   * Creates a protocol provider for the given <tt>accountID</tt> and registers it in the bundle
   * context. This method has a persistent effect. Once created the resulting account will remain
   * installed until removed through the uninstallAccount method.
   * @param accountID the account identifier
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the account with the given <tt>accountID</tt> is successfully loaded,
   *     otherwise returns <tt>false</tt>
  public boolean loadAccount(AccountID accountID) {
    // Need to obtain the original user id property, instead of calling
    // accountID.getUserID(), because this method could return a modified
    // version of the user id property.
    String userID = accountID.getAccountPropertyString(ProtocolProviderFactory.USER_ID);

    ProtocolProviderService service = createService(userID, accountID);

    Dictionary<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    properties.put(PROTOCOL, protocolName);
    properties.put(USER_ID, userID);

    ServiceRegistration serviceRegistration =
        bundleContext.registerService(ProtocolProviderService.class.getName(), service, properties);

    if (serviceRegistration == null) return false;
    else {
      synchronized (registeredAccounts) {
        registeredAccounts.put(accountID, serviceRegistration);
      return true;
   * Starts the execution of the neomedia bundle in the specified context.
   * @param bundleContext the context in which the neomedia bundle is to start executing
   * @throws Exception if an error occurs while starting the execution of the neomedia bundle in the
   *     specified context
  public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Started.");

    NeomediaActivator.bundleContext = bundleContext;

    // MediaService
    mediaServiceImpl = (MediaServiceImpl) LibJitsi.getMediaService();

    bundleContext.registerService(MediaService.class.getName(), mediaServiceImpl, null);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Media Service ... [REGISTERED]");

    //        mediaConfiguration = new MediaConfigurationImpl();
    //        bundleContext.registerService(
    //                MediaConfigurationService.class.getStatus(),
    //                getMediaConfiguration(),
    //                null);
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Media Configuration ... [REGISTERED]");

    ConfigurationService cfg = NeomediaActivator.getConfigurationService();
    Dictionary<String, String> mediaProps = new Hashtable<String, String>();

    mediaProps.put(ConfigurationForm.FORM_TYPE, ConfigurationForm.GENERAL_TYPE);

    // If the audio configuration form is disabled don't register it.
    //        if ((cfg == null) || !cfg.getBoolean(AUDIO_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP, false))
    //        {
    //            audioConfigurationForm
    //                = new LazyConfigurationForm(
    //                        AudioConfigurationPanel.class.getStatus(),
    //                        getClass().getClassLoader(),
    //                        "plugin.mediaconfig.AUDIO_ICON",
    //                        "impl.neomedia.configform.AUDIO",
    //                        3);
    //            bundleContext.registerService(
    //                    ConfigurationForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                    audioConfigurationForm,
    //                    mediaProps);
    //            if (deviceConfigurationPropertyChangeListener == null)
    //            {
    //                // Initializes and registers the changed device configuration
    //                // event ot the notification service.
    //                getNotificationService();
    //                deviceConfigurationPropertyChangeListener
    //                    = new AudioDeviceConfigurationListener();
    //                mediaServiceImpl
    //                    .getDeviceConfiguration()
    //                        .addPropertyChangeListener(
    //                                deviceConfigurationPropertyChangeListener);
    //            }
    //        }

    // If the video configuration form is disabled don't register it.
    //        if ((cfg == null) || !cfg.getBoolean(VIDEO_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP, false))
    //        {
    //            bundleContext.registerService(
    //                    ConfigurationForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                    new LazyConfigurationForm(
    //                            VideoConfigurationPanel.class.getStatus(),
    //                            getClass().getClassLoader(),
    //                            "plugin.mediaconfig.VIDEO_ICON",
    //                            "impl.neomedia.configform.VIDEO",
    //                            4),
    //                    mediaProps);
    //        }

    // H.264
    // If the H.264 configuration form is disabled don't register it.
    //        if ((cfg == null) || !cfg.getBoolean(H264_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP, false))
    //        {
    //            Dictionary<String, String> h264Props
    //                = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    //            h264Props.put(
    //                    ConfigurationForm.FORM_TYPE,
    //                    ConfigurationForm.ADVANCED_TYPE);
    //            bundleContext.registerService(
    //                    ConfigurationForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                    new LazyConfigurationForm(
    //                            ConfigurationPanel.class.getStatus(),
    //                            getClass().getClassLoader(),
    //                            "plugin.mediaconfig.VIDEO_ICON",
    //                            "impl.neomedia.configform.H264",
    //                            -1,
    //                            true),
    //                    h264Props);
    //        }

    // ZRTP
    // If the ZRTP configuration form is disabled don't register it.
    //        if ((cfg == null) || !cfg.getBoolean(ZRTP_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP, false))
    //        {
    //            Dictionary<String, String> securityProps
    //                = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    //            securityProps.put( ConfigurationForm.FORM_TYPE,
    //                            ConfigurationForm.SECURITY_TYPE);
    //            bundleContext.registerService(
    //                ConfigurationForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                new LazyConfigurationForm(
    //                    SecurityConfigForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                    getClass().getClassLoader(),
    //                    "impl.media.security.zrtp.CONF_ICON",
    //                    "impl.media.security.zrtp.TITLE",
    //                    0),
    //                securityProps);
    //        }

    // we use the nist-sdp stack to make parse sdp and we need to set the
    // following property to make sure that it would accept java generated
    // IPv6 addresses that contain address scope zones.
    System.setProperty("gov.nist.core.STRIP_ADDR_SCOPES", "true");

    // AudioNotifierService
    AudioNotifierService audioNotifierService = LibJitsi.getAudioNotifierService();

        (cfg == null)
            || !cfg.getBoolean("net.java.sip.communicator" + ".impl.sound.isSoundEnabled", true));
    bundleContext.registerService(AudioNotifierService.class.getName(), audioNotifierService, null);

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) logger.info("Audio Notifier Service ...[REGISTERED]");

    // Call Recording
    // If the call recording configuration form is disabled don't continue.
    //        if ((cfg == null)
    //                || !cfg.getBoolean(CALL_RECORDING_CONFIG_DISABLED_PROP, false))
    //        {
    //            Dictionary<String, String> callRecordingProps
    //                = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    //            callRecordingProps.put(
    //                    ConfigurationForm.FORM_TYPE,
    //                    ConfigurationForm.ADVANCED_TYPE);
    //            bundleContext.registerService(
    //                    ConfigurationForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                    new LazyConfigurationForm(
    //                            CallRecordingConfigForm.class.getStatus(),
    //                            getClass().getClassLoader(),
    //                            null,
    //                            "plugin.callrecordingconfig.CALL_RECORDING_CONFIG",
    //                            1100,
    //                            true),
    //                    callRecordingProps);
    //        }