/** * Opens a Gui for the player. * * @param mod The mod associated with the gui * @param ID The ID number for the Gui * @param world The World * @param X X Position * @param Y Y Position * @param Z Z Position */ public void openGui(BaseMod mod, int ID, World world, int x, int y, int z) { if (!(this instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) { return; } EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) this; if (!(mod instanceof NetworkMod)) { return; } IGuiHandler handler = MinecraftForge.getGuiHandler(mod); if (handler != null) { Container container = (Container) handler.getGuiElement(ID, player, world, x, y, z); if (container != null) { player.realGetNextWidowId(); player.closeCraftingGui(); PacketOpenGUI pkt = new PacketOpenGUI( player.getCurrentWindowIdField(), MinecraftForge.getModID((NetworkMod) mod), ID, x, y, z); player.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(pkt.getPacket()); craftingInventory = container; craftingInventory.windowId = player.getCurrentWindowIdField(); craftingInventory.onCraftGuiOpened(player); } } }
public void load() { if (!DatabaseHelper.has()) { ModLoader.throwException( "Can not start Pixelmon without SQLite jar or database!!! Please reinstall!!", new java.lang.Error( "Can not start Pixelmon without SQLite jar or database!!! Please reinstall!!")); } if (!(ModLoader.isModLoaded("mod_MinecraftForge"))) ModLoader.throwException( "Can not start Pixelmon without Minecraft Forge!!! Please download it!!!", new java.lang.Error( "Can not start Pixelmon without Minecraft Forge!!! Please download it!!!")); if (ModLoader.isModLoaded("mod_pokemobs")) System.exit(1); instance = this; MinecraftForge.setGuiHandler(this, new GuiHandler()); ModLoader.setInGUIHook(this, true, true); ModLoader.setInGameHook(this, true, true); starterList.add(EntityBulbasaur.class); starterList.add(EntitySquirtle.class); starterList.add(EntityCharmander.class); starterList.add(EntityEevee.class); addNames(); registerEntities(); addSpawns(); addRecipes(); MinecraftForge.registerSaveHandler(pokeballManager); MinecraftForge.registerSaveHandler(computerManager); MinecraftForge.registerConnectionHandler(new PacketHandler()); alreadySet = true; }
public void registerEntities() { removeNormalMobsAndCreatures(); PixelmonEntityList.registerEntities(); MinecraftForge.registerEntity(EntityEmptyPokeBall.class, this, IDListPixelmon.i, 50, 1, true); IDListPixelmon.i++; MinecraftForge.registerEntity(EntityPokeBall.class, this, IDListPixelmon.i, 50, 1, true); IDListPixelmon.i++; }
public static void initialize() { MultiTexturedDoors.initialize(); MinecraftForge.registerConnectionHandler(new NetworkConnection()); }