public static Envelope3D of(final GamaShape s) { Envelope3D env = of(s.getInnerGeometry()); if (s.hasAttribute(IShape.DEPTH_ATTRIBUTE)) { // Note: A.G 27/03/14 If I put center.setZ(center.z + d ) it gives the issue 898 (that was // introduces by // revision 9047); // Double d = (Double) s.getAttribute(IShape.DEPTH_ATTRIBUTE); GamaPoint center = env.centre(); center.setZ(center.z); env.expandToInclude(center); } return env; }
/** Compares the specified object with this envelope for equality. */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (!(other instanceof Envelope3D)) { return false; } Envelope3D otherEnvelope = (Envelope3D) other; if (isNull()) { return otherEnvelope.isNull(); } if (super.equals(other) && minz == otherEnvelope.getMinZ() && maxz == otherEnvelope.getMaxZ()) { return true; } return false; }
public static Envelope3D of(final Coordinate p) { Envelope3D env = new Envelope3D(); env.init(p); return env; // return of(p.getInnerGeometry()); }
public static Envelope3D of(final Envelope e) { Envelope3D env = new Envelope3D(); env.init(e); return env; }