private boolean classMatch(Item base, Item matched) { if (base.getClass() == Item.class) { return base == matched; } else if (base.getClass() == matched.getClass()) { if (base instanceof ItemBlock) { Block baseBlock = ((ItemBlock) base).field_150939_a; Block matchedBlock = ((ItemBlock) matched).field_150939_a; if (baseBlock.getClass() == Block.class) { return baseBlock == matchedBlock; } else { return baseBlock.equals(matchedBlock); } } else { return true; } } else { return false; } }
public static void patchTools() { FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry<Item> gamereg = GameData.getItemRegistry(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> allItems = GameData.getItemRegistry().getKeys(); for (String itemname : allItems) { Item item = gamereg.getObject(itemname); if (item instanceof ItemTool || item instanceof ItemHoe || item instanceof ItemSword) { if (item.getClass().getCanonicalName().contains("Reika.RotaryCraft")) { continue; } ToolMaterial toolmat = null; String toolmatname = null; if (item instanceof ItemTool) toolmatname = ((ItemTool) item).getToolMaterialName(); else if (item instanceof ItemHoe) toolmatname = ((ItemHoe) item).getToolMaterialName(); else if (item instanceof ItemSword) toolmatname = ((ItemSword) item).getToolMaterialName(); if (toolmatname == null) { } else { try { toolmat = ToolMaterial.valueOf(toolmatname); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { toolmat = null; } } if (toolmat == null) { } else { // Update the tool material if (item instanceof ItemTool) { if (item.getClass().getCanonicalName().contains("fi.dy.masa.enderutilities")) { Reflector endertoolreflector = new Reflector(item, ItemEnderTool.class); endertoolreflector .set("material", toolmat) .set("field_77865_bY", toolmat.getDamageVsEntity() + 2F) .set("field_77864_a", toolmat.getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial()); } else { Reflector itemreflector = new Reflector(item, ItemTool.class); Float damagemodifier = 0F; if (item instanceof ItemAxe) damagemodifier = 3F; if (item instanceof ItemPickaxe) damagemodifier = 2F; if (item instanceof ItemSpade) damagemodifier = 1F; itemreflector .set("field_77862_b", toolmat) .set("field_77865_bY", toolmat.getDamageVsEntity() + damagemodifier) .set("field_77864_a", toolmat.getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial()); } } if (item instanceof ItemHoe) { new Reflector(item, ItemHoe.class).set("field_77843_a", toolmat); } if (item instanceof ItemSword) { new Reflector(item, ItemSword.class) .set("field_150933_b", toolmat) .set("field_150934_a", toolmat.getDamageVsEntity() + 4F); } // Update the max damage if (item.getMaxDamage() > 0) item.setMaxDamage(toolmat.getMaxUses()); if (item instanceof ItemTool) "[si.core] [tool patcher] is a " + ((ItemTool) item).getToolMaterialName() + " tool"); if (item instanceof ItemHoe) "[si.core] [tool patcher] is a " + ((ItemHoe) item).getToolMaterialName() + " hoe"); if (item instanceof ItemSword) "[si.core] [tool patcher] is a " + ((ToolMaterial) new Reflector(item, ItemSword.class).get("field_150933_b")) .name() + " weapon (basically a sword)"); } } } }