Example #1
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Random rand = new Random(47);
   Integer[] a = new Integer[rand.nextInt(20)];
   print("length of a = " + a.length);
   for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = rand.nextInt(500); // Autoboxing
Example #2
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Random rand = new Random();
   int value, value2;
   value2 = rand.nextInt(100);
   for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
     if ((value = rand.nextInt(100)) > value2) print(value + "	is larger than	" + value2);
     else print(value + "	is less than	" + value2);
Example #3
 // Insert a random delay to produce the effect
 // of a calculation time:
 private void pause(int factor) {
   try {
     TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100 + rand.nextInt(factor));
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
     print("sleep() interrupted");
Example #4
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Random rand = new Random(47);
    int i = rand.nextInt();
    int j = rand.nextInt();
    printBinaryInt("-1", -1);
    printBinaryInt("+1", +1);
    int maxpos = 2147483647;
    printBinaryInt("maxpos", maxpos);
    int maxneg = -2147483648;
    printBinaryInt("maxneg", maxneg);
    printBinaryInt("i", i);
    printBinaryInt("~i", ~i);
    printBinaryInt("-i", -i);
    printBinaryInt("j", j);
    printBinaryInt("i & j", i & j);
    printBinaryInt("i | j", i | j);
    printBinaryInt("i ^ j", i ^ j);
    printBinaryInt("i << 5", i << 5);
    printBinaryInt("i >> 5", i >> 5);
    printBinaryInt("(~i) >> 5", (~i) >> 5);
    printBinaryInt("i >>> 5", i >>> 5);
    printBinaryInt("(~i) >>> 5", (~i) >>> 5);

    long l = rand.nextLong();
    long m = rand.nextLong();
    printBinaryLong("-1L", -1L);
    printBinaryLong("+1L", +1L);
    long ll = 9223372036854775807L;
    printBinaryLong("maxpos", ll);
    long lln = -9223372036854775808L;
    printBinaryLong("maxneg", lln);
    printBinaryLong("l", l);
    printBinaryLong("~l", ~l);
    printBinaryLong("-l", -l);
    printBinaryLong("m", m);
    printBinaryLong("l & m", l & m);
    printBinaryLong("l | m", l | m);
    printBinaryLong("l ^ m", l ^ m);
    printBinaryLong("l << 5", l << 5);
    printBinaryLong("l >> 5", l >> 5);
    printBinaryLong("(~l) >> 5", (~l) >> 5);
    printBinaryLong("l >>> 5", l >>> 5);
    printBinaryLong("(~l) >>> 5", (~l) >>> 5);
Example #5
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Random rand = new Random(47);
   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
     int c = rand.nextInt(26) + 'a';
     printnb((char) c + ", " + c + ": ");
     switch (c) {
       case 'a':
       case 'e':
       case 'i':
       case 'o':
       case 'u':
       case 'y':
       case 'w':
         print("Sometimes a vowel");
 public void run() {
   try {
     while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
       TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100 + rand.nextInt(500));
       // Make toast
       Toast t = new Toast(count++);
       // Insert into queue
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
     print("Toaster interrupted");
   print("Toaster off");
Example #7
 private void pause() throws InterruptedException {
   if (ponderFactor == 0) return;
   TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(rand.nextInt(ponderFactor * 250));