Example #1
  * Converts source parameters to natural parameters.
  * @param L source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = (p_1, \cdots, p_k)\f$
  * @return natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = \left( \log \left( \frac{p_i}{p_k} \right)
  *     \right)_i \f$
 public PVector Lambda2Theta(PVector L) {
   PVector theta = new PVector(L.getDimension() - 1);
   theta.type = Parameter.TYPE.NATURAL_PARAMETER;
   for (int i = 0; i < L.getDimension() - 1; i++)
     theta.array[i] = Math.log(L.array[i] / L.array[L.getDimension() - 1]);
   return theta;
Example #2
  * Converts expectation parameters to source parameters.
  * @param H natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = (\eta_1, \cdots, \eta_{k-1})\f$
  * @return source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \begin{cases} p_i = \frac{\eta_i}{n} &
  *     \mbox{if $i<k$}\\ p_k = \frac{n - \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} \eta_j}{n} \end{cases}\f$
 public PVector Eta2Lambda(PVector H) {
   PVector L = new PVector(H.getDimension() + 1);
   L.type = Parameter.TYPE.SOURCE_PARAMETER;
   double sum = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < H.getDimension(); i++) {
     L.array[i] = H.array[i] / n;
     sum += H.array[i];
   L.array[H.getDimension()] = (n - sum) / n;
   return L;
Example #3
   * Computes \f$ \nabla G (\mathbf{H})\f$
   * @param H expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = (\eta_1, \cdots, \eta_{k-1}) \f$
   * @return \f$ \nabla G( \mathbf{H} ) = \left( \log \left( \frac{\eta_i}{n - \sum_{j=1}^{k-1}
   *     \eta_j} \right) \right)_i \f$
  public PVector gradG(PVector H) {

    // Sum
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < H.getDimension(); i++) sum += H.array[i];

    // Gradient
    PVector gradient = new PVector(H.getDimension());
    gradient.type = Parameter.TYPE.NATURAL_PARAMETER;
    for (int i = 0; i < H.getDimension(); i++) gradient.array[i] = Math.log(H.array[i] / (n - sum));

    // Return
    return gradient;
Example #4
   * Computes \f$ \nabla F ( \mathbf{\Theta} )\f$.
   * @param T naturel parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = (\theta_1, \cdots, \theta_{k-1}) \f$
   * @return \f$ \nabla F( \mathbf{\Theta} ) = \left( \frac{n \exp \theta_i}{1 + \sum_{j=1}^{k-1}
   *     \exp \theta_j} \right)_i \f$
  public PVector gradF(PVector T) {

    // Sum
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < T.getDimension(); i++) sum += Math.exp(T.array[i]);

    // Gradient
    PVector gradient = new PVector(T.getDimension());
    gradient.type = Parameter.TYPE.EXPECTATION_PARAMETER;
    for (int i = 0; i < T.getDimension(); i++)
      gradient.array[i] = (n * Math.exp(T.array[i])) / (1 + sum);

    // Return
    return gradient;
Example #5
   * Converts natural parameters to source parameters.
   * @param T natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = ( \theta_1, \cdots, \theta_{k-1} )\f$
   * @return source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \begin{cases} p_i = \frac{\exp \theta_i}{1 +
   *     \sum_{j=1}^{k-1}(\exp \theta_j)} & \mbox{if $i<k$}\\ p_k = \frac{1}{1 +
   *     \sum_{j=1}^{k-1}(\exp \theta_j)} \end{cases} \f$
  public PVector Theta2Lambda(PVector T) {

    // Sums
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < T.getDimension(); i++) sum += Math.exp(T.array[i]);

    // Conversion
    PVector lambda = new PVector(T.getDimension() + 1);
    lambda.type = Parameter.TYPE.SOURCE_PARAMETER;
    for (int i = 0; i < T.getDimension(); i++) lambda.array[i] = Math.exp(T.array[i]) / (1.0 + sum);
    lambda.array[T.getDimension()] = 1.0 / (1.0 + sum);

    // Return
    return lambda;
Example #6
  * Converts source parameters to expectation parameters.
  * @param L source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = p \f$
  * @return expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = p \f$
 public PVector Lambda2Eta(PVector L) {
   PVector H = new PVector(1);
   H.array[0] = L.array[0];
   return H;
Example #7
  * Converts natural parameters to source parameters.
  * @param T natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = \theta \f$
  * @return source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \frac{\exp\theta}{1+\exp\theta} \f$
 public PVector Theta2Lambda(PVector T) {
   PVector L = new PVector(1);
   L.array[0] = Math.exp(T.array[0]) / (1 + Math.exp(T.array[0]));
   L.type = Parameter.TYPE.SOURCE_PARAMETER;
   return L;
Example #8
  * Converts source parameters to natural parameters.
  * @param L source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = p \f$
  * @return natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = \log \left( \frac{p}{1-p} \right) \f$
 public PVector Lambda2Theta(PVector L) {
   PVector T = new PVector(1);
   T.array[0] = Math.log(L.array[0] / (1 - L.array[0]));
   T.type = Parameter.TYPE.NATURAL_PARAMETER;
   return T;
  * Computes the sufficient statistic \f$ t(x)\f$.
  * @param x a point
  * @return \f$ t(x) = x \f$
 public PVector t(PVector x) {
   PVector t = (PVector) x.clone();
   return t;
  * Computes \f$ \nabla G (\mathbf{H})\f$
  * @param H expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = \eta \f$
  * @return \f$ \nabla G(\mathbf{H}) = \eta \f$
 public PVector gradG(PVector H) {
   PVector gradient = (PVector) H.clone();
   gradient.type = Parameter.TYPE.NATURAL_PARAMETER;
   return gradient;
Example #11
  * Computes the sufficient statistic \f$ t(x)\f$.
  * @param x a point
  * @return \f$ t(x) = (x_1, \cdots, x_{k-1}) \f$
 public PVector t(PVector x) {
   PVector t = new PVector(x.getDimension() - 1);
   for (int i = 0; i < x.getDimension() - 1; i++) t.array[i] = x.array[i];
   return t;
Example #12
  * Computes \f$ \nabla G (\mathbf{H})\f$.
  * @param H expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = \eta \f$
  * @return \f$ \nabla G( \mathbf{H} ) = \log \left( \frac{\eta}{1-\eta} \right) \f$
 public PVector gradG(PVector H) {
   PVector gradient = new PVector(1);
   gradient.array[0] = Math.log(H.array[0] / (1 - H.array[0]));
   gradient.type = Parameter.TYPE.NATURAL_PARAMETER;
   return gradient;
  * Converts source parameters to expectation parameters.
  * @param L source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \mu \f$
  * @return expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = \mu \f$
 public PVector Lambda2Eta(PVector L) {
   PVector H = (PVector) L.clone();
   return H;
  * Converts source parameters to natural parameters.
  * @param L source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \mu \f$
  * @return natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = \mu \f$
 public PVector Lambda2Theta(PVector L) {
   PVector T = (PVector) L.clone();
   T.type = Parameter.TYPE.NATURAL_PARAMETER;
   return T;
Example #15
  * Converts source parameters to expectation parameters.
  * @param L source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = ( p_1, \cdots, p_k )\f$
  * @return expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = \left( n p_i \right)_i\f$
 public PVector Lambda2Eta(PVector L) {
   PVector H = new PVector(L.getDimension() - 1);
   for (int i = 0; i < L.getDimension() - 1; i++) H.array[i] = n * L.array[i];
   return H;
Example #16
  * Converts expectation parameters to source parameters.
  * @param H expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = \eta\f$
  * @return source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \eta \f$
 public PVector Eta2Lambda(PVector H) {
   PVector L = new PVector(1);
   L.array[0] = H.array[0];
   L.type = Parameter.TYPE.SOURCE_PARAMETER;
   return L;
Example #17
  * Computes \f$ \nabla F ( \mathbf{\Theta} )\f$.
  * @param T natural parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = \theta \f$
  * @return \f$ \nabla F( \mathbf{\Theta} ) = \frac{\exp \theta}{1 + \exp \theta} \f$
 public PVector gradF(PVector T) {
   PVector gradient = new PVector(1);
   gradient.array[0] = Math.exp(T.array[0]) / (1 + Math.exp(T.array[0]));
   gradient.type = Parameter.TYPE.EXPECTATION_PARAMETER;
   return gradient;
  * Converts expectation parameters to source parameters.
  * @param H expectation parameters \f$ \mathbf{H} = \eta \f$
  * @return source parameters \f$ \mathbf{\Lambda} = \eta \f$
 public PVector Eta2Lambda(PVector H) {
   PVector L = (PVector) H.clone();
   L.type = Parameter.TYPE.SOURCE_PARAMETER;
   return L;
Example #19
  * Computes the sufficient statistic \f$ t(x)\f$.
  * @param x a point
  * @return \f$ t(x) = x \f$
 public PVector t(PVector x) {
   PVector t = new PVector(1);
   t.array[0] = x.array[0];
   return t;
  * Computes \f$ \nabla F ( \mathbf{\Theta} )\f$.
  * @param T natural \f$ \mathbf{\Theta} = \theta \f$
  * @return \f$ \nabla F( \mathbf{\Theta} ) = \theta \f$
 public PVector gradF(PVector T) {
   PVector gradient = (PVector) T.clone();
   gradient.type = Parameter.TYPE.EXPECTATION_PARAMETER;
   return gradient;