public void updateVdef20(AggregatedValueObject vo) throws DAOException { BzhVO hvo = (BzhVO) vo.getParentVO(); BzbVO[] bvos = (BzbVO[]) vo.getChildrenVO(); for (BzbVO bvo : bvos) { String sql = " update po_invoice set vdef20 = '" + hvo.getVbillno() + "' where cinvoiceid = '" + bvo.getCsourcebillhid() + "'"; getBaseDao().executeUpdate(sql); } }
public void checkVdef20(AggregatedValueObject vo) throws BusinessException { BzhVO hvo = (BzhVO) vo.getParentVO(); String query = " select count(*) from po_invoice where vdef20 = '" + hvo.getVbillno() + "' and ibillstatus = 3 and isnull(dr,0)=0 "; String len = PuPubVO.getString_TrimZeroLenAsNull( getBaseDao().executeQuery(query, HgBsPubTool.COLUMNPROCESSOR)); if (Integer.parseInt(len) > 0) { throw new BusinessException("该发票已经存在审批"); } BzbVO[] bvos = (BzbVO[]) vo.getChildrenVO(); for (BzbVO bvo : bvos) { String sql = " update po_invoice set vdef20 = '' where cinvoiceid = '" + bvo.getCsourcebillhid() + "'"; getBaseDao().executeUpdate(sql); } }