Example #1
   * Manage the Cast Intention : Stop current Attack, Init the AI in order to cast and Launch Think
   * Event.<br>
   * <br>
   * <B><U> Actions</U> : </B><br>
   * <br>
   * <li>Set the AI cast target
   * <li>Stop the actor auto-attack client side by sending Server->Client packet AutoAttackStop
   *     (broadcast)
   * <li>Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player
   *     actor
   * <li>Set the AI skill used by INTENTION_CAST
   * <li>Set the Intention of this AI to AI_INTENTION_CAST
   * <li>Launch the Think Event <br>
   *     <br>
  protected void onIntentionCast(SkillUsageRequest request) {
    final L2Skill skill = request.getSkill();

    if (getIntention() == AI_INTENTION_REST && skill.isMagic()) {

    // Stop actions client-side to cast the skill
    if (skill.getHitTime() > 50) {
      // Abort the attack of the L2Character and send Server->Client ActionFailed packet

      // Cancel action client side by sending Server->Client packet ActionFailed to the L2Player
      // actor
      // no need for second ActionFailed packet, abortAttack() already sent it
      // clientActionFailed();

    final L2Object target = request.getSkill().getFirstOfTargetList(_actor);

    // Change the Intention of this AbstractAI to AI_INTENTION_CAST
    changeIntention(AI_INTENTION_CAST, request, target);

    final Point3D p = request.getSkillWorldPosition();
    if (p != null) {
      // normally magicskilluse packet turns char client side but for these skills, it doesn't (even
      // with correct target)
          Util.calculateHeadingFrom(_actor.getX(), _actor.getY(), p.getX(), p.getY()));
      _actor.broadcastPacket(new ValidateLocation(_actor));

    // Launch the Think Event
    notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_THINK, null);