public StabilityTrialResults evaluateOperation(StabilityTestBase e) {
    fatalError = null;

    for (int attempts = 0; attempts < 5; attempts++) {

      tools.setMemoryScale(attempts + 1);
      EvaluatorSlave.Results results = spawnChild ? tools.runTest(e) : tools.runTestNoSpawn(e);
      slaveMemoryMegaBytes = tools.getAllocatedMemory();

      if (results == null) {
        logStream.println("*** WTF runTest returned null = " + e.getTestName());
        fatalError = FatalError.RETURNED_NULL;
      } else if (results.failed == EvaluatorSlave.FailReason.USER_REQUESTED) {
            "    Slave was killed by the user/OS.  Stopping the benchmark.  op = "
                + e.getTestName());
        logStream.println("    error message: " + results.detailedError);
        System.out.println("  Slave was killed by the user/OS.  Stopping the benchmark.");
        System.out.println("    error message: " + results.detailedError);
      } else if (results.failed == EvaluatorSlave.FailReason.OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
        System.out.println("  Not enough memory given to slave. Attempt " + attempts);
            "Not enough memory for op.  Attempt num "
                + attempts
                + "  op = "
                + e.getTestName()
                + " memory "
                + tools.getAllocatedMemory());
        // have it run again, which will up the memory
      } else {
        if (results.failed != null) {
          fatalError = FatalError.MISC;
          if (results.failed == EvaluatorSlave.FailReason.TOO_SLOW) {
            logStream.println("    Slave: Case too slow = " + e.getTestName());
          } else if (results.failed == EvaluatorSlave.FailReason.FROZEN) {
            logStream.println("    Slave: Frozen = " + e.getTestName());
            fatalError = FatalError.FROZE;
          } else {
                "    Slave: Case failed = "
                    + results.failed
                    + " op = "
                    + e.getTestName()
                    + " memory "
                    + tools.getAllocatedMemory());
            if (results.detailedError != null) {

      // see if something very bad happened
      if (fatalError != null) return null;

      // collect all the results and return them
      StabilityTrialResults all = new StabilityTrialResults();

      for (TestResults t : results.getResults()) {
        StabilityTrialResults r = (StabilityTrialResults) t;

      return all;

    fatalError = FatalError.OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    return null;