private void runTestsOnRemoteMachine(URL baseURL) { List<TestRunResult> results = new ArrayList<TestRunResult>(); try { URL fullURL = buildURL(baseURL);"Requesting run on remove machine URL " + baseURL); Document documentFromRemoteMachine = hitter.hitURL(fullURL);"Received response from remove machine URL " + baseURL); if (isMultipleTestRunResultsResult(documentFromRemoteMachine)) { DistributedTestRunResult multiple = new DistributedTestRunResultBuilder(configuration).build(documentFromRemoteMachine); results.addAll(multiple.getTestRunResults()); } else { TestRunResult single = new TestRunResultBuilder(configuration).build(documentFromRemoteMachine); results.add(single); } } catch (IOException e) { if (configuration.shouldIgnoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines())"Ignoring unresponsive machine " + baseURL.toString()); else {"Remote machine URL is unresponsive: " + baseURL.toString()); TestRunResult unresponsiveResult = new TestRunResult(baseURL); unresponsiveResult.setUnresponsive(); results.add(unresponsiveResult); } } for (TestRunResult result : results) { result.setURL(baseURL); //noinspection SynchronizeOnNonFinalField synchronized (distributedTestRunResult) { distributedTestRunResult.addTestRunResult(result); } } }
private URL buildURL(URL url) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, MalformedURLException { String fullURLString = url.toString(); fullURLString += "/runner"; boolean hasFirstParameter = false; if (overrideURL != null) { fullURLString += "?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(overrideURL, "UTF-8"); hasFirstParameter = true; } else if (configuration.getTestURL() != null) { fullURLString += "?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(configuration.getTestURL().toString(), "UTF-8"); hasFirstParameter = true; } if (remoteBrowser != null) { fullURLString += (hasFirstParameter ? "&" : "?"); fullURLString += "browserId=" + remoteBrowser.getId(); } return new URL(fullURLString); }
public void runTests() { List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (final URL baseURL : configuration.getRemoteMachineURLs()) threads.add( new Thread("Run JsUnit tests on " + baseURL) { public void run() { runTestsOnRemoteMachine(baseURL); } }); for (Thread thread : threads) thread.start(); for (Thread thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("One of the test threads was interrupted."); } } }