private void doGive(boolean isGift) { if (amount == 0) { // give one stack amount = Items.maxStackSize(item.getId()); } int slot = who.getInventory().firstEmpty(); if (slot < 0) { who.getWorld().dropItem(who.getLocation(), item.getStack(amount)); } else { who.getInventory().addItem(item.getStack(amount)); } if (isGift) { Messaging.send( who, "&2Enjoy the gift! &f" + (amount < 0 ? "infinite" : amount) + "&2 of &f" + + "&2!"); } else { Messaging.send( who, "&2Enjoy! Giving &f" + (amount < 0 ? "infinite" : amount) + "&2 of &f" + + "&2."); } }
private boolean canGetItem(Player sender) { if (General.plugin.permissions.hasPermission(sender, "general.give.any")) return true; ConfigurationNode permissions = General.plugin.config.getNode("give"); if (permissions == null) return true; List<String> groups = permissions.getKeys("groups"); if (groups == null) return true; for (String group : groups) { List<Integer> items = permissions.getIntList("groups." + group, null); if (items.isEmpty()) continue; if (items.contains(item.getId())) { return General.plugin.permissions.hasPermission(sender, "" + group); } } return permissions.getBoolean("others-for-all", true); }