protected DataBlock computeState(double time) {
    MechanicalState state = orbitPredictor.getECFState(time);

    // send to output
    DataBlock stateData = (lastRecord == null) ? outputDef.createDataBlock() : lastRecord.renew();
    stateData.setDoubleValue(0, state.julianTime);
    stateData.setDoubleValue(1, state.linearPosition.x);
    stateData.setDoubleValue(2, state.linearPosition.y);
    stateData.setDoubleValue(3, state.linearPosition.z);
    stateData.setDoubleValue(4, state.linearVelocity.x);
    stateData.setDoubleValue(5, state.linearVelocity.y);
    stateData.setDoubleValue(6, state.linearVelocity.z);

    return stateData;
  /* TODO: only using HV message; add support for HT and ML */
  private synchronized void pollAndSendMeasurement() {
    long msgTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    double hd = Double.NaN;
    double incl = Double.NaN;
    double az = Double.NaN;
    double sd = Double.NaN;

    try {
      boolean gotHvMsg = false;
      while (!gotHvMsg) {
        String line = msgReader.readLine();
        String val, unit;

        // parse the data string
        TruPulseSensor.log.debug("Message received: {}", line);
        String[] tokens = line.split(",");

        val = tokens[0];
        if (!val.equals(MSG_PREFIX)) {
              "Message initial token does NOT equal expected string {}", MSG_PREFIX);

        // check for desired message type HV
        val = tokens[1];
        if (!val.equals(MSG_TYPE_HV)) {
          TruPulseSensor.log.warn("Unsupported message type {}", val);

        // get horizontal distance measure and check units (convert if not meters)
        val = tokens[2];
        unit = tokens[3];
        if (val.length() > 0 && unit.length() > 0) {
          hd = Double.parseDouble(val);
          hd = convert(hd, unit);

        // get azimuth angle measure (units should be degrees)
        val = tokens[4];
        unit = tokens[5];
        if (val.length() > 0 && unit.length() > 0) az = Double.parseDouble(val);

        // get inclination angle measure (units should be degrees)
        val = tokens[6];
        unit = tokens[7];
        if (val.length() > 0 && unit.length() > 0) incl = Double.parseDouble(val);

        // get slope distance measure and check units (should be meters)
        val = tokens[8];
        unit = tokens[9];
        if (val.length() > 0 && unit.length() > 0) {
          sd = Double.parseDouble(val);
          sd = convert(hd, unit);

        gotHvMsg = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      TruPulseSensor.log.error("Unable to parse TruPulse message", e);

    // create and populate datablock
    DataBlock dataBlock;
    if (latestRecord == null) dataBlock = laserData.createDataBlock();
    else dataBlock = latestRecord.renew();

    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(0, msgTime / 1000.);
    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(1, hd);
    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(2, sd);
    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(4, az);
    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(3, incl);

    // update latest record and send event
    latestRecord = dataBlock;
    latestRecordTime = msgTime;
        new SensorDataEvent(latestRecordTime, TruPulseOutput.this, dataBlock));
Example #3
  private void pollAndSendMeasurement() {
    double julianTime = 0.0;
    String mdtID = " ";
    String vehID = " ";
    String unitID = " ";
    double lat = Double.NaN;
    double lon = Double.NaN;
    String status = " ";
    String eventID = " ";

    try {
      boolean gotMsg = false;
      while (!gotMsg) {
        String line = msgReader.readLine();
        if (line == null || line.length() == 0) return;
        String timeString;
        Date time;

        // parse the data string
        AVLDriver.log.debug("Message received: {}", line);

        // split tokens based on one or more white spaces
        String[] tokens = line.trim().split("\\s+");

        // get time tag in pseudo standard string
        timeString = tokens[0];

        // add "T" at end to make recognizable time zone (e.g. CDT) and then
        //   parse according to predefined Intergraph 911 format
        try {
          time = timeFormat.parse(timeString + "T");
        } catch (ParseException e) {
          AVLDriver.log.warn("Exception parsing date-time string ", timeString + "T");

        if (time != null) julianTime = time.getTime() / 1000.0;

        // skip tokens[1]
        mdtID = tokens[2];
        unitID = tokens[3];
        vehID = tokens[4];

        lat = Double.parseDouble(tokens[5]);
        lon = Double.parseDouble(tokens[6]);

        // skip tokens[7 - 15]
        status = tokens[16];
        if (tokens.length > 17) // event id is not always present
        eventID = tokens[17];
        else eventID = "NONE";

        gotMsg = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (sendData) AVLDriver.log.error("Unable to parse AVL message", e);

    // create new FOI if needed
    parentSensor.addFoi(julianTime, vehID);

    // create and populate datablock
    DataBlock dataBlock;
    if (latestRecord == null) dataBlock = dataStruct.createDataBlock();
    else dataBlock = latestRecord.renew();

    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(0, julianTime);
    dataBlock.setStringValue(1, mdtID);
    dataBlock.setStringValue(2, unitID);
    dataBlock.setStringValue(3, vehID);
    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(4, lat);
    dataBlock.setDoubleValue(5, lon);
    dataBlock.setStringValue(6, status);
    dataBlock.setStringValue(7, eventID);

    // update latest record and send event
    latestRecord = dataBlock;
    latestRecordTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        new SensorDataEvent(latestRecordTime, vehID, AVLOutput.this, dataBlock));