  * Reads from {@link this.tmpBytes} an object at {@param offset}, will reuse {@param value} if
  * possible, to reduce object creation.
  * @param offset the offset to read the data from
  * @param value the object to reuse ( if possible ), if null a new object will be created an
  *     object and no reuse will occur.
 V readObjectUsing(V value, final long offset) {
   if (value instanceof Byteable) {
     ((Byteable) value).bytes(bytes, offset);
     return value;
   if (generatedValueType) {
     if (value == null) value = DataValueClasses.newInstance(vClass);
     ((BytesMarshallable) value).readMarshallable(tmpBytes);
     return value;
   return tmpBytes.readInstance(vClass, value);