public String toFormulaString(String[] operands) { if (space.isSet(field_1_options)) { return operands[0]; } else if (optiIf.isSet(field_1_options)) { return toFormulaString((Workbook) null) + "(" + operands[0] + ")"; } else if (optGoto.isSet(field_1_options)) { return toFormulaString((Workbook) null) + operands[0]; // goto isn't a real formula element should not show up } else { return toFormulaString((Workbook) null) + "(" + operands[0] + ")"; } }
public int getRecordSize() { int retval; if (getType() == STYLE_BUILT_IN) { retval = 8; } else { if (fHighByte.isSet(field_3_string_options)) { retval = 9 + 2 * getNameLength(); } else { retval = 9 + getNameLength(); } } return retval; }
protected void fillFields(RecordInputStream in) { fHighByte = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01); // have to init here, since we are being called // from super, and class level init hasnt been done. field_1_xf_index = in.readShort(); if (getType() == STYLE_BUILT_IN) { field_2_builtin_style = in.readByte(); field_3_outline_style_level = in.readByte(); } else if (getType() == STYLE_USER_DEFINED) { field_2_name_length = in.readShort(); field_3_string_options = in.readByte(); byte[] string = in.readRemainder(); if (fHighByte.isSet(field_3_string_options)) { field_4_name = StringUtil.getFromUnicodeBE(string, 0, field_2_name_length); } else { field_4_name = StringUtil.getFromCompressedUnicode(string, 0, field_2_name_length); } } // todo sanity check exception to make sure we're one or the other }
public String toFormulaString(Workbook book) { if (semiVolatile.isSet(field_1_options)) { return "ATTR(semiVolatile)"; } if (optiIf.isSet(field_1_options)) { return "IF"; } if (optiChoose.isSet(field_1_options)) { return "CHOOSE"; } if (optGoto.isSet(field_1_options)) { return ""; } if (sum.isSet(field_1_options)) { return "SUM"; } if (baxcel.isSet(field_1_options)) { return "ATTR(baxcel)"; } if (space.isSet(field_1_options)) { return ""; } return "UNKNOWN ATTRIBUTE"; }
public void setNotes(boolean printnotes) { field_6_options = notes.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, printnotes); }
public void setDraft(boolean d) { field_6_options = draft.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, d); }
/** Sets the custom number format field value. true if this object has a custom number format */ public void setCustomNumberFormat(boolean value) { field_3_options = customNumberFormat.setShortBoolean(field_3_options, value); }
/** Sets the stacked field value. series is stacked */ public void setStacked(boolean value) { field_1_formatFlags = stacked.setShortBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value); }
public boolean getNoOrientation() { return noOrientation.isSet(field_6_options); }
public void setOptimizedIf(boolean bif) { field_1_options = optiIf.setByteBoolean(field_1_options, bif); }
// option bitfields public boolean getLeftToRight() { return lefttoright.isSet(field_6_options); }
/** Sets the shadow field value. display a shadow for the chart */ public void setShadow(boolean value) { field_1_formatFlags = shadow.setShortBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value); }
/** * display a shadow for the chart * * @return the shadow field value. */ public boolean isShadow() { return shadow.isSet(field_1_formatFlags); }
/** * results displayed as percentages * * @return the display as percentage field value. */ public boolean isDisplayAsPercentage() { return displayAsPercentage.isSet(field_1_formatFlags); }
/** Sets the display as percentage field value. results displayed as percentages */ public void setDisplayAsPercentage(boolean value) { field_1_formatFlags = displayAsPercentage.setShortBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value); }
/** * series is stacked * * @return the stacked field value. */ public boolean isStacked() { return stacked.isSet(field_1_formatFlags); }
public void setNoOrientation(boolean orientation) { field_6_options = noOrientation.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, orientation); }
public boolean getValidSettings() { return validsettings.isSet(field_6_options); }
public void setUsePage(boolean page) { field_6_options = usepage.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, page); }
public boolean getDraft() { return draft.isSet(field_6_options); }
public boolean getLandscape() { return landscape.isSet(field_6_options); }
/** * Flags this ptg as a goto/jump * * @param isGoto */ public void setGoto(boolean isGoto) { field_1_options = optGoto.setByteBoolean(field_1_options, isGoto); }
public boolean getNoColor() { return nocolor.isSet(field_6_options); }
// option bitfields public void setLeftToRight(boolean ltor) { field_6_options = lefttoright.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, ltor); }
public boolean getNotes() { return notes.isSet(field_6_options); }
public void setLandscape(boolean ls) { field_6_options = landscape.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, ls); }
public boolean getUsePage() { return usepage.isSet(field_6_options); }
public void setValidSettings(boolean valid) { field_6_options = validsettings.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, valid); }
/** * true if this object has a custom number format * * @return the custom number format field value. */ public boolean isCustomNumberFormat() { return customNumberFormat.isSet(field_3_options); }
public void setNoColor(boolean mono) { field_6_options = nocolor.setShortBoolean(field_6_options, mono); }