShiftX = -(sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL) - quadShiftX - w; float nQuadShiftY = -quadShiftY + (sarrowL - 2 * spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rMoveTo(-b * 8, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -(quadShiftX - quadShiftY), b * quadShiftX, quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(b * sarrowL, 0); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -sarrowL); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-b * spartArrowL, spartArrowL); pathForTurn.rCubicTo( b * nQuadShiftX / 2, nQuadShiftX / 2, b * nQuadShiftX, nQuadShiftX / 2, b * nQuadShiftX, nQuadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (TurnType.TU.equals(turnType.getValue())) { int h = 54; float quadShiftX = 13; float quadShiftY = 13; pathForTurn.rMoveTo(28, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, -h); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -(quadShiftY + w), -(quadShiftX + w), -(quadShiftY + w)); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(-(quadShiftX + w), 0, -(quadShiftX + w), (quadShiftY + w)); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rLineTo(harrowL / 2, harrowL / 2); // center pathForTurn.rLineTo(harrowL / 2, -harrowL / 2); pathForTurn.rLineTo(-hpartArrowL, 0); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(0, -quadShiftX, quadShiftX, -quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rQuadTo(quadShiftX, 0, quadShiftX, quadShiftY); pathForTurn.rLineTo(0, h); } else if (turnType != null && turnType.isRoundAbout()) { float t = turnType.getTurnAngle(); if (t >= 170 && t < 220) { t = 220; } else if (t > 160 && t < 170) { t = 160; } float sweepAngle = (t - 360) - 180; if (sweepAngle < -360) { sweepAngle += 360; } float r1 = 32f; float r2 = 24f; float angleToRot = 0.3f; pathForTurn.moveTo(48, 48 + r1 + 8); pathForTurn.lineTo(48, 48 + r1); RectF r = new RectF(48 - r1, 48 - r1, 48 + r1, 48 + r1); pathForTurn.arcTo(r, 90, sweepAngle); float angleRad = (float) ((180 + sweepAngle) * Math.PI / 180f); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad), 48 - (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad + angleToRot / 2), 48 - (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad + angleToRot / 2)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 12) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - angleToRot / 2), 48 - (r1 + 12) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - angleToRot / 2)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - 3 * angleToRot / 2), 48 - (r1 + 6) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - 3 * angleToRot / 2)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - angleToRot), 48 - (r1 + 4) * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - angleToRot)); pathForTurn.lineTo( 48 + r2 * FloatMath.sin(angleRad - angleToRot), 48 - r2 * FloatMath.cos(angleRad - angleToRot)); r.set(48 - r2, 48 - r2, 48 + r2, 48 + r2); pathForTurn.arcTo(r, 360 + sweepAngle + 90, -sweepAngle); pathForTurn.lineTo(40, 48 + r2); pathForTurn.lineTo(40, 48 + r1 + 8); pathForTurn.close(); } pathForTurn.close(); if (transform != null) { pathForTurn.transform(transform); } }
private void drawRouteInfo(Canvas canvas) { if (routeLayer != null && routeLayer.getHelper().isRouterEnabled()) { if (routeLayer.getHelper().isFollowingMode()) { int d = routeLayer.getHelper().getDistanceToNextRouteDirection(); if (showMiniMap || d == 0) { if (!routeLayer.getPath().isEmpty()) { canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(boundsForMiniRoute); canvas.drawRoundRect(boundsForMiniRoute, roundCorner, roundCorner, paintAlphaGray); canvas.drawRoundRect(boundsForMiniRoute, roundCorner, roundCorner, paintBlack); canvas.translate( centerMiniRouteX - view.getCenterPointX(), centerMiniRouteY - view.getCenterPointY()); canvas.scale( scaleMiniRoute, scaleMiniRoute, view.getCenterPointX(), view.getCenterPointY()); canvas.rotate(view.getRotate(), view.getCenterPointX(), view.getCenterPointY()); canvas.drawCircle( view.getCenterPointX(), view.getCenterPointY(), 3 / scaleMiniRoute, fillBlack); canvas.drawPath(routeLayer.getPath(), paintMiniRoute); canvas.restore(); } } else { canvas.drawRoundRect(boundsForMiniRoute, roundCorner, roundCorner, paintAlphaGray); canvas.drawRoundRect(boundsForMiniRoute, roundCorner, roundCorner, paintBlack); RouteDirectionInfo next = routeLayer.getHelper().getNextRouteDirectionInfo(); if (next != null) { if (!Algoritms.objectEquals(cachedTurnType, next.turnType)) { cachedTurnType = next.turnType; calcTurnPath(pathForTurn, cachedTurnType, pathTransform); if (cachedTurnType.getExitOut() > 0) { cachedExitOut = cachedTurnType.getExitOut() + ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { cachedExitOut = null; } } canvas.drawPath(pathForTurn, paintRouteDirection); canvas.drawPath(pathForTurn, paintBlack); if (cachedExitOut != null) { canvas.drawText( cachedExitOut, boundsForMiniRoute.centerX() - 6 * scaleCoefficient, boundsForMiniRoute.centerY() - 9 * scaleCoefficient, paintBlack); } canvas.drawText( OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(d, map), boundsForMiniRoute.left + 10 * scaleCoefficient, boundsForMiniRoute.bottom - 9 * scaleCoefficient, paintBlack); } } } boolean followingMode = routeLayer.getHelper().isFollowingMode(); int time = routeLayer.getHelper().getLeftTime(); if (time == 0) { cachedLeftTime = 0; cachedLeftTimeString = null; } else { if (followingMode && showArrivalTime) { long toFindTime = time * 1000 + System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Math.abs(toFindTime - cachedLeftTime) > 30000) { cachedLeftTime = toFindTime; if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(map)) { cachedLeftTimeString = DateFormat.format("kk:mm", toFindTime).toString(); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { cachedLeftTimeString = DateFormat.format("k:mm aa", toFindTime).toString(); // $NON-NLS-1$ } boundsForLeftTime.left = -paintBlack.measureText(cachedLeftTimeString) - 10 * scaleCoefficient + boundsForLeftTime.right; } } else { if (Math.abs(time - cachedLeftTime) > 30) { cachedLeftTime = time; int hours = time / (60 * 60); int minutes = (time / 60) % 60; cachedLeftTimeString = String.format("%d:%02d", hours, minutes); // $NON-NLS-1$ boundsForLeftTime.left = -paintBlack.measureText(cachedLeftTimeString) - 10 * scaleCoefficient + boundsForLeftTime.right; } } } if (cachedLeftTimeString != null) { int w = (int) (boundsForLeftTime.right - boundsForLeftTime.left); boundsForLeftTime.right = view.getWidth(); boundsForLeftTime.left = view.getWidth() - w; canvas.drawRoundRect(boundsForLeftTime, roundCorner, roundCorner, paintAlphaGray); canvas.drawRoundRect(boundsForLeftTime, roundCorner, roundCorner, paintBlack); canvas.drawText( cachedLeftTimeString, boundsForLeftTime.left + 5 * scaleCoefficient, boundsForLeftTime.bottom - 9 * scaleCoefficient, paintBlack); } } }