public static void setKit(Player player, String kitname) { kitname = kitname.toLowerCase(); kitname = kitname.replace(".", ""); ConfigurationSection kit = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection(kitname); if (kit == null && !kits.contains(kitname)) { BGChat.printPlayerChat(player, "That kit doesn't exist!"); return; } if (KIT.get(player) == kitname) return; if (player.hasPermission("bg.kit." + kitname) || player.hasPermission("bg.kit.*") || (plugin.SIMP_REW && plugin.winner(player)) || (plugin.REW && plugin.reward.BOUGHT_KITS.get(player.getName()) != null && plugin.reward.BOUGHT_KITS.get(player.getName()).equals(kitname))) { if (KIT.containsKey(player)) { KIT.remove(player); } KIT.put(player, kitname); char[] stringArray = kitname.toCharArray(); stringArray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(stringArray[0]); kitname = new String(stringArray); BGChat.printPlayerChat(player, "You have chosen " + kitname + " as your kit."); setKitDisplayName(player, kitname); } else { BGChat.printPlayerChat(player, plugin.NO_KIT_MSG); return; } }
private static void setKitDisplayName(Player player, String kitname) { if (plugin.winner(player)) player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.GOLD + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); else if (player.hasPermission("bg.admin.color") || player.hasPermission("bg.admin.*")) player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.RED + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); else if (player.hasPermission("") || player.hasPermission("*")) player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.BLUE + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); else player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.WHITE + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); }
public class BGKit { private static BGMain plugin; static Logger log = BGMain.getPluginLogger(); static HashMap<Player, String> KIT = new HashMap<Player, String>(); public static ArrayList<String> kits = new ArrayList<String>(); public BGKit(BGMain instance) { plugin = instance; List<String> kitList = BGFiles.kitconf.getStringList("KITS"); for (String kit : kitList) { kit = kit.toLowerCase(); if (kit == "default") log.warning("There can not be a kit with the name 'default'!"); else kits.add(kit); } } public static void giveKit(Player p) { p.getInventory().clear(); p.getInventory().setHelmet(null); p.getInventory().setChestplate(null); p.getInventory().setLeggings(null); p.getInventory().setBoots(null); if (!KIT.containsKey(p)) { if (plugin.COMPASS.booleanValue()) { p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] {new ItemStack(Material.COMPASS, 1)}); } if (plugin.DEFAULT_KIT) { ConfigurationSection def = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection("default"); setKitDisplayName(p, "Default"); List<String> kititems = def.getStringList("ITEMS"); for (String item : kititems) { String[] oneitem = item.split(","); ItemStack i = null; Integer id = null; Integer amount = null; Short durability = null; if (oneitem[0].contains(":")) { String[] ITEM_ID = oneitem[0].split(":"); id = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(ITEM_ID[0])); amount = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[1])); durability = Short.valueOf(Short.parseShort(ITEM_ID[1])); i = new ItemStack(id.intValue(), amount.intValue(), durability.shortValue()); } else { id = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[0])); amount = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[1])); i = new ItemStack(id.intValue(), amount.intValue()); } if (oneitem.length == 4) { i.addUnsafeEnchantment( Enchantment.getById(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[2])), Integer.parseInt(oneitem[3])); } if ((id.intValue() < 298) || (317 < id.intValue())) { p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] {i}); } else if ((id.intValue() == 298) || (id.intValue() == 302) || (id.intValue() == 306) || (id.intValue() == 310) || (id.intValue() == 314)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setHelmet(i); } else if ((id.intValue() == 299) || (id.intValue() == 303) || (id.intValue() == 307) || (id.intValue() == 311) || (id.intValue() == 315)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setChestplate(i); } else if ((id.intValue() == 300) || (id.intValue() == 304) || (id.intValue() == 308) || (id.intValue() == 312) || (id.intValue() == 316)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setLeggings(i); } else if ((id.intValue() == 301) || (id.intValue() == 305) || (id.intValue() == 309) || (id.intValue() == 313) || (id.intValue() == 317)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setBoots(i); } } List<String> pots = def.getStringList("POTION"); for (String pot : pots) { if (pot != null & pot != "") { if (!pot.equals(0)) { String[] potion = pot.split(","); if (Integer.parseInt(potion[0]) != 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(potion[1]) == 0) { p.addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect( PotionEffectType.getById(Integer.parseInt(potion[0])), plugin.MAX_GAME_RUNNING_TIME * 1200, Integer.parseInt(potion[2]))); } else { p.addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect( PotionEffectType.getById(Integer.parseInt(potion[0])), Integer.parseInt(potion[1]) * 20, Integer.parseInt(potion[2]))); } } } } } } return; } String kitname = (String) KIT.get(p); ConfigurationSection kit = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection(kitname.toLowerCase()); List<String> kititems = kit.getStringList("ITEMS"); for (String item : kititems) { String[] oneitem = item.split(","); ItemStack i = null; Integer id = null; Integer amount = null; Short durability = null; if (oneitem[0].contains(":")) { String[] ITEM_ID = oneitem[0].split(":"); id = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(ITEM_ID[0])); amount = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[1])); durability = Short.valueOf(Short.parseShort(ITEM_ID[1])); i = new ItemStack(id.intValue(), amount.intValue(), durability.shortValue()); } else { id = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[0])); amount = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[1])); i = new ItemStack(id.intValue(), amount.intValue()); } if (oneitem.length == 4) { i.addUnsafeEnchantment( Enchantment.getById(Integer.parseInt(oneitem[2])), Integer.parseInt(oneitem[3])); } if ((id.intValue() < 298) || (317 < id.intValue())) { p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] {i}); } else if ((id.intValue() == 298) || (id.intValue() == 302) || (id.intValue() == 306) || (id.intValue() == 310) || (id.intValue() == 314)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setHelmet(i); } else if ((id.intValue() == 299) || (id.intValue() == 303) || (id.intValue() == 307) || (id.intValue() == 311) || (id.intValue() == 315)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setChestplate(i); } else if ((id.intValue() == 300) || (id.intValue() == 304) || (id.intValue() == 308) || (id.intValue() == 312) || (id.intValue() == 316)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setLeggings(i); } else if ((id.intValue() == 301) || (id.intValue() == 305) || (id.intValue() == 309) || (id.intValue() == 313) || (id.intValue() == 317)) { i.setAmount(1); p.getInventory().setBoots(i); } } List<String> pots = kit.getStringList("POTION"); for (String pot : pots) { if (pot != null & pot != "") { if (!pot.equals(0)) { String[] potion = pot.split(","); if (Integer.parseInt(potion[0]) != 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(potion[1]) == 0) { p.addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect( PotionEffectType.getById(Integer.parseInt(potion[0])), plugin.MAX_GAME_RUNNING_TIME * 1200, Integer.parseInt(potion[2]))); } else { p.addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect( PotionEffectType.getById(Integer.parseInt(potion[0])), Integer.parseInt(potion[1]) * 20, Integer.parseInt(potion[2]))); } } } } } if (plugin.COMPASS.booleanValue()) p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] {new ItemStack(Material.COMPASS, 1)}); } public static void setKit(Player player, String kitname) { kitname = kitname.toLowerCase(); kitname = kitname.replace(".", ""); ConfigurationSection kit = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection(kitname); if (kit == null && !kits.contains(kitname)) { BGChat.printPlayerChat(player, "That kit doesn't exist!"); return; } if (KIT.get(player) == kitname) return; if (player.hasPermission("bg.kit." + kitname) || player.hasPermission("bg.kit.*") || (plugin.SIMP_REW && plugin.winner(player)) || (plugin.REW && plugin.reward.BOUGHT_KITS.get(player.getName()) != null && plugin.reward.BOUGHT_KITS.get(player.getName()).equals(kitname))) { if (KIT.containsKey(player)) { KIT.remove(player); } KIT.put(player, kitname); char[] stringArray = kitname.toCharArray(); stringArray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(stringArray[0]); kitname = new String(stringArray); BGChat.printPlayerChat(player, "You have chosen " + kitname + " as your kit."); setKitDisplayName(player, kitname); } else { BGChat.printPlayerChat(player, plugin.NO_KIT_MSG); return; } } private static void setKitDisplayName(Player player, String kitname) { if (plugin.winner(player)) player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.GOLD + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); else if (player.hasPermission("bg.admin.color") || player.hasPermission("bg.admin.*")) player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.RED + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); else if (player.hasPermission("") || player.hasPermission("*")) player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.BLUE + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); else player.setDisplayName( "§8[" + kitname + "] §r" + ChatColor.WHITE + player.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE); } public static Boolean hasAbility(Player player, Integer ability) { if (!KIT.containsKey(player)) { if (plugin.DEFAULT_KIT) { ConfigurationSection def = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection("default"); List<Integer> s = def.getIntegerList("ABILITY"); for (Integer i : s) { if (i == ability) { return true; } continue; } return false; } else { return false; } } String kitname = getKit(player); ConfigurationSection kit = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection(kitname); List<Integer> s = kit.getIntegerList("ABILITY"); for (Integer i : s) { if (i == ability) { return true; } continue; } return false; } public static String getKit(Player player) { String kitname = KIT.get(player); return kitname; } public static int getCoins(String kitName) { ConfigurationSection def = BGFiles.kitconf.getConfigurationSection(kitName); return def.getInt("COINS"); } public static boolean isKit(String kitName) { if (kits.contains(kitName)) return true; return false; } }