public static void loadClasses(ConfigurationSection cs) { if (cs == null) { + " has no classes"); return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Set<String> keys = cs.getKeys(false); boolean first = true; for (String className : keys) { ArenaClass ac = parseArenaClass(cs.getConfigurationSection(className)); if (ac == null) continue; if (first) first = false; else sb.append(", "); sb.append(ac.getName()); ArenaClassController.addClass(ac); } if (first) { BattleArena.getPName() + " no predefined classes found. inside of " + cs.getCurrentPath()); } else { + " registering classes: " + sb.toString()); } }
// Battle Arena Anti-Cheat @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) public void stopOutsideDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) { if (e.getEntity() instanceof Player) { Player damaged = (Player) e.getEntity(); if (e.getDamager() instanceof Player) { Player damager = (Player) e.getDamager(); if (!BattleArena.inArena(damager)) { if (BattleArena.inArena(damaged)) { e.setCancelled(true); Bukkit.broadcastMessage("CANCELLED!"); } } } } }
public Duel accept(ArenaPlayer player) { Duel d = getChallengedDuel(player); if (d != null) { d.accept(player); if (d.isReady()) { /// Do a final check to see if they have completed all the duel options if (!checkWager(d)) return null; ArenaTeam t = d.getChallengerTeam(); ArenaTeam t2 = d.makeChallengedTeam(); List<ArenaTeam> teams = new ArrayList<ArenaTeam>(); teams.add(t); teams.add(t2); JoinOptions jo = new JoinOptions(); jo.setMatchParams(d.getMatchParams()); jo.setJoinLocation(player.getLocation()); if (d.getOptions().hasOption(DuelOption.ARENA)) { jo.setArena((Arena) d.getOptions().getOptionValue(DuelOption.ARENA)); } Matchup m = new Matchup(d.getMatchParams(), teams, jo); m.addArenaListener(this); formingDuels.remove(d); ongoingDuels.put(m, d); MatchTeamQObject mo = new MatchTeamQObject(m); BattleArena.getBAController().addMatchup(mo); } } return d; }
public boolean startRound() { /// trying to start when we havent created anything yet /// or event was canceled/closed if (round < 0 || state == EventState.CLOSED) { return false; } announceRound(); Plugin plugin = BattleArena.getSelf(); /// Section to start the match curTimer = plugin .getServer() .getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( plugin, new Runnable() { public void run() { Round tr = rounds.get(round); for (Matchup m : tr.getMatchups()) { ac.addMatchup(m); } } }, (long) (timeBetweenRounds * 20L * Defaults.TICK_MULT)); return true; }
public void start() { System.out.println("Arena::onStart " + timedSpawns); if (timedSpawns != null && !timedSpawns.isEmpty()) { Plugin plugin = BattleArena.getSelf(); /// Create our Q, with a descending Comparator spawnQ = new PriorityQueue<NextSpawn>( timedSpawns.size(), new Comparator<NextSpawn>() { public int compare(NextSpawn o1, NextSpawn o2) { return (o1.timeToNext.compareTo(o2.timeToNext)); } }); /// TeamJoinResult our items into the Q ArrayList<NextSpawn> nextspawns = new ArrayList<NextSpawn>(); for (TimedSpawn is : timedSpawns.values()) { // System.out.println("itemSpawns = " + timedSpawns.size() + " " + // is.getFirstSpawnTime()+ " ts=" + is); long tts = is.getFirstSpawnTime(); if (tts == 0) is.spawn(); NextSpawn ns = new NextSpawn(is, tts); spawnQ.add(ns); nextspawns.add(ns); } timerId = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new SpawnNextEvent(0L)); } }
private static BaseSerializer getSerializer(String name) { BaseSerializer bs = new BaseSerializer(); File dir = new File(BattleArena.getSelf().getDataFolder() + "/inventories/"); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } return bs.setConfig(dir.getPath() + "/" + name + ".yml") ? bs : null; }
public void testQueue() { MatchParams mp = loadParams("Arena"); Player p1 = new TestBukkitPlayer("p1"); Player p2 = new TestBukkitPlayer("p2"); ArenaPlayer ap1 = BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(p1); ArenaPlayer ap2 = BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(p2); String[] args = new String[] {""}; BAExecutor exec = new BAExecutor(); exec.join(ap1, mp, args); exec.join(ap2, mp, args); for (MatchParams params : ParamController.getAllParams()) { System.out.println("param = " + params); } delay(50); assertTrue(bac.isInQue(ap1)); }
public static ArenaTeam getTeam(Player player) { Hero hero = getHero(player); if (hero == null) return null; HeroParty party = hero.getParty(); if (party == null) return null; ArenaTeam t = TeamFactory.createCompositeTeam(); Hero leader = party.getLeader(); if (leader != null) t.addPlayer(BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(leader.getPlayer())); Set<Hero> members = party.getMembers(); if (members != null) { for (Hero h : members) { t.addPlayer(BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(h.getPlayer())); } } return t.size() > 0 ? t : null; }
public static void respawnClick( PlayerInteractEvent event, PlayerHolder am, Map<String, Integer> respawnTimer) { ArenaPlayer ap = BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(event.getPlayer()); Integer id = respawnTimer.remove(ap.getName()); Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(id); Location loc = am.getSpawn( am.getTeam(ap).getIndex(), am.getParams().hasOptionAt(MatchState.ONSPAWN, TransitionOption.RANDOMRESPAWN)); TeleportController.teleport(ap.getPlayer(), loc); }
@EventHandler public void openInventory(InventoryOpenEvent e) { if (BattleArena.inArena((Player) e.getPlayer())) { e.setCancelled(true); } List<Player> inProgress = ma.getArenaMaster().getAllPlayers(); for (Player p2 : inProgress) { if (e.getPlayer() == p2) { e.setCancelled(true); } } }
@ArenaEventHandler(suppressCastWarnings = true, priority = EventPriority.LOW) public void onEntityDamageEvent(EntityDamageEvent event) { if (!(event.getEntity() instanceof Player)) return; final TransitionOptions to = transitionOptions.getOptions(match.getMatchState()); if (to == null) return; final PVPState pvp = to.getPVP(); if (pvp == null) return; final ArenaPlayer target = BattleArena.toArenaPlayer((Player) event.getEntity()); if (pvp == PVPState.INVINCIBLE) { /// all damage is cancelled target.setFireTicks(0); handler.setDamage(event, 0); event.setCancelled(true); return; } if (!(event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)) { return; } final Entity damagerEntity = ((EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event).getDamager(); ArenaPlayer damager; switch (pvp) { case ON: ArenaTeam targetTeam = match.getTeam(target); if (targetTeam == null || !targetTeam.hasAliveMember(target)) // / We dont care about dead players return; damager = DmgDeathUtil.getPlayerCause(damagerEntity); if (damager == null) { // / damage from some source, its not pvp though. so we dont care return; } ArenaTeam t = match.getTeam(damager); if (t != null && t.hasMember(target)) { // / attacker is on the same team event.setCancelled(true); } else { /// different teams... lets make sure they can actually hit event.setCancelled(false); } break; case OFF: damager = DmgDeathUtil.getPlayerCause(damagerEntity); if (damager != null) { // / damage done from a player handler.setDamage(event, 0); event.setCancelled(true); } break; default: break; } }
@EventHandler public void stopArenaInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) { if (e.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) { Player p = e.getPlayer(); if (BattleArena.inArena(p)) { e.setCancelled(true); } List<Player> inProgress = ma.getArenaMaster().getAllPlayers(); for (Player p2 : inProgress) { if (p == p2) { e.setCancelled(true); } } } }
private void readyClick(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if (!Defaults.ENABLE_PLAYER_READY_BLOCK) return; final ArenaPlayer ap = BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(event.getPlayer()); if (!isInWaitRoomState()) { return; } final Action action = event.getAction(); if (action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) { // / Dont let them break the block event.setCancelled(true); } if (ap.isReady()) return; ap.setReady(true); MessageUtil.sendMessage(ap, "&2You ready yourself for the arena"); callEvent(new ArenaPlayerReadyEvent(ap, true)); }
private void performMatchAction(ArenaPlayer player) { BAExecutor executor = BattleArena.getBAExecutor(); String args[]; switch (command) { case JOIN: args = new String[] {"join", options1}; executor.join(player, mp, args, true); break; case LEAVE: args = new String[] {"leave", options1, options2}; executor.leave(player, mp, true); break; case START: break; } }
public boolean matches(ArenaPlayer player, MatchParams mp) { if (mp.getTransitionOptions() .hasOptionAt(MatchState.PREREQS, TransitionOption.WITHINDISTANCE)) { Double distance = mp.getTransitionOptions().getOptions(MatchState.PREREQS).getWithinDistance(); if (options.containsKey(DuelOption.ARENA)) { Arena arena = (Arena) options.get(DuelOption.ARENA); return arena.withinDistance(player.getLocation(), distance); } else { for (Arena arena : BattleArena.getBAController().getArenas(mp)) { if (arena.withinDistance(player.getLocation(), distance)) return true; } return false; } } return true; }
private void logInvocationError(Exception e, MethodWrapper mwrapper, Arguments newArgs) { System.err.println( "[" + BattleArena.getNameAndVersion() + " Error] " + mwrapper.method + " : " + mwrapper.obj + " : " + newArgs); if (newArgs != null && newArgs.args != null) { for (Object o : newArgs.args) System.err.println("[Error] object=" + o); } System.err.println("[Error] Cause=" + e.getCause()); if (e.getCause() != null) { e.getCause().printStackTrace(); Log.printStackTrace(e.getCause()); } System.err.println("[Error] Trace Continued "); Log.printStackTrace(e); }
public static void teleportOut( PlayerHolder am, ArenaTeam team, ArenaPlayer player, TransitionOptions mo, int teamIndex, boolean insideArena, boolean onlyInMatch, boolean wipeInventory) { MatchParams mp = am.getParams(); Location loc = null; ArenaLocation src = player.getCurLocation(); final LocationType type; if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTTO)) { loc = mo.getTeleportToLoc(); type = LocationType.CUSTOM; } else { type = LocationType.HOME; loc = player.getOldLocation(); /// TODO /// This is a bit of a kludge, sometimes we are "teleporting them out" /// when they are already out... so need to rethink how this can happen and should it if (loc == null && src.getType() == LocationType.HOME) { loc = src.getLocation(); } } player.clearOldLocation(); if (loc == null) { Log.err( BattleArena.getNameAndVersion() + " Teleporting to a null location! teleportTo=" + mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTTO)); } ArenaLocation dest = new ArenaLocation(AbstractAreaContainer.HOMECONTAINER, loc, type); ArenaPlayerTeleportEvent apte = new ArenaPlayerTeleportEvent( am.getParams().getType(), player, team, src, dest, TeleportDirection.OUT); movePlayer(player, apte, mp); }
@MCCommand( cmds = {"as", "addspawn"}, selection = true, inGame = true, admin = true, min = 2, usage = "/aa addspawn <mob/item/block/spawnGroup> [buffs or effects] [number] [fs=first spawn time] [rt=respawn time] [trigger=<trigger type>]") public boolean arenaAddSpawn(Player sender, String[] args) { Long number = -1L; try { number = Long.parseLong(args[args.length - 1].toString()); } catch (Exception e) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&cYou need to specify an index as the final value. &61-10000"); } if (number == -1) { number = 1L; } if (number <= 0 || number > 10000) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&cYou need to specify an index within the range &61-10000"); } Arena a = aac.getArena(sender); SpawnInstance spawn = parseSpawn(Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 0, args.length - 1)); if (spawn == null) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(sender, "Couldnt recognize spawn " + args[1]); } Location l = sender.getLocation(); spawn.setLocation(l); TimedSpawn ts = new TimedSpawn(0, 30, 0, spawn); a.addTimedSpawn(number, ts); ac.updateArena(a); BattleArena.saveArenas(); return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&6" + a.getName() + "&e now has spawn &6" + spawn + "&2 index=&4" + number); }
@MCCommand( cmds = {"ds", "deletespawn"}, selection = true, admin = true, usage = "/aa deleteSpawn <index>") public boolean arenaDeleteSpawn(CommandSender sender, Integer number) { if (number <= 0 || number > 10000) { return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&cYou need to specify an index within the range &61-10000"); } Arena a = aac.getArena(sender); TimedSpawn ts = a.deleteTimedSpawn(new Long(number)); if (ts != null) { ac.updateArena(a); BattleArena.saveArenas(); return MessageUtil.sendMessage( sender, "&6" + a.getName() + "&e has deleted index=&4" + number + "&e that had spawn=" + ts); } else { return MessageUtil.sendMessage(sender, "&cThere was no spawn at that index"); } }
public static void saveInventory(final String name, final PInv pinv) { if (Defaults.NUM_INV_SAVES <= 0) { return; } Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleAsyncDelayedTask( BattleArena.getSelf(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { BaseSerializer serializer = getSerializer(name); if (serializer == null) return; Date now = new Date(); String date = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG).format(now); int curSection = serializer.config.getInt("curSection", 0); serializer.config.set("curSection", (curSection + 1) % Defaults.NUM_INV_SAVES); ConfigurationSection pcs = serializer.config.createSection(curSection + ""); pcs.set("storedDate", date); List<String> stritems = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ItemStack is : pinv.armor) { if (is == null || is.getType() == Material.AIR) continue; stritems.add(InventoryUtil.getItemString(is)); } pcs.set("armor", stritems); stritems = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ItemStack is : pinv.contents) { if (is == null || is.getType() == Material.AIR) continue; stritems.add(InventoryUtil.getItemString(is)); } pcs.set("contents", stritems);; } }); }
@ArenaEventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH) public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent event, final ArenaPlayer p) { if (Defaults.DEBUG_TRACE) MessageUtil.sendMessage(p, " -onPlayerRespawn t=" + p.getTeam()); if (isWon()) { return; } final TransitionOptions mo = tops.getOptions(MatchState.ONDEATH); if (mo == null) return; if (respawns) { final boolean randomRespawn = mo.randomRespawn(); /// Lets cancel our death respawn timer Integer timer = deathTimer.get(p.getName()); if (timer != null) { Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(timer); } final Location loc; final ArenaTeam t = getTeam(p); if (mo.hasAnyOption( TransitionOption.TELEPORTLOBBY, TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINLOBBY, TransitionOption.TELEPORTWAITROOM, TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINWAITROOM)) { final int index = t.getIndex(); if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTLOBBY)) { loc = RoomController.getLobbySpawn(index, getParams().getType(), randomRespawn); } else if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINLOBBY)) { loc = RoomController.getLobbySpawn( Defaults.MAIN_SPAWN, getParams().getType(), randomRespawn); } else if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.TELEPORTMAINWAITROOM)) { loc = this.getWaitRoomSpawn(Defaults.MAIN_SPAWN, randomRespawn); } else { loc = this.getWaitRoomSpawn(index, randomRespawn); } /// Should we respawn the player to the team spawn after a certain amount of time if (mo.hasOption(TransitionOption.RESPAWNTIME)) { int id = Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( BattleArena.getSelf(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Integer id = respawnTimer.remove(p.getName()); Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(id); Location loc = getTeamSpawn( index, tops.hasOptionAt( MatchState.ONSPAWN, TransitionOption.RANDOMRESPAWN)); TeleportController.teleport(p.getPlayer(), loc); } }, mo.getRespawnTime() * 20); respawnTimer.put(p.getName(), id); } } else { loc = getTeamSpawn(getTeam(p), randomRespawn); } event.setRespawnLocation(loc); /// For some reason, the player from onPlayerRespawn Event isnt the one in the main thread, so // we need to /// resync before doing any effects final Match am = this; Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( BattleArena.getSelf(), new Runnable() { public void run() { ArenaTeam t = getTeam(p); PerformTransition.transition(am, MatchState.ONDEATH, p, t, false); PerformTransition.transition(am, MatchState.ONSPAWN, p, t, false); if (respawnsWithClass) { ArenaClass ac = null; if (p.getPreferredClass() != null) { ac = p.getPreferredClass(); } else if (p.getCurrentClass() != null) { ac = p.getCurrentClass(); } if (ac != null) { ArenaClassController.giveClass(p, ac); } } if (keepsInventory) { psc.restoreMatchItems(p); } if (woolTeams) { TeamUtil.setTeamHead(t.getIndex(), p); } } }); } else { /// This player is now out of the system now that we have given the ondeath effects Location l = tops.hasOptionAt(MatchState.ONLEAVE, TransitionOption.TELEPORTTO) ? tops.getOptions(MatchState.ONLEAVE).getTeleportToLoc() : oldlocs.get(p.getName()); if (l != null) event.setRespawnLocation(l); } }
public static DuelOptions parseOptions(MatchParams params, ArenaPlayer challenger, String[] args) throws InvalidOptionException { DuelOptions dop = new DuelOptions(); dop.options.putAll(defaultOptions.options); Map<DuelOption, Object> ops = dop.options; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String op = args[i]; Player p = ServerUtil.findPlayer(op); if (p != null) { if (!p.isOnline()) throw new InvalidOptionException( "&cPlayer &6" + p.getDisplayName() + "&c is not online!"); if (challenger != null && p.getName().equals(challenger.getName())) throw new InvalidOptionException("&cYou can't challenge yourself!"); if (p.hasPermission(Permissions.DUEL_EXEMPT) && !Defaults.DUEL_CHALLENGE_ADMINS) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cThis player can not be challenged!"); } dop.challengedPlayers.add(BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(p)); continue; } Object obj = null; DuelOption to = null; String val; if (op.contains("=")) { String[] split = op.split("="); op = split[0]; val = split[1]; } else { val = i + 1 < args.length ? args[i + 1] : null; } to = parseOp(op, val); switch (to) { case RATED: if (!Defaults.DUEL_ALLOW_RATED) throw new InvalidOptionException("&cRated formingDuels are not allowed!"); break; default: break; } if (!to.needsValue) { ops.put(to, null); continue; } i++; /// another increment to get past the value switch (to) { case MONEY: Double money = null; try { money = Double.valueOf(val); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cmoney needs to be a number! Example: &6money=100"); } if (!MoneyController.hasEconomy()) { if (challenger != null) MessageUtil.sendMessage( challenger, "&cignoring duel option money as there is no economy!"); Log.warn("[BA Error] ignoring duel option money as there is no economy!"); continue; } obj = money; break; case ARENA: Arena a = BattleArena.getBAController().getArena(val); if (a == null) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cCouldnt find the arena &6" + val); } if (params != null && !a.getArenaType().matches(params.getType())) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cThe arena is used for a different type!"); } obj = a; default: break; } ops.put(to, obj); } if (challenger != null && dop.challengedPlayers.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidOptionException("&cYou need to challenge at least one player!"); } return dop; }
public TournamentEvent(EventParams params) { super(params); oParms = params; Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, BattleArena.getSelf()); }
public static boolean alterArena(CommandSender sender, Arena arena, String[] args) { if (args.length < 3) { showAlterHelp(sender); // sendMessage(sender,ChatColor.YELLOW+ " or /arena alter MainArena spawnitem // <itemname>:<matchEndTime between spawn> "); return false; } BattleArenaController ac = BattleArena.getBAC(); String arenaName = arena.getName(); String changetype = args[2]; String value = null; if (args.length > 3) value = args[3]; String[] otherOptions = args.length > 4 ? Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 4, args.length) : null; if (Defaults.DEBUG) System.out.println("alterArena " + arenaName + ":" + changetype + ":" + value); boolean success = false; ChangeType ct = ChangeType.fromName(changetype); if (ct == null) { sendMessage( sender, ChatColor.RED + "Option: &6" + changetype + "&c does not exist. \n&cValid options are &6" + ChangeType.getValidList()); showAlterHelp(sender); return false; } switch (ct) { case TEAMSIZE: success = changeTeamSize(sender, arena, ac, value); break; case NTEAMS: success = changeNTeams(sender, arena, ac, value); break; case TYPE: success = changeType(sender, arena, ac, value); break; case SPAWNLOC: success = changeSpawn(sender, arena, ac, changetype, value, otherOptions); break; case VLOC: success = changeVisitorSpawn(sender, arena, ac, changetype, value, otherOptions); break; case WAITROOM: success = changeWaitroomSpawn(sender, arena, ac, changetype, value, otherOptions); break; case ADDREGION: success = addWorldGuardRegion(sender, arena, ac, value); break; default: sendMessage( sender, ChatColor.RED + "Option: &6" + changetype + "&c does not exist. \n&cValid options are &6" + ChangeType.getValidList()); break; } if (success) BattleArena.saveArenas(); return success; }
public SpawnController(Map<Long, TimedSpawn> spawnGroups) { this.timedSpawns = spawnGroups; plugin = BattleArena.getSelf(); }
@ArenaEventHandler(bukkitPriority = org.bukkit.event.EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onPlayerDeath(ArenaPlayerDeathEvent event) { final ArenaPlayer target = event.getPlayer(); if (state == MatchState.ONCANCEL || state == MatchState.ONCOMPLETE) { return; } final ArenaTeam t = event.getTeam(); Integer nDeaths = t.addDeath(target); boolean exiting = event.isExiting() || !respawns || nDeaths >= nLivesPerPlayer; event.setExiting(exiting); final boolean trueDeath = event.getPlayerDeathEvent() != null; if (nLivesPerPlayer != ArenaSize.MAX) { int curLives = nLivesPerPlayer - nDeaths; SEntry e = scoreboard.getEntry(target.getPlayer()); if (e != null) scoreboard.setEntryNameSuffix(e, curLives <= 1 ? "" : "&4(" + curLives + ")"); } if (trueDeath) { PlayerDeathEvent pde = event.getPlayerDeathEvent(); if (cancelExpLoss) pde.setKeepLevel(true); /// Handle Drops from bukkitEvent if (clearsInventoryOnDeath || keepsInventory) { // / clear the drops try { pde.getDrops().clear(); } catch (Exception e) { if (!Defaults.DEBUG_VIRTUAL) Log.printStackTrace(e); } } else if (woolTeams) { /// Get rid of the wool from teams so it doesnt drop final int index = t.getIndex(); ItemStack teamHead = TeamUtil.getTeamHead(index); List<ItemStack> items = pde.getDrops(); for (ItemStack is : items) { if (is.getType() == teamHead.getType() && is.getDurability() == teamHead.getDurability()) { final int amt = is.getAmount(); if (amt > 1) is.setAmount(amt - 1); else is.setType(Material.AIR); break; } } } /// If keepInventory is specified, but not restoreAll, then we have a case /// where we need to give them back the current Inventory they have on them /// even if they log out if (keepsInventory) { boolean restores = getParams().hasOptionAt(MatchState.ONLEAVE, TransitionOption.RESTOREITEMS); /// Restores and exiting, means clear their match inventory so they won't /// get their match and their already stored inventory if (restores && exiting) { psc.clearMatchItems(target); } else { /// keep their current inv psc.storeMatchItems(target); } } /// We can't let them just sit on the respawn screen... schedule them to lose /// We will cancel this onRespawn final ArenaMatch am = this; Integer timer = deathTimer.get(target.getName()); if (timer != null) { Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(timer); } timer = Bukkit.getScheduler() .scheduleSyncDelayedTask( BattleArena.getSelf(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PerformTransition.transition(am, MatchState.ONCOMPLETE, target, t, true); checkAndHandleIfTeamDead(t); } }, 15 * 20L); deathTimer.put(target.getName(), timer); } if (exiting) { PerformTransition.transition(this, MatchState.ONCOMPLETE, target, t, true); checkAndHandleIfTeamDead(t); } }
public void collect(Player player, List<ItemStack> itemDrops, EntityDeathEvent event) { if (itemDrops.isEmpty() && !levelAllow(player) && !expAllow(player)) { return; } if (plugin.config.dropOnPVPDeath() && player.getKiller() instanceof Player) { plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgPVPDeath()); return; } if (plugin.config.residence()) { ClaimedResidence res = Residence.getResidenceManager().getByLoc(player.getLocation()); if (res != null) { ResidencePermissions perms = res.getPermissions(); if (perms.playerHas(player.getName(), plugin.config.resFlag(), true)) { plugin.logDebug( "Player '" + player.getName() + "' is not allowed to use Scavenger in this residence. Items will be dropped."); plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgInsideRes()); return; } else { plugin.logDebug( "Player '" + player.getName() + "' is allowed to use Scavenger in this residence."); } } } if (plugin.config.factionEnemyDrops() && plugin.factionHook != null) { if (plugin.factionHook.isPlayerInEnemyFaction(player)) { return; } } if (plugin.config.dungeonMazeDrops() && plugin.dmHook != null) { plugin.logDebug("Checking if '" + player.getName() + "' is in DungeonMaze."); if (plugin.dmHook.isPlayerInDungeon(player)) { plugin.logDebug("Player '" + player.getName() + "' is in DungeonMaze."); plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgInsideDungeonMaze()); return; } } if (plugin.getWorldGuard() != null) { plugin.logDebug("Checking region support for '" + player.getWorld().getName() + "'"); if (plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(player.getWorld()) != null) { try { RegionManager regionManager = plugin.getWorldGuard().getRegionManager(player.getWorld()); ApplicableRegionSet set = regionManager.getApplicableRegions(player.getLocation()); if (set.allows(DefaultFlag.PVP) && plugin.config.wgPVPIgnore()) { plugin.logDebug( "This is a WorldGuard PVP zone and WorldGuardPVPIgnore is " + plugin.config.wgPVPIgnore()); if (!plugin.config.msgInsideWGPVP().isEmpty()) { plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgInsideWGPVP()); } return; } if (!set.allows(DefaultFlag.PVP) && plugin.config.wgGuardPVPOnly()) { plugin.logDebug( "This is NOT a WorldGuard PVP zone and WorldGuardPVPOnly is " + plugin.config.wgGuardPVPOnly()); if (!plugin.config.msgInsideWGPVP().isEmpty()) { plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgInsideWGPVPOnly()); } return; } } catch (NullPointerException ex) { plugin.logDebug(ex.getMessage()); } } else { plugin.logDebug("Region support disabled for '" + player.getWorld().getName() + "'"); } } if (plugin.getUltimateArena() != null) { if (UltimateArenaAPI.hookIntoUA(plugin).isInArena(player)) { if (!plugin.config.msgInsideUA().isEmpty()) { plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgInsideUA()); } return; } } if (plugin.maHandler != null && plugin.maHandler.isPlayerInArena(player)) { if (!plugin.config.msgInsideMA().isEmpty()) { plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgInsideMA()); } return; } if (plugin.pvpHandler != null && !PVPArenaAPI.getArenaName(player).equals("")) { String x = plugin.config.msgInsidePA(); if (!x.isEmpty()) { x = x.replace("%ARENA%", PVPArenaAPI.getArenaName(player)); plugin.message(player, x); } return; } if (plugin.battleArena) { mc.alk.arena.objects.ArenaPlayer ap = mc.alk.arena.BattleArena.toArenaPlayer(player); if (ap != null) { Match match = BattleArena.getBAController().getMatch(ap); if (match != null) { if (match.isInMatch(ap)) { String x = plugin.config.msgInsideBA(); if (!x.isEmpty()) { plugin.message(player, x); } return; } } } } if (plugin.minigames != null) { if (plugin.minigames.playerInMinigame(player)) { plugin.logDebug( "Player '" + player.getName() + "' is in a Minigame. Not recovering items."); return; } } if (hasRestoration(player)) { plugin.error(player, "Restoration already exists, ignoring."); return; } if (plugin.getEconomy() != null && !(player.hasPermission(PERM_FREE) || (player.isOp() && plugin.config.opsAllPerms())) && plugin.config.economyEnabled()) { NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale(plugin.config.countryCode())); formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(plugin.config.decimalPlaces()); double restoreCost = plugin.config.restoreCost(); double withdrawAmount; double playerBalance = plugin.getEconomy().getBalance(player); double percentCost = plugin.config.percentCost(); double minCost = plugin.config.minCost(); double maxCost = plugin.config.maxCost(); EconomyResponse er; String currency; if (plugin.config.percent()) { if (playerBalance < 0) { withdrawAmount = 0; } else { withdrawAmount = playerBalance * (percentCost / 100.0); } plugin.logDebug("withdrawAmount: " + withdrawAmount); plugin.logDebug("playeBalance: " + playerBalance); plugin.logDebug("percentCost: " + percentCost + "(" + (percentCost / 100.0) + ")"); if (plugin.config.addMin()) { withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount + minCost; plugin.logDebug("withdrawAmount (addMin): " + withdrawAmount); } else if (withdrawAmount < minCost) { withdrawAmount = minCost; } if (withdrawAmount > maxCost && maxCost > 0) { withdrawAmount = maxCost; } } else { withdrawAmount = restoreCost; } er = plugin.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(player, withdrawAmount); if (er.transactionSuccess()) { plugin.logDebug("Withdraw success!"); if (withdrawAmount == 1) { currency = plugin.getEconomy().currencyNameSingular(); } else { currency = plugin.getEconomy().currencyNamePlural(); } String x = plugin.config.msgSaveForFee(); if (!x.isEmpty()) { x = x.replace("%COST%", formatter.format(withdrawAmount)); x = x.replace("%CURRENCY%", currency); plugin.message(player, x); } if (!plugin.config.depositDestination().isEmpty()) { plugin.logDebug("DepositDesination: " + plugin.config.depositDestination()); if (plugin.config.depositType().equalsIgnoreCase("bank")) { plugin.logDebug("DepositType: BANK"); if (plugin.getEconomy().hasBankSupport()) { plugin.logDebug("Bank support is enabled"); plugin.getEconomy().bankDeposit(plugin.config.depositDestination(), withdrawAmount); } else { plugin.logDebug("Bank support is NOT enabled"); } } else if (plugin.config.depositType().equalsIgnoreCase("player")) { plugin.logDebug("DepositType: PLAYER"); plugin.logDebug("DepositDestination: " + plugin.config.depositDestination()); if (plugin.getEconomy().hasAccount(plugin.config.depositDestination())) { plugin.logDebug("DepositDestination: VALID"); plugin.getEconomy().depositPlayer(plugin.config.depositDestination(), withdrawAmount); } else { plugin.logDebug("DepositDestination: INVALID"); } } else { plugin.logDebug("DepositType: INVALID"); } } else { plugin.logDebug("No deposit destination!"); } } else { plugin.logDebug("Withdraw fail! " + er.errorMessage); if (playerBalance == 1) { currency = plugin.getEconomy().currencyNameSingular(); } else { currency = plugin.getEconomy().currencyNamePlural(); } String x = plugin.config.msgNotEnoughMoney(); if (!x.isEmpty()) { x = x.replace("%BALANCE%", formatter.format(playerBalance)); x = x.replace("%COST%", formatter.format(withdrawAmount)); x = x.replace("%CURRENCY%", currency); x = x.replace("%ERRORMESSAGE%", er.errorMessage); plugin.message(player, x); } return; } } else { plugin.message(player, plugin.config.msgSaving()); } Restoration restoration = new Restoration(); restoration.enabled = false; // temporary fix for 1.9 restoration.inventory = Arrays.copyOfRange(player.getInventory().getContents(), 0, 36); restoration.armour = player.getInventory().getArmorContents(); if (plugin.isMc19or110()) { restoration.offHand = player.getInventory().getItemInOffHand(); } restoration.playerName = player.getDisplayName(); itemDrops.clear(); if (levelAllow(player)) { plugin.logDebug("Collecting level " + player.getLevel() + " for " + player.getName()); restoration.level = player.getLevel(); } if (expAllow(player)) { plugin.logDebug("Collecting exp " + player.getExp() + " for " + player.getName()); restoration.exp = player.getExp(); event.setDroppedExp(0); } String deathCause = "NULL"; if (player.getLastDamageCause() != null) { if (player.getLastDamageCause().getCause() != null) { deathCause = player.getLastDamageCause().getCause().toString(); } } String deathCausePermission = PERM_SCAVENGE_PREFIX + deathCause; plugin.logDebug( "[p:" + player.getName() + "] [" + PERM_SCAVENGE + ":" + player.hasPermission(PERM_SCAVENGE) + "]" + " [" + deathCausePermission + ":" + player.hasPermission(deathCausePermission) + "]"); if (player.hasPermission(PERM_SCAVENGE) || player.hasPermission(deathCausePermission)) { plugin.logDebug("Permissions are okay. Time to scavenge..."); if (plugin.config.chanceToDrop() > 0 && !player.hasPermission(PERM_NO_CHANCE)) { checkChanceToDropItems(restoration.armour, itemDrops); checkChanceToDropItems(restoration.inventory, itemDrops); if (plugin.isMc19or110()) { checkChanceToDropItems(restoration.offHand, itemDrops); } } if (plugin.config.singleItemDrops()) { checkSingleItemDrops(player, restoration.armour, itemDrops); checkSingleItemDrops(player, restoration.inventory, itemDrops); checkSingleItemDrops(player, restoration.offHand, itemDrops); } else if (plugin.config.singleItemKeeps()) { checkSingleItemKeeps(player, "armour", restoration.armour, itemDrops); checkSingleItemKeeps(player, "inv", restoration.inventory, itemDrops); if (plugin.isMc19or110()) { checkSingleItemKeeps(player, "offhand", restoration.offHand, itemDrops, 1); } } else if (plugin.config.slotBasedRecovery()) { checkSlots(player, "armour", restoration.armour, itemDrops); checkSlots(player, "inv", restoration.inventory, itemDrops); if (plugin.isMc19or110()) { checkSlots(player, "offhand", restoration.offHand, itemDrops, 1); } } } else { plugin.logDebug("Permissions are NOT okay. Dropping items..."); dropItems(restoration.armour, itemDrops); dropItems(restoration.inventory, itemDrops); dropItem(restoration.offHand, itemDrops); } addRestoration(player, restoration); }
public ArenaEditorExecutor() { super(); this.aac = BattleArena.getArenaEditor(); }