public static void savePage(Long listingId, String[] p3q1, String return_to_summary) { Listing listing = Listing.getByListingId(listingId); notFoundIfNull(listing); if (!listing.supplierId.equals(getSupplierId())) { Logger.error( "Supplier id of listing did not match the logged in supplier. Expected: " + listing.supplierId + ", Found: " + getSupplierId()); notFound(); } if (listing.serviceSubmitted) {"Trying to edit a submitted service; redirect to summary page."); redirect(listing.summaryPageUrl()); } // Validate all fields on this page requiring validation validation.required(p3q1); validation .isTrue(ValidationUtils.stringArrayValuesAreNotTooLong(p3q1, 30)) .key("p3q1") .message("Invalid values"); if (validation.hasErrors()) { flash.put("body", params.get("body")); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Error>> entry : validation.errorsMap().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue().get(0).message(); flash.put(key, value); } String.format( "Validation errors: %s; reloading page.", validation.errorsMap().toString())); if (return_to_summary.contains("yes")) { redirect(String.format("/page/%d/%d?return_to_summary=yes", PAGE_ID,; } else { redirect(String.format("/page/%d/%d", PAGE_ID,; } } // Save the form data as a Page into the correct page index Map<String, String> pageResponses = new HashMap<String, String>(); Gson gson = new Gson(); pageResponses.put("p3q1", gson.toJson(p3q1)); saveResponseToPage(PAGE_ID, listing, pageResponses); if (return_to_summary.contains("yes")) { redirect(listing.summaryPageUrl(PAGE_ID)); } else { redirect(listing.nextPageUrl(PAGE_ID,; } }
public static void savePage( Long listingId, String p34q1, String p34q2, String p34q1assurance, String p34q2assurance, String return_to_summary) { Listing listing = Listing.getByListingId(listingId); notFoundIfNull(listing); if (!listing.supplierId.equals(getSupplierId())) { Logger.error( "Supplier id of listing did not match the logged in supplier. Expected: " + listing.supplierId + ", Found: " + getSupplierId()); notFound(); } if (listing.serviceSubmitted) {"Trying to edit a submitted service; redirect to summary page."); redirect(listing.summaryPageUrl()); } // Validate all fields on this page requiring validation validation.required(p34q1).key("p34q1"); validation.maxSize(p34q1, 10); validation.required(p34q2).key("p34q2"); validation.maxSize(p34q2, 10); validation.required(p34q1assurance).key("p34q1"); validation.maxSize(p34q1assurance, 60); validation.required(p34q2assurance).key("p34q2"); validation.maxSize(p34q2assurance, 60); if (validation.hasErrors()) { flash.put("body", params.get("body")); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Error>> entry : validation.errorsMap().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue().get(0).message(); flash.put(key, value); } String.format( "Validation errors: %s; reloading page.", validation.errorsMap().toString())); if (return_to_summary.contains("yes")) { redirect(String.format("/page/%d/%d?return_to_summary=yes", PAGE_ID,; } else { redirect(String.format("/page/%d/%d", PAGE_ID,; } } Map<String, String> pageResponses = new HashMap<String, String>(); pageResponses.put("p34q1", p34q1); pageResponses.put("p34q2", p34q2); pageResponses.put("p34q1assurance", p34q1assurance); pageResponses.put("p34q2assurance", p34q2assurance); saveResponseToPage(PAGE_ID, listing, pageResponses); if (return_to_summary.contains("yes")) { redirect(listing.summaryPageUrl(PAGE_ID)); } else { redirect(listing.nextPageUrl(PAGE_ID,; } }
public static void export(Long project_id) { // Prepare data Project p = getActiveProject(); if (p == null) { notFound("Project", project_id); } List<Listing> listings = p.listings; List<String> sheetNames = new ArrayList(); List maps = new ArrayList(); for (Listing l : listings) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("project", VProject.createFromProject(p)); sheetNames.add("(" + + ") " + l.listingName); // l.items = Item.findByListing(l, "", l.sort, 1000); map.put("listing", l.listingName); map.put("items", Item.findByListing(l, "", l.sort, 1000)); List<ItemField> selected_fields = l.getItemFields(); List<ItemField> all_fields = Item.getItemFields(); List<ItemField> other_fields = new ArrayList<ItemField>(); for (ItemField i : all_fields) { if (!l.hasField(i.fieldName)) { other_fields.add(i); } } ; map.put("selected_fields", selected_fields); map.put("other_fields", other_fields); maps.add(map); } // Prepare template and data for excel export String filepath = Play.applicationPath + File.separator + "app" + File.separator + "views" + File.separator + "projects" + File.separator + "export.xls"; VirtualFile templateFile =; InputStream inputStream = templateFile.inputstream(); MiscUtil.ConsoleLog("use sync excel rendering"); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Workbook workbook = new XLSTransformer() .transformMultipleSheetsList(inputStream, maps, sheetNames, "map", new HashMap(), 0); workbook.write(response.out); inputStream.close(); MiscUtil.ConsoleLog("Excel sync render takes " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtil.ConsoleLog("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); error(); } // Set correct response header try { response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + (new URLCodec("utf-8").encode( + ".xls"); } catch (EncoderException e) { response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=exported.xls"); } response.setContentTypeIfNotSet("application/"); }