@Override protected Form fill(Form form, NamedBuildFilterData data) { return form.fill("count", data.getCount()) .fill("fromBuild", data.getFromBuild()) .fill("toBuild", data.getToBuild()) .fill("withPromotionLevel", data.getWithPromotionLevel()); }
@Override public Form getEditionForm(ProjectEntity entity, AutoPromotionProperty value) { PromotionLevel promotionLevel = (PromotionLevel) entity; return Form.create() .with( MultiSelection.of("validationStamps") .label("Validation stamps") .items( structureService .getValidationStampListForBranch(promotionLevel.getBranch().getId()) .stream() .map( vs -> new ValidationStampSelection( vs, value != null && value.containsDirectValidationStamp(vs))) .collect(Collectors.toList())) .help( "When all the selected validation stamps have passed for a build, the promotion will automatically be granted.")) .with( Text.of("include") .label("Include") .optional() .value(value != null ? value.getInclude() : "") .help("Regular expression to select validation stamps by name")) .with( Text.of("exclude") .label("Exclude") .optional() .value(value != null ? value.getExclude() : "") .help("Regular expression to exclude validation stamps by name")); }
@Override public Form getEditionForm(ProjectEntity entity, LinkProperty value) { return Form.create() .with( NamedEntries.of("links") .label("List of links") .nameLabel("Name") .valueLabel("Link") .nameOptional() .addText("Add a link") .help("List of links associated with a name.") .value(value != null ? value.getLinks() : Collections.emptyList())); }
@Override protected Form blankForm(ID branchId) { // Promotion levels for this branch List<PromotionLevel> promotionLevels = structureService.getPromotionLevelListForBranch(branchId); // Form return Form.create() .with( Int.of("count") .label("Maximum count") .help("Maximum number of builds to display") .min(1) .value(10)) .with( Text.of("fromBuild") .label("From build") .help( "Expression to identify a list of build. Only the most recent one is kept. " + "* (star) can be used as a placeholder.")) .with( Text.of("toBuild") .label("To build") .optional() .help( "Optional expression to identify a list of build. Only the most recent one is kept. " + "If unset, the first build that does not comply with the \"from build\" expression is kept by default. " + "* (star) can be used as a placeholder.")) .with( Selection.of("withPromotionLevel") .label("With promotion level") .help( "Optional. If set, restrict both \"from\" and \"to\" list to the builds with a promotion level.") .items(promotionLevels) .itemId("name") .optional()); }
@Override public Form getEditionForm(ProjectEntity entity, TestProperty value) { return Form.create() .with(Text.of("value").label("Value").value(value != null ? value.getValue() : "")); }
public static Form form() { return Form.nameAndDescription() .with( YesNo.of("disabled").label("Disabled").help("Check if the project must be disabled.")); }