/** Constructs a new Engine and loads item and NPC data from configs. */ public Engine() { LoadSmartNPC LSN = new LoadSmartNPC(); items = new Items(this); LoadNPCLists lnl = new LoadNPCLists(); lnl = null; engineThread.start(); }
/** * The thread's process. * * <p>This processes at a rate of 100 milliseconds, and the processing time is subtracted from the * amount of time it sleeps to keep at a rate of 100 milliseonds. Packets are checked every 100 * milliseconds for faster response time, and most other updates are processed every 600 * milliseconds. */ public void run() { // addStaticObject(id, height, x, y, face, type); long lastEntityUpdate = 0; long lastEntityUpdate2 = 0; long curTime; Startup(); while (engineRunning) { curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); connectAwaitingPlayers(); packets.parseIncomingPackets(); if (curTime - lastEntityUpdate2 >= 1000) { for (Player p : players) { if (p == null || !p.online) { continue; } } lastEntityUpdate2 = curTime; } if (curTime - lastEntityUpdate >= 600) { if (updateTime > 0) { updateTime--; } if (updateTime == 0) { try { Server.GrandExchangeLoader.saveOffers(); } catch (Exception e) { } System.exit(0); } items.process(); clanWars.process(); for (Player p : players) { // Proccess and player movement, removing disconnected players. if (p == null || !p.online) { continue; } if (p.disconnected[0] && p.disconnected[1]) { removePlayer(p.playerId); continue; } p.process(); playerMovement.getNextPlayerMovement(p); } for (Player p : players) { // Update players. if (p == null || !p.online) { continue; } playerUpdate.update(p); } for (Player p : players) { // Reset masks and send bytes. if (p == null || !p.online) { continue; } playerUpdate.clearUpdateReqs(p); Server.socketListener.writeBuffer(p); } for (NPC n : npcs) { if (n == null) { continue; } npcUpdate.clearUpdateMasks(n); } for (NPC n : npcs) { if (n == null) { continue; } n.process(); if (!n.isDead) { if (n.randomWalk) { npcMovement.randomWalk(n); } } else { if (!n.deadEmoteDone) { n.deadEmoteDone = true; n.combatDelay = n.getDeathDelay1(); } else if (n.deadEmoteDone && !n.hiddenNPC && n.combatDelay <= 0) { n.hiddenNPC = true; } else if (n.hiddenNPC && n.respawnDelay <= 0) { npcs[n.npcId] = null; rebuildNPCs(); if (n.needsRespawn) { newNPC( n.npcType, n.makeX, n.makeY, n.heightLevel, n.moveRangeX1, n.moveRangeY1, n.moveRangeX2, n.moveRangeY2, true, 0); } } } lastEntityUpdate = curTime; } } try { Thread.sleep(100 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - curTime)); } catch (Exception e) { } } }