   * @param replica
   * @param externalizable
   * @param tcpReplicatorBuilder
   * @param maxEntrySizeBytes used to check that the last entry will fit into the buffer, it can not
   *     be smaller than the size of and entry, if it is set smaller the buffer will over flow, it
   *     can be larger then the entry, but setting it too large reduces the workable space in the
   *     buffer.
   * @throws IOException
      @NotNull final Replica replica,
      @NotNull final EntryExternalizable externalizable,
      @NotNull final TcpReplicatorBuilder tcpReplicatorBuilder,
      final int maxEntrySizeBytes)
      throws IOException {

    super("TcpSocketReplicator-" + replica.identifier(), tcpReplicatorBuilder, maxEntrySizeBytes);

    serverInetSocketAddress = tcpReplicatorBuilder.serverInetSocketAddress();

    heartBeatInterval = tcpReplicatorBuilder.heartBeatInterval(MILLISECONDS);

    long throttleBucketInterval = tcpReplicatorBuilder.throttleBucketInterval(MILLISECONDS);
    selectorTimeout = Math.min(heartBeatInterval, throttleBucketInterval);

    packetSize = tcpReplicatorBuilder.packetSize();
    endpoints = tcpReplicatorBuilder.endpoints();

    this.replica = replica;
    this.localIdentifier = replica.identifier();
    this.maxEntrySizeBytes = maxEntrySizeBytes;
    this.externalizable = externalizable;
