/** * Used by the drawing routine; edited to reduce weirdness. * * <p>(Don't move the bottom with the size of the screen). */ @Override protected void overlayBackground(int y1, int y2, int alpha1, int alpha2) { if (y1 == 0) { super.overlayBackground(y1, y2, alpha1, alpha2); return; } else { GlStateManager.translate(0, -bottomLocation, 0); super.overlayBackground(y1 + bottomLocation, y2 + bottomLocation, alpha1, alpha2); GlStateManager.translate(0, bottomLocation, 0); } }
@Override public void func_178039_p() { mouseY -= bottomLocation; if (mouseY > 0) { super.func_178039_p(); } mouseY += bottomLocation; }
@Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { GlStateManager.translate(0, bottomLocation, 0); this.height = GuiWDLExtensions.this.height - bottomLocation; this.bottom = this.height - 32; super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); drawCenteredString( fontRendererObj, "Details (resizable)", GuiWDLExtensions.this.width / 2, 5, 0xFFFFFF); GlStateManager.translate(0, -bottomLocation, 0); }
@Override public void func_178039_p() { if (mouseY < bottomLocation) { super.func_178039_p(); } }
@Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { this.height = this.bottom = bottomLocation; super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); }